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import panel as pn


The NotificationsArea component is a global component which allows users to display so called “toasts” that can provide information to a user. Notifications can be enabled by setting notifications=True via the pn.extension or by setting pn.config.notifications = True directly.


For details on other options for customizing the component see the layout and styling how-to guides.



  • position (str): The position of the notifications area.


  • .info(): Issues an info message

  • .error(): Issues an error message

  • .success(): Issues an success message

  • .warning(): Issues an warning message



  • duration (int): The duration to display the notification for (if set to zero the notification will be displayed until it has been destroyed or dismissed).

  • type (str): Whether the widget is editable


  • .destroy(): Destroys the notification

By default notifications last for the specified duration specified in milliseconds and defaulting to 3 seconds:

pn.state.notifications.error('This is an error notification.', duration=1000)'This is a info notification.', duration=2000)
pn.state.notifications.success('This is a success notification.')
pn.state.notifications.warning('This is a warning notification.', duration=4000);

Setting a duration of zero will cause the notification to stay in place until it is either manually dismissed in the UI or destroyed programmatically:

success = pn.state.notifications.success('This is a success notification.', duration=0)

We can destroy it programmatically using the destroy method:


Clear all#

To clear out all current notifications we can call the clear method:

pn.state.notifications.error('This is an error notification.', duration=0)'This is a info notification.', duration=0)
pn.state.notifications.success('This is a success notification.', duration=0)
pn.state.notifications.warning('This is a warning notification.', duration=0);

Custom types#

We are not limited by the four main types of notifications, by using the .send method we can provide a custom background and icon:

pn.state.notifications.send('Fire!!!', background='red', icon='<i class="fas fa-burn"></i>');


The position of the notification area can be controlled by setting the parameter on the state.notifications object, e.g.:

pn.state.notifications.position = 'top-right'

If you are viewing this page in a live notebook you will be able to change the position dynamically:

pn.state.notifications.send('Fire!!!', background='red', icon='<i class="fas fa-burn"></i>', duration=0);



To try notifications out yourself the NotificationArea components provide a convenient .demo() method. Note that to set a custom color you have to select the 'custom' type:

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