
import param
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn

import altair as alt
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import as pio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pn.extension('vega', 'plotly', defer_load=True, template='fast')
import hvplot.pandas


Let us start by configuring some high-level variables and configure the template:

XLABEL = 'GDP per capita (2000 dollars)'
YLABEL = 'Life expectancy (years)'
YLIM = (20, 90)
ACCENT = "#00A170"

PERIOD = 1000 # milliseconds

    title="Hans Rosling's Gapminder",
<param.parameterized._ParametersRestorer object at 0x1186a8550>

Extract the dataset#

First, we’ll get the data into a Pandas dataframe. We use the built in cache to speed up the app.

def get_dataset():
    url = ''
    return pd.read_csv(url)

dataset = get_dataset()

YEARS = [int(year) for year in dataset.year.unique()]

country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
852 Kuwait 1952 160000.0 Asia 55.565 108382.352900
1647 Vietnam 1967 39463910.0 Asia 47.838 637.123289
1213 Philippines 1957 26072194.0 Asia 51.334 1547.944844
257 Central African Republic 1977 2167533.0 Africa 46.775 1109.374338
624 Guinea-Bissau 1952 580653.0 Africa 32.500 299.850319
555 Gambia 1967 439593.0 Africa 35.857 734.782912
1608 United States 1952 157553000.0 Americas 68.440 13990.482080
199 Burkina Faso 1987 7586551.0 Africa 49.557 912.063142
987 Mexico 1967 47995559.0 Americas 60.110 5754.733883
1580 Turkey 1992 58179144.0 Europe 66.146 5678.348271

Set up widgets and description#

Next we will set up a periodic callback to allow cycling through the years, set up the widgets to control the application and write an introduction:

def play():
    if year.value == YEARS[-1]:
        year.value = YEARS[0]

    index = YEARS.index(year.value)
    year.value = YEARS[index+1]    

year = pn.widgets.DiscreteSlider(
    value=YEARS[-1], options=YEARS, name="Year", width=280
show_legend = pn.widgets.Checkbox(value=True, name="Show Legend")

periodic_callback = pn.state.add_periodic_callback(play, start=False, period=PERIOD)
player = pn.widgets.Checkbox.from_param(periodic_callback.param.running, name="Autoplay")

widgets = pn.Column(year, player, show_legend, margin=(0,15))

desc = """## 🎓 Info

The [Panel]( library from [HoloViz](
lets you make widget-controlled apps and dashboards from a wide variety of 
plotting libraries and data types. Here you can try out four different plotting libraries
controlled by a couple of widgets, for Hans Rosling's 
[gapminder]( example.

Source: [pyviz-topics - gapminder](

settings = pn.Column(
    "## ⚙️ Settings", widgets, desc,


Define plotting functions#

Now let’s define helper functions and functions to plot this dataset with Matplotlib, Plotly, Altair, and hvPlot (using HoloViews and Bokeh).

def get_data(year):
    df = dataset[(dataset.year==year) & (dataset.gdpPercap < 10000)].copy()
    df['size'] = np.sqrt(df['pop']*2.666051223553066e-05)
    df['size_hvplot'] = df['size']*6
    return df

def get_title(library, year):
    return f"{library}: Life expectancy vs. GDP, {year}"

def get_xlim(data):
    return (data['gdpPercap'].min()-100,data['gdpPercap'].max()+1000)

def mpl_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Matplotlib", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)

    plot = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6), facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    ax = plot.add_subplot(111)

    for continent, df in data.groupby('continent'):
        ax.scatter(df.gdpPercap, y=df.lifeExp, s=df['size']*5,
                   edgecolor='black', label=continent)

    if show_legend:

    return plot

pio.templates.default = None

def plotly_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Plotly", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)

    traces = []
    for continent, df in data.groupby('continent'):
        marker=dict(symbol='circle', sizemode='area', sizeref=0.1, size=df['size'], line=dict(width=2))
        traces.append(go.Scatter(x=df.gdpPercap, y=df.lifeExp, mode='markers', marker=marker, name=continent,

    axis_opts = dict(gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)', zerolinewidth=1, ticklen=5, gridwidth=2)
    layout = go.Layout(
        title=title, showlegend=show_legend,
        xaxis=dict(title=XLABEL, type='log', **axis_opts),
        yaxis=dict(title=YLABEL, **axis_opts),
        autosize=True, paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)',
    return go.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)

def altair_view(year=1952, show_legend=True, height="container", width="container"):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("Altair/ Vega", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)
    legend= ({} if show_legend else {'legend': None})
    return (
                alt.X('gdpPercap:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type='log'), axis=alt.Axis(title=XLABEL)),
                alt.Y('lifeExp:Q', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False, domain=YLIM), axis=alt.Axis(title=YLABEL)),
                size=alt.Size('pop:Q', scale=alt.Scale(type="log"), legend=None),
                color=alt.Color('continent', scale=alt.Scale(scheme="category10"), **legend),
            .properties(title=title, height=height, width=width, background='rgba(0,0,0,0)') 

def hvplot_view(year=1952, show_legend=True):
    data = get_data(year)
    title = get_title("hvPlot/ Bokeh", year)
    xlim = get_xlim(data)
    return data.hvplot.scatter(
        'gdpPercap', 'lifeExp', by='continent', s='size_hvplot', alpha=0.8,
        logx=True, title=title, responsive=True, legend='bottom_right',
        hover_cols=['country'], ylim=YLIM, xlim=xlim, ylabel=YLABEL, xlabel=XLABEL

Bind the plot functions to the widgets#

mpl_view    = pn.bind(mpl_view,    year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
plotly_view = pn.bind(plotly_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
altair_view = pn.bind(altair_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)
hvplot_view = pn.bind(hvplot_view, year=year, show_legend=show_legend)

plots = pn.GridBox(
    pn.pane.HoloViews(hvplot_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
    pn.pane.Plotly(plotly_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
    pn.pane.Matplotlib(mpl_view, format='png', sizing_mode='scale_both', tight=True, margin=10),
    pn.pane.Vega(altair_view, sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=10),
