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import panel as pn


The PDF pane embeds an .pdf document in a panel if provided a local path, or will link to a remote file if provided a URL.


For details on other options for customizing the component see the layout and styling how-to guides.

  • embed (boolean, default=False): If given a URL to a file this determines whether the image will be embedded as base64 or merely linked to.

  • object (str or object): The PDF file to display. Can be a string pointing to a local or remote file, or an object with a _repr_pdf_ method.

  • start_page (int): Start page of the .pdf file when loading the page.

  • style (dict): Dictionary specifying CSS styles.

The PDF pane can be pointed at any local or remote .pdf file. If given a URL starting with http or https, the embed parameter determines whether the image will be embedded or linked to:

pdf_pane = pn.pane.PDF('https://assets.holoviz.org/panel/samples/pdf_sample.pdf', width=700, height=1000)


Like any other pane, the PDF pane can be updated by setting the object parameter:

pdf_pane.object = 'https://assets.holoviz.org/panel/samples/pdf_sample2.pdf'

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