panel.widgets Package#

widgets Package#

Panel widgets makes your data exploration and apps interactive#

Panel provides a long range of basic and specialized widgets.

Check out the widget gallery for inspiration.

How to use Panel widgets in 4 simple steps#

  1. Define your function

>>> def my_func(value1, value2):
...    ...
...    return some_python_object
  1. Define your widgets

>>> widget1 = pn.widgets.SomeWidget(value=..., ...).servable(area='sidebar')
>>> widget2 = pn.widgets.AnotherWidget(value=..., ...).servable(area='sidebar')
  1. Bind the function to your widgets

>>> interactive_func = pn.bind(my_func, value1=widget1, value2=widget2)
  1. Layout your interactive function in a panel, Column, Row or similar

>>> pn.panel(interactive_func).servable()

For more detail see the Getting Started Guide

class panel.widgets.ArrayInput(*, max_array_size, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: LiteralInput

The ArrayInput allows rendering and editing NumPy arrays in a text input widget.

Arrays larger than the max_array_size will be summarized and editing will be disabled.



>>> To be determined ...

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.LiteralInput: width, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value

max_array_size = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max array size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30555e510>)

Arrays larger than this limit will be allowed in Python but will not be serialized into JavaScript. Although such large arrays will thus not be editable in the widget, such a restriction helps avoid overwhelming the browser and lets other widgets remain usable.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.AutocompleteInput(*, case_sensitive, description, min_characters, options, placeholder, restrict, search_strategy, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The MultiChoice widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.

The MultiChoice widget provides a much more compact UI than MultiSelect.



>>> AutocompleteInput(
...     name='Study', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'],
...     placeholder='Write your study here ...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054ba050>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

case_sensitive = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Case sensitive’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3051b50d0>)

Enable or disable case sensitivity.

min_characters = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Min characters’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054bbf90>)

The number of characters a user must type before completions are presented.

options = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054bbe10>)

A list of completion strings. This will be used to guide the user upon typing the beginning of a desired value.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054b8750>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

restrict = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Restrict’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054baa90>)

Set to False in order to allow users to enter text that is not present in the list of completion strings.

search_strategy = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’starts_with’, label=’Search strategy’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘starts_with’, ‘includes’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054b8750>)

Define how to search the list of completion strings. The default option “starts_with” means that the user’s text must match the start of a completion string. Using “includes” means that the user’s text can match any substring of a completion string.

value = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054b85d0>)

Initial or entered text value updated when <enter> key is pressed.

value_input = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value input’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054b8490>)

Initial or entered text value updated on every key press.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054b9e90>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.BooleanStatus(*, color, throttle, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: BooleanIndicator

The BooleanStatus is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of a boolean status as filled or non-filled circle.

If the value is set to True the indicator will be filled while setting it to False will cause it to be non-filled.



>>> BooleanStatus(value=True, color='primary', width=100, height=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanIndicator: throttle

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054f6e50>)

height of the circle.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054d2850>)

Width of the circle.

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054f50d0>)

Whether the indicator is active or not.

color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’dark’, label=’Color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054f43d0>)

The color of the circle, one of ‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Button(*, clicks, value, button_style, button_type, icon, icon_size, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, _ClickButton, IconMixin, TooltipMixin

The Button widget allows triggering events when the button is clicked.

The Button provides a value parameter, which will toggle from False to True while the click event is being processed

It also provides an additional clicks parameter, that can be watched to subscribe to click events.



>>> pn.widgets.Button(name='Click me', icon='caret-right', button_type='primary')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054f6950>)

Number of clicks (can be listened to)

value = param.Event(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3054f4e90>)

Toggles from False to True while the event is being processed.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Button to those on the target object in Javascript (JS) code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value(s) to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally. Default is False.

  • **links (dict[str,str]) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


The Link can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the Button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks


>>> button = pn.widgets.Button(name='Click me')
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print("I was clicked!")
>>> button.on_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the button is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.ButtonIcon(*, clicks, toggle_duration, active_icon, icon, size, value, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ClickableIcon, _ClickButton, TooltipMixin

The ButtonIcon widget facilitates event triggering upon button clicks.

This widget displays a default icon initially. Upon being clicked, an active_icon appears for a specified toggle_duration.

For instance, the ButtonIcon can be effectively utilized to implement a feature akin to ChatGPT’s copy-to-clipboard button.

The button incorporates a value attribute, which alternates between False and True as the click event is processed.

Furthermore, it includes an clicks attribute, enabling subscription to click events for further actions or monitoring.



>>> button_icon = pn.widgets.ButtonIcon(
...     icon='clipboard',
...     active_icon='check',
...     description='Copy',
...     toggle_duration=2000
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.icon._ClickableIcon: active_icon, icon, size

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30554bd90>)

Toggles from False to True while the event is being processed.

clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305549850>)

The number of times the button has been clicked.

toggle_duration = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=75, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Toggle duration’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305549e10>)

The number of milliseconds the active_icon should be shown for and how long the button should be disabled for.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks.


callback ((Callable[[param.parameterized.Event], None])) – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the MenuButton is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.CheckBoxGroup(*, inline, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _CheckGroupBase

The CheckBoxGroup widget allows selecting between a list of options by ticking the corresponding checkboxes.

It falls into the broad category of multi-option selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector and CheckButtonGroup widgets.



>>> CheckBoxGroup(
...     name='Fruits', value=['Apple', 'Pear'], options=['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear', 'Strawberry'],
...     inline=True
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

inline = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Inline’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055388d0>)

Whether the items be arrange vertically (False) or horizontally in-line (True).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.CheckButtonGroup(*, orientation, value, options, button_style, button_type, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _CheckGroupBase, _ButtonBase, TooltipMixin

The CheckButtonGroup widget allows selecting between a list of options by toggling the corresponding buttons.

It falls into the broad category of multi-option selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector and CheckBoxGroup widgets.



>>> CheckButtonGroup(
...     name='Regression Models', value=['Lasso', 'Ridge'],
...     options=['Lasso', 'Linear', 'Ridge', 'Polynomial']
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style options value

orientation = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’horizontal’, label=’Orientation’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055b8510>)

Button group orientation, either ‘horizontal’ (default) or ‘vertical’.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Checkbox(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _BooleanWidget

The Checkbox allows toggling a single condition between True/False states by ticking a checkbox.

This widget is interchangeable with the Toggle widget.



>>> Checkbox(name='Works with the tools you know and love', value=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.input._BooleanWidget: value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.CodeEditor(*, annotations, filename, language, print_margin, readonly, theme, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The CodeEditor widget allows displaying and editing code in the powerful Ace editor.



>>> CodeEditor(value=py_code, language='python', theme='monokai')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

annotations = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Annotations’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055cfd90>)

List of annotations to add to the editor.

filename = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055e2e50>)

Filename from which to deduce language

language = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’text’, label=’Language’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055cfa10>)

Language of the editor

print_margin = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Print margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055e1450>)

Whether to show the a print margin.

readonly = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Readonly’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055cd4d0>)

Define if editor content can be modified. Alias for disabled.

theme = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’chrome’, label=’Theme’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘ambiance’, ‘chaos’, ‘chrome’, ‘clouds’, ‘clouds_midnight’, ‘cobalt’, ‘crimson_editor’, ‘dawn’, ‘dracula’, ‘dreamweaver’, ‘eclipse’, ‘github’, ‘gob’, ‘gruvbox’, ‘idle_fingers’, ‘iplastic’, ‘katzenmilch’, ‘kr_theme’, ‘kuroir’, ‘merbivore’, ‘merbivore_soft’, ‘mono_industrial’, ‘monokai’, ‘pastel_on_dark’, ‘solarized_dark’, ‘solarized_light’, ‘sqlserver’, ‘terminal’, ‘textmate’, ‘tomorrow’, ‘tomorrow_night’, ‘tomorrow_night_blue’, ‘tomorrow_night_bright’, ‘tomorrow_night_eighties’, ‘twilight’, ‘vibrant_ink’, ‘xcode’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055e3550>)

Theme of the editor

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055cd4d0>)

State of the current code in the editor

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.ColorPicker(*, description, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The ColorPicker widget allows selecting a hexadecimal RGB color value using the browser’s color-picking widget.



>>> ColorPicker(name='Color', value='#99ef78')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=52, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305601cd0>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055f5110>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

value = param.Color(allow_None=True, allow_named=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305600750>)

The selected color

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.CompositeWidget(*, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

A baseclass for widgets which are made up of two or more other widgets

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.CrossSelector(*, definition_order, filter_fn, size, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, MultiSelect

A composite widget which allows selecting from a list of items by moving them between two lists. Supports filtering values by name to select them in bulk.



>>> CrossSelector(
...     name='Fruits', value=['Apple', 'Pear'],
...     options=['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear', 'Strawberry']
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled options value, description

height = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=200, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305650650>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=600, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305653750>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056513d0>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

filter_fn = param.Callable(allow_refs=False, label=’Filter fn’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3050aa410>)

The filter function applied when querying using the text fields, defaults to Function is two arguments, the query or pattern and the item label.

definition_order = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Definition order’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305651650>)

Whether to preserve definition order after filtering. Disable to allow the order of selection to define the order of the selected list.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

filter_fn(string, flags=0)[source]#

Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning a Match object, or None if no match was found.

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_double_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a MultiSelect option is double-clicked.

The callback is given an DoubleClickEvent argument


>>> select = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(options=["A", "B", "C"])
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print(f"Option {event.option} was double clicked.")
>>> select.on_double_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DataFrame(value=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: BaseTable

The DataFrame widget allows displaying and editing a pandas DataFrame.

Note that editing is not possible for multi-indexed DataFrames, in which case you will need to reduce the DataFrame to a single index.

Also note that the DataFrame widget will eventually be replaced with the Tabulator widget, and so new code should be written to use Tabulator instead.



>>> DataFrame(df, name='DataFrame')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.tables.BaseTable: selection, aggregators, editors, formatters, hierarchical, row_height, show_index, sorters, text_align, titles, widths, value

auto_edit = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Auto edit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056450d0>)

Whether clicking on a table cell automatically starts edit mode.

autosize_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’force_fit’, label=’Autosize mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘none’, ‘fit_columns’, ‘fit_viewport’, ‘force_fit’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056bcb50>)

Determines the column autosizing mode, as one of the following options: "fit_columns" Compute column widths based on cell contents while ensuring the table fits into the available viewport. This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is not enough space available. "fit_viewport" Adjust the viewport size after computing column widths based on cell contents. "force_fit" Fit columns into available space dividing the table width across the columns equally (equivalent to fit_columns=True). This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is not enough space available. "none" Do not automatically compute column widths.

fit_columns = param.Boolean(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Fit columns’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305696e10>)

Whether columns should expand to the available width. This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is no enough space available.

frozen_columns = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Frozen columns’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056bccd0>)

Integer indicating the number of columns to freeze. If set, the first N columns will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame.

frozen_rows = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Frozen rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056bd3d0>)

Integer indicating the number of rows to freeze. If set, the first N rows will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame; if set to a negative value the last N rows will be frozen.

reorderable = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Reorderable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056bc450>)

Allows the reordering of a table’s columns. To reorder a column, click and drag a table’s header to the desired location in the table. The columns on either side will remain in their previous order.

sortable = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Sortable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305696e10>)

Allows to sort table’s contents. By default natural order is preserved. To sort a column, click on its header. Clicking one more time changes sort direction. Use Ctrl + click to return to natural order. Use Shift + click to sort multiple columns simultaneously.

add_filter(filter, column=None)[source]#

Adds a filter to the table which can be a static value or dynamic parameter based object which will automatically update the table when changed..

When a static value, widget or parameter is supplied the filtering will follow a few well defined behaviors:

  • scalar: Filters by checking for equality

  • tuple: A tuple will be interpreted as range.

  • list: A list will be interpreted as a set of discrete

    scalars and the filter will check if the values in the column match any of the items in the list.

  • filter (Widget, param.Parameter or FunctionType) – The value by which to filter the DataFrame along the declared column, or a function accepting the DataFrame to be filtered and returning a filtered copy of the DataFrame.

  • column (str or None) – Column to which the filter will be applied, if the filter is a constant value, widget or parameter.


ValueError – If the filter type is not supported or no column: was declared.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

property current_view#

Returns the current view of the table after filtering and sorting are applied.

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

patch(patch_value, as_index=True)[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.

  • patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.

  • as_index (boolean) – Whether to treat the patch index as DataFrame indexes (True) or as simple integer index.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}


Removes a filter which was previously added.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


property selected_dataframe#

Returns a DataFrame of the currently selected rows.

servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

stream(stream_value, rollover=None, reset_index=True)[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover (int) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • reset_index ((bool, default=True)) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.DatePicker(*, description, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, end, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The DatePicker allows selecting a date value using a text box and a date-picking utility.



>>> DatePicker(
...     value=date(2025,1,1),
...     start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...     name='Date'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3055ae590>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

value = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e5a10>)

The current value

start = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e7c90>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e5790>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

disabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Disabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e7510>)

enabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Enabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e4990>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056e7890>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DateRangePicker(*, description, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, end, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The DateRangePicker allows selecting a date range using a text box and a date-picking utility.



>>> DateRangePicker(
...     value=(date(2025,1,1), date(2025,1,5)),
...     start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...     name='Date range'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056c5a10>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057021d0>)

The current value

start = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056c5a10>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305702250>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

disabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Disabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056c7210>)

enabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Enabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057017d0>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056c78d0>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DateRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateRangeSlider widget allows selecting a date range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=2,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572dc90>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when one of the handles is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime,, and np.datetime64 ranges.

value_start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value start’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572f5d0>)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value end’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572c350>)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572f7d0>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated one of the handles is released. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572c650>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572f950>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572eb10>)

The step size in days. Default is 1 day.

format = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30572d6d0>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DateSlider(*, as_datetime, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateSlider widget allows selecting a value within a set of bounds using a slider. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 values. The step size is fixed at 1 day.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateSlider(
...     value=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 7),
...     name="A datetime value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056d4c50>)

The selected date value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime, or np.datetime64 types.

value_throttled = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305724a90>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is released.

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056d7d90>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057248d0>)

The upper bound.

as_datetime = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’As datetime’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060ca550>)

Whether to store the date as a datetime.

step = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305727050>)

The step parameter in milliseconds.

format = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3056f9a10>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DatetimeInput(*, end, format, start, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: LiteralInput

The DatetimeInput allows specifying Python datetime like values using a text input widget.

An optional type may be declared.



>>> DatetimeInput(name='Datetime', value=datetime(2019, 2, 8))

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.LiteralInput: width, description, placeholder, serializer, type

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30573c9d0>)

The current value

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30574e0d0>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30573c9d0>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30574d890>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the datetime.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


alias of datetime

class panel.widgets.DatetimePicker(*, mode, value, as_numpy_datetime64, description, disabled_dates, enable_seconds, enable_time, enabled_dates, end, military_time, start, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _DatetimePickerBase

The DatetimePicker allows selecting selecting a datetime value using a textbox and a datetime-picking utility.



>>> DatetimePicker(
...    value=datetime(2025,1,1,22,0),
...    start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...    military_time=True, name='Date and time'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._DatetimePickerBase: width, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, enable_time, enable_seconds, end, military_time, start, description, as_numpy_datetime64

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305758750>)

mode = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’single’, label=’Mode’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30575a110>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DatetimeRangeInput(*, end, format, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The DatetimeRangeInput widget allows selecting a datetime range using two DatetimeInput widgets, which return a tuple range.



>>> DatetimeRangeInput(
...     name='Datetime Range',
...     value=(datetime(2017, 1, 1), datetime(2018, 1, 10)),
...     start=datetime(2017, 1, 1), end=datetime(2019, 1, 1),
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

value = param.Tuple(allow_refs=False, default=(None, None), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30575e590>)

The current value

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057c5e90>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057c48d0>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057c5e10>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the datetime.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DatetimeRangePicker(*, mode, value, as_numpy_datetime64, description, disabled_dates, enable_seconds, enable_time, enabled_dates, end, military_time, start, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _DatetimePickerBase

The DatetimeRangePicker allows selecting selecting a datetime range using a text box and a datetime-range-picking utility.



>>> DatetimeRangePicker(
...    value=(datetime(2025,1,1,22,0), datetime(2025,1,2,22,0)),
...    start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...    military_time=True, name='Datetime Range'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._DatetimePickerBase: width, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, enable_time, enable_seconds, end, military_time, start, description, as_numpy_datetime64

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30578fcd0>)

The current value

mode = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’range’, label=’Mode’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30573d690>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DatetimeRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: DateRangeSlider

The DatetimeRangeSlider widget allows selecting a datetime range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DatetimeRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=10000,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.DateRangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, start, end, format

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=60000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057b1550>)

The step size in ms. Default is 1 min.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Debugger(*, _number_of_errors, _number_of_infos, _number_of_warnings, formatter_args, level, logger_names, only_last, active_header_background, button_css_classes, collapsed, collapsible, header, header_background, header_color, header_css_classes, hide_header, title, title_css_classes, auto_scroll_limit, scroll_button_threshold, scroll_position, view_latest, scroll, objects, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Card

A uneditable Card layout holding a terminal printing out logs from your callbacks. By default, it will only print exceptions. If you want to add your own log, use the panel.callbacks logger within your callbacks: logger = logging.getLogger(‘panel.callbacks’)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, margin, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.layout.base.ListLike: objects

panel.layout.base.ListPanel: scroll

panel.layout.base.Column: auto_scroll_limit, scroll_button_threshold, scroll_position, view_latest

panel.layout.card.Card: css_classes, active_header_background, button_css_classes, collapsible, collapsed, header, header_background, header_color, header_css_classes, hide_header, title_css_classes, title

_number_of_errors = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of errors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057a1950>)

Number of logged errors since last acknowledged.

_number_of_warnings = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of warnings’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057b0d90>)

Number of logged warnings since last acknowledged.

_number_of_infos = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of infos’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057a1950>)

Number of logged information since last acknowledged.

only_last = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Only last’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057650d0>)

Whether only the last stack is printed or the full.

level = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=40, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Level’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057a0390>)

Logging level to print in the debugger terminal.

formatter_args = param.Dict(allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={‘fmt’: ‘%(asctime)s [%(name)s - %(levelname)s]: %(message)s’}, label=’Formatter args’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057be2d0>)

Arguments to pass to the logging formatter. See the standard python logging libraries.

logger_names = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), class_=<class ‘str’>, default=[‘panel’], item_type=<class ‘str’>, label=’Logger names’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057a0650>)

Loggers which will be prompted in the debugger terminal.

append(obj: Any) None[source]#

Appends an object to the layout.


(object) (obj)

clear() list[Viewable][source]#

Clears the objects on this layout.


objects (list[Viewable])

Return type:

List of cleared objects.

clone(*objects: Any, **params: Any) ListLike[source]#

Makes a copy of the layout sharing the same parameters.

  • objects (Objects to add to the cloned layout.)

  • params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned layout object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

extend(objects: Iterable[Any]) None[source]#

Extends the objects on this layout with a list.


(list) (objects)

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

index(object) int[source]#

Returns the integer index of the supplied object in the list of objects.


(object) (obj)


index (int)

Return type:

Integer index of the object in the layout.

insert(index: int, obj: Any) None[source]#

Inserts an object in the layout at the specified index.

  • (int) (index)

  • (object) (object)

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

pop(index: int) Viewable[source]#

Pops an item from the layout by index.


(int) (index)

remove(obj: Viewable) None[source]#

Removes an object from the layout.


(object) (obj)

reverse() None[source]#

Reverses the objects in the layout.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Dial(*, annulus_width, background, bounds, colors, default_color, end_angle, format, label_color, nan_format, needle_color, needle_width, start_angle, tick_size, title_size, unfilled_color, value_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A Dial represents a value in some range as a position on an annular dial. It is similar to a Gauge but more minimal visually.



>>> Dial(name='Speed', value=79, format="{value} km/h", bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=250, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306010a10>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=250, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012a50>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306010ad0>)

Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.

annulus_width = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Annulus width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012990>)

Width of the radial annulus as a fraction of the total.

background = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Background’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306058510>)

Background color of the component.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012110>)

The upper and lower bound of the dial.

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30573c210>)

Color thresholds for the Dial, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’lightblue’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306011d10>)

Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.

end_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012310>)

Angle at which the dial ends.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306011fd0>)

Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.

label_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Label color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30605aad0>)

Color for all extraneous labels.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306010350>)

How to format nan values.

needle_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Needle color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30605aad0>)

Color of the Dial needle.

needle_width = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Needle width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012410>)

Radial width of the needle.

start_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=-205, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012d90>)

Angle at which the dial starts.

tick_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Tick size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060100d0>)

Font size of the Dial min/max labels.

title_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30605aad0>)

Font size of the Dial title.

unfilled_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’whitesmoke’, label=’Unfilled color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306012190>)

Color of the unfilled region of the Dial.

value_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30605aad0>)

Font size of the Dial value label.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DiscretePlayer(*, value, value_throttled, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: PlayerBase, SelectBase

The DiscretePlayer provides controls to iterate through a list of discrete options. The speed at which the widget plays is defined by the interval (in milliseconds), but it is also possible to skip items using the step parameter.



>>> DiscretePlayer(
...     name='Discrete Player',
...     options=[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], value=32,
...     loop_policy='loop'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled options

panel.widgets.player.PlayerBase: height, width, direction, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step

interval = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Interval’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30600e590>)

Interval between updates

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30603b8d0>)

Current player value

value_throttled = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30603a050>)

Current player value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.DiscreteSlider(*, formatter, options, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The DiscreteSlider widget allows selecting a value from a discrete list or dictionary of values using a slider.



>>> DiscreteSlider(
...     value=0,
...     options=list([0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]),
...     name="A discrete value",
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057fad50>)

The selected value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged. Must be one of the options.

value_throttled = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060b5990>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

options = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘list’>), default=[], label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3057fb290>)

A list or dictionary of valid options.

formatter = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%.3g’, label=’Formatter’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060b5a10>)

A custom format string. Separate from format parameter since formatting is applied in Python, not via the bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


property labels#

The list of labels to display

Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

property values#

The list of option values

class panel.widgets.EditableFloatSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, FloatSlider

The EditableFloatSlider widget allows selecting selecting a numeric floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable number input box.



>>> EditableFloatSlider(
...     value=1.0, start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A float value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.FloatSlider: start, end, step, value, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060681d0>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306090f10>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.EditableIntSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, IntSlider

The EditableIntSlider widget allows selecting selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable integer input box.



>>> EditableIntSlider(
...     value=2, start=0, end=5, step=1, name="An integer value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.IntSlider: start, end, step, value, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306042590>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060dd890>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.EditableRangeSlider(*, editable, end, fixed_end, fixed_start, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The EditableRangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles and for more precise control also offers a set of number input boxes.



>>> EditableRangeSlider(
...      value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

show_value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Show value’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30609fed0>)

Whether to show the widget value.

value = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e4810>)

Current range value. Updated when a handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Range(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e4c90>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e4810>)

Lower bound of the range.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e4d10>)

Upper bound of the range.

fixed_start = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e4f10>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e5110>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e5290>)

Slider and number input step.

editable = param.Tuple(allow_refs=False, default=(True, True), label=’Editable’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30604b5d0>)

Whether the lower and upper values are editable.

format = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter’>), default=’0.0[0000]’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306049390>)

Allows defining a custom format string or bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.FileDownload(file=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: IconMixin

The FileDownload widget allows a user to download a file.

It works either by sending the file data to the browser on initialization (`embed`=True), or when the button is clicked.



>>> FileDownload(file='IntroductionToPanel.ipynb', filename='intro.ipynb')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

auto = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Auto’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099a50>)

Whether to download on the initial click or allow for right-click save as.

button_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’default’, label=’Button type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘primary’, ‘success’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘light’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099910>)

A button theme; should be one of ‘default’ (white), ‘primary’ (blue), ‘success’ (green), ‘info’ (yellow), ‘light’ (light), or ‘danger’ (red).

button_style = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’solid’, label=’Button style’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘solid’, ‘outline’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099250>)

A button style to switch between ‘solid’, ‘outline’.

callback = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Callback’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099e50>)

A callable that returns the file path or file-like object.

data = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Data’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099a50>)

The data being transferred.

embed = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Embed’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060987d0>)

Whether to embed the file on initialization.

file = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’File’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099890>)

The file, Path, file-like object or file contents to transfer. If the file is not pointing to a file on disk a filename must also be provided.

filename = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060987d0>)

A filename which will also be the default name when downloading the file.

label = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’Download file’, label=’Label’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099890>)

The label of the download button

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306099250>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

_clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30609b1d0>)

_transfers = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ transfers’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30609a310>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.FileInput(*, accept, description, filename, mime_type, multiple, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The FileInput allows the user to upload one or more files to the server.

It makes the filename, MIME type and (bytes) content available in Python.

Please note

  • you can in fact drag and drop files onto the FileInput.

  • you easily save the files using the save method.



>>> FileInput(accept='.png,.jpeg', multiple=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

accept = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Accept’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062423d0>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x305796290>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

filename = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>), label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306240750>)

mime_type = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>), label=’Mime type’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060e87d0>)

multiple = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Multiple’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3060ea6d0>)

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306242e50>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.


Saves the uploaded FileInput data object(s) to file(s) or BytesIO object(s).


list[str]) (filename (str or)

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.FileSelector(directory: AnyStr | PathLike | None = None, **params)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The FileSelector widget allows browsing the filesystem on the server and selecting one or more files in a directory.



>>> FileSelector(directory='~', file_pattern='*.png')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

directory = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’/Users/runner/work/panel/panel/doc’, label=’Directory’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062314d0>)

The directory to explore.

file_pattern = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’*’, label=’File pattern’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306233310>)

A glob-like pattern to filter the files.

only_files = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Only files’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306232610>)

Whether to only allow selecting files.

show_hidden = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Show hidden’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306233d50>)

Whether to show hidden files and directories (starting with a period).

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306262e50>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

refresh_period = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Refresh period’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306263b10>)

If set to non-None value indicates how frequently to refresh the directory contents in milliseconds.

root_directory = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Root directory’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062314d0>)

If set, overrides directory parameter as the root directory beyond which users cannot navigate.

value = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306233d50>)

List of selected files.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.FloatInput(*, step, value_throttled, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, mode, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase, _FloatInputBase

The FloatInput allows selecting a floating point value using a spinbox.

It behaves like a slider except that the lower and upper bounds are optional and a specific value can be entered. The value can be changed using the keyboard (up, down, page up, page down), mouse wheel and arrow buttons.



>>> FloatInput(name='Value', value=5., step=1e-1, start=0, end=10)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, format

panel.widgets.input._FloatInputBase: value, start, end, mode

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062af350>)

Placeholder when the value is empty.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062ac450>)

The step size.

value_throttled = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062ad950>)

The current value. Updates only on <enter> or when the widget looses focus.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.FloatSlider(*, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The FloatSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> FloatSlider(value=0.5, start=0.0, end=1.0, step=0.1, name="Float value")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062a1110>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062a3750>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062a11d0>)

The step size.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062a3690>)

The selected floating-point value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3062a0310>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Gauge(*, annulus_width, bounds, colors, custom_opts, end_angle, format, num_splits, show_labels, show_ticks, start_angle, title_size, tooltip_format, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A Gauge represents a value in some range as a position on speedometer or gauge. It is similar to a Dial but visually a lot busier.



>>> Gauge(name='Speed', value=79, bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306298bd0>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629be10>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306299810>)

Value to indicate on the gauge a value within the declared bounds.

annulus_width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Annulus width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629bd50>)

Width of the gauge annulus.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306299f50>)

The upper and lower bound of the dial.

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629b650>)

Color thresholds for the Gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

custom_opts = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Custom opts’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629a290>)

Additional options to pass to the ECharts Gauge definition.

end_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=-45, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306299f50>)

Angle at which the gauge ends.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629a310>)

Formatting string for the value indicator.

num_splits = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Num splits’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629bad0>)

Number of splits along the gauge.

show_ticks = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Show ticks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629a450>)

Whether to show ticks along the dials.

show_labels = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Show labels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629b550>)

Whether to show tick labels along the dials.

start_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=225, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306299fd0>)

Angle at which the gauge starts.

tooltip_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{b}{c}%’, label=’Tooltip format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629b550>)

Formatting string for the hover tooltip.

title_size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=18, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30629a290>)

Size of title font.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Grammar(*, src, uri, weight, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

A set of words or patterns of words that we want the speech recognition service to recognize

For example

grammar = Grammar(

src=’#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige;’, weight=0.7


Wraps the HTML SpeechGrammar API. See

src = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Src’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306331550>)

A set of words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize. Defined using JSpeech Grammar Format. See

uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306331c90>)

An uri pointing to the definition. If src is available it will be used. Otherwise uri. The uri will be loaded on the client side only.

weight = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Weight’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306331e90>, step=0.01)

The weight of the grammar. A number in the range 0–1. Default is 1.


Returns the grammar as dict

class panel.widgets.GrammarList(iterable=(), /)[source]#

Bases: list

A list of Grammar objects containing words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize.


grammar = ‘#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige | bisque ;’ grammar_list = GrammarList() grammar_list.add_from_string(grammar, 1)

Wraps the HTML 5 SpeechGrammarList API


add_from_string(src, weight=1.0)[source]#

Takes a src and weight and adds it to the GrammarList as a new Grammar object. The new Grammar object is returned.

add_from_uri(uri, weight=1.0)[source]#

Takes a grammar present at a specific uri, and adds it to the GrammarList as a new Grammar object. The new Grammar object is returned.

append(object, /)#

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)#

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)#

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)#

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)#

Insert object before index.

pop(index=-1, /)#

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)#

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.


Returns a list of serialized grammars

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)#

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class panel.widgets.IntInput(*, step, value_throttled, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, mode, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase, _IntInputBase

The IntInput allows selecting an integer value using a spinbox.

It behaves like a slider except that lower and upper bounds are optional and a specific value can be entered. The value can be changed using the keyboard (up, down, page up, page down), mouse wheel and arrow buttons.



>>> IntInput(name='Value', value=100, start=0, end=1000, step=10)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, placeholder, format

panel.widgets.input._IntInputBase: value, start, end, mode

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306388610>)

The step size.

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306330e50>)

The current value. Updates only on <enter> or when the widget looses focus.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.IntRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, value, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: RangeSlider

The IntRangeSlider widget allows selecting an integer range using a slider with two handles.



>>> IntRangeSlider(
...     value=(2, 4), start=0, end=10, step=2, name="A tuple of integers"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.RangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, format

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306352c50>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063520d0>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063527d0>)

The step size

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.IntSlider(*, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The IntSlider widget allows selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> IntSlider(value=5, start=0, end=10, step=1, name="Integer Value")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063a8d50>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306366d90>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063a8d50>)

The step size.

value = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306365150>)

The selected integer value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063a8d50>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.JSONEditor(*, menu, mode, schema, search, selection, templates, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The JSONEditor provides a visual editor for JSON-serializable datastructures, e.g. Python dictionaries and lists, with functionality for different editing modes, inserting objects and validation using JSON Schema.



>>> JSONEditor(value={
...     'dict'  : {'key': 'value'},
...     'float' : 3.14,
...     'int'   : 1,
...     'list'  : [1, 2, 3],
...     'string': 'A string',
... }, mode='code')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

menu = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Menu’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b7710>)

Adds main menu bar - Contains format, sort, transform, search etc. functionality. true by default. Applicable in all types of mode.

mode = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’tree’, label=’Mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘tree’, ‘view’, ‘form’, ‘text’, ‘preview’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b46d0>)

Sets the editor mode. In ‘view’ mode, the data and datastructure is read-only. In ‘form’ mode, only the value can be changed, the data structure is read-only. Mode ‘code’ requires the Ace editor to be loaded on the page. Mode ‘text’ shows the data as plain text. The ‘preview’ mode can handle large JSON documents up to 500 MiB. It shows a preview of the data, and allows to transform, sort, filter, format, or compact the data.

search = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Search’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b7710>)

Enables a search box in the upper right corner of the JSONEditor. true by default. Only applicable when mode is ‘tree’, ‘view’, or ‘form’.

selection = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Selection’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b7210>)

Current selection.

schema = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Schema’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b7590>)

Validate the JSON object against a JSON schema. A JSON schema describes the structure that a JSON object must have, like required properties or the type that a value must have. See for more information.

templates = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Templates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b7350>)

Array of templates that will appear in the context menu, Each template is a json object precreated that can be added as a object value to any node in your document.

value = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default={}, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063b4490>)

JSON data to be edited.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.LinearGauge(*, bounds, colors, default_color, format, horizontal, nan_format, needle_color, show_boundaries, tick_size, title_size, unfilled_color, value_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A LinearGauge represents a value in some range as a position on an linear scale. It is similar to a Dial/Gauge but visually more compact.



>>> LinearGauge(value=30, default_color='red', bounds=(0, 100))

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c1450>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=125, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c35d0>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c3350>)

Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c0950>)

The upper and lower bound of the gauge.

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’lightblue’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c0cd0>)

Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.

colors = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c0810>)

Color thresholds for the gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value:.2f}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c3d50>)

Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.

horizontal = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Horizontal’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c04d0>)

Whether to display the linear gauge horizontally.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c0410>)

How to format nan values.

needle_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Needle color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c04d0>)

Color of the gauge needle.

show_boundaries = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Show boundaries’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c1b90>)

Whether to show the boundaries between colored regions.

unfilled_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’whitesmoke’, label=’Unfilled color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c2050>)

Color of the unfilled region of the LinearGauge.

title_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c1b90>)

Font size of the gauge title.

tick_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Tick size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c19d0>)

Font size of the gauge tick labels.

value_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c0110>)

Font size of the gauge value label.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.LiteralInput(*, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The LiteralInput allows declaring Python literals using a text input widget.

A literal is some specific primitive value of type str , int, float, bool etc or a dict, list, tuple, set etc of primitive values.

Optionally the literal type may be declared.



>>> LiteralInput(name='Dictionary', value={'key': [1, 2, 3]}, type=dict)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633ffd0>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633d2d0>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633fd50>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

serializer = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’ast’, label=’Serializer’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘ast’, ‘json’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633fc10>)

The serialization (and deserialization) method to use. ‘ast’ uses ast.literal_eval and ‘json’ uses json.loads and json.dumps.

type = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘type’>, <class ‘tuple’>), label=’Type’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633fdd0>)

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30633d2d0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.LoadingSpinner(*, bgcolor, color, size, throttle, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: BooleanIndicator

The LoadingSpinner is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of the loading status.

If the value is set to True the spinner will rotate while setting it to False will disable the rotating segment.



>>> LoadingSpinner(value=True, color='primary', bgcolor='light', width=100, height=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanIndicator: throttle

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30639f710>)

Whether the indicator is active or not.

bgcolor = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’light’, label=’Bgcolor’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘dark’, ‘light’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306367410>)

color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’dark’, label=’Color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306364950>)

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=125, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063675d0>)

Size of the spinner in pixels.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.MenuButton(*, clicked, items, split, button_style, button_type, icon, icon_size, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, _ClickButton, IconMixin

The MenuButton widget allows specifying a list of menu items to select from triggering events when the button is clicked.

Unlike other widgets, it does not have a value parameter. Instead it has a clicked parameter that can be watched to trigger events and which reports the last clicked menu item.



>>> menu_items = [('Option A', 'a'), ('Option B', 'b'), None, ('Option C', 'c')]
>>> MenuButton(name='Dropdown', items=menu_items, button_type='primary')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

clicked = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Clicked’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063ec390>)

Last menu item that was clicked.

items = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Items’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063efb10>)

Menu items in the dropdown. Allows strings, tuples of the form (title, value) or Nones to separate groups of items.

split = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Split’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063ec750>)

Whether to add separate dropdown area to button.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks


callback ((Callable[[param.parameterized.Event], None])) – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the MenuButton is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.MultiChoice(*, delete_button, max_items, option_limit, placeholder, search_option_limit, solid, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _MultiSelectBase

The MultiChoice widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.

The MultiChoice widget provides a much more compact UI than MultiSelect.



>>> MultiChoice(
...     name='Favourites', value=['Panel', 'hvPlot'],
...     options=['Panel', 'hvPlot', 'HoloViews', 'GeoViews', 'Datashader', 'Param', 'Colorcet'],
...     max_items=2
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options value, description

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063ee590>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

delete_button = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Delete button’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30637a450>)

Whether to display a button to delete a selected option.

max_items = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max items’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306349790>)

Maximum number of options that can be selected.

option_limit = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Option limit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30637b290>)

Maximum number of options to display at once.

search_option_limit = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Search option limit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30634b110>)

Maximum number of options to display at once if search string is entered.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306378b50>)

String displayed when no selection has been made.

solid = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Solid’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063c61d0>)

Whether to display widget with solid or light style.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.MultiSelect(*, size, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _MultiSelectBase

The MultiSelect widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the`CrossSelector`, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.



>>> MultiSelect(
...     name='Frameworks', value=['Bokeh', 'Panel'],
...     options=['Bokeh', 'Dash', 'Panel', 'Streamlit', 'Voila'], size=8
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options width, value, description

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=4, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30635e590>)

The number of items displayed at once (i.e. determines the widget height).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_double_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a MultiSelect option is double-clicked.

The callback is given an DoubleClickEvent argument


>>> select = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(options=["A", "B", "C"])
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print(f"Option {event.option} was double clicked.")
>>> select.on_double_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.NestedSelect(*, _levels, _max_depth, _widgets, layout, levels, options, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The NestedSelect widget is composed of multiple widgets, where subsequent select options depend on the parent’s value.



>>> NestedSelect(
...     options={
...         "gfs": {"tmp": [1000, 500], "pcp": [1000]},
...         "name": {"tmp": [1000, 925, 850, 700, 500], "pcp": [1000]},
...     },
...     levels=["model", "var", "level"],
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306446090>)

Whether the widget is disabled.

value = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e64d0>)

The value from all the Select widgets; the keys are the levels names. If no levels names are specified, the keys are the levels indices.

options = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘function’>), label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e4890>)

The options to select from. The options may be nested dictionaries, lists, or callables that return those types. If callables are used, the callables must accept level and value keyword arguments, where level is the level that updated and value is a dictionary of the current values, containing keys up to the level that was updated.

layout = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=<class ‘panel.layout.base.Column’>, label=’Layout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e6c10>)

The layout type of the widgets. If a dictionary, a “type” key can be provided, to specify the layout type of the widgets, and any additional keyword arguments will be used to instantiate the layout.

levels = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Levels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e5a90>)

Either a list of strings or a list of dictionaries. If a list of strings, the strings are used as the names of the levels. If a list of dictionaries, each dictionary may have a “name” key, which is used as the name of the level, a “type” key, which is used as the type of widget, and any corresponding widget keyword arguments. Must be specified if options is callable.

_widgets = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ widgets’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e7fd0>)

The nested select widgets.

_max_depth = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ max depth’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306348750>)

The number of levels of the nested select widgets.

_levels = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ levels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3063e6e50>)

The internal rep of levels to prevent overwriting user provided levels.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:



alias of Column

Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Number(*, colors, default_color, font_size, format, nan_format, title_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

The Number indicator renders the value as text optionally colored according to the colors thresholds.



>>> Number(name='Rate', value=72, format='{value}%', colors=[(80, 'green'), (100, 'red')]

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.ValueIndicator: value

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30645c8d0>)

The color of the Number indicator if no colors are provided

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306478f50>)

Color thresholds for the Number indicator, specified as a tuple of the absolute thresholds and the color to switch to.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30645d5d0>)

A formatter string which accepts a {value}.

font_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’54pt’, label=’Font size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064789d0>)

The size of number itself.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30645d5d0>)

How to format nan values.

title_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’18pt’, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306479050>)

The size of the title given by the name.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.NumberInput(*, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, value, placeholder, format, start, end

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.PasswordInput(*, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: TextInput

The PasswordInput allows entering any string using an obfuscated text input box.



>>> PasswordInput(
...     name='Password', placeholder='Enter your password here...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.TextInput: width, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Player(*, end, start, value, value_throttled, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: PlayerBase

The Player provides controls to play and skip through a number of frames defined by explicit start and end values. The speed at which the widget plays is defined by the interval (in milliseconds), but it is also possible to skip frames using the step parameter.



>>> Player(name='Player', start=0, end=100, value=32, loop_policy='loop')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.player.PlayerBase: height, width, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064a3290>)

Lower bound on the slider value

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306447310>)

Upper bound on the slider value

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064a2850>)

Current player value

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306460fd0>)

Current throttled player value.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Progress(*, active, bar_color, max, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

The Progress widget displays the progress towards some target based on the current value and the max value.

If no value is set, the Progress widget is in indeterminate mode and will animate depending on whether it is active or not. A more beautiful indicator for this use case is the LoadingSpinner.



>>> Progress(value=20, max=100, bar_color="primary")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064ecd90>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Sizing mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fixed’, ‘stretch_width’, ‘stretch_height’, ‘stretch_both’, ‘scale_width’, ‘scale_height’, ‘scale_both’, None], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064ee410>)

How the component should size itself. This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height of the component. To gain more fine grained control over sizing, use width_policy, height_policy and aspect_ratio instead (those take precedence over sizing_mode). "fixed" Component is not responsive. It will retain its original width and height regardless of any subsequent browser window resize events. "stretch_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The height of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_both" Component is completely responsive, independently in width and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio of the component. "scale_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_both" Component will responsively resize to both the available width and height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio.

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(-1, None), default=-1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064ecd90>)

The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.

active = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Active’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064edd10>)

If no value is set the active property toggles animation of the progress bar on and off.

bar_color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’success’, label=’Bar color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064e0550>)

max = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064ede50>)

The maximum value of the progress bar.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

sizing_mode = None#
class panel.widgets.RadioBoxGroup(*, inline, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RadioGroupBase

The RadioBoxGroup widget allows selecting from a list or dictionary of values using a set of checkboxes.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioButtonGroup, Select and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> RadioBoxGroup(
...     name='Sponsor', options=['Anaconda', 'Blackstone'], inline=True
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

inline = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Inline’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064eafd0>)

Whether the items be arrange vertically (False) or horizontally in-line (True).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.RadioButtonGroup(*, orientation, value, options, button_style, button_type, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RadioGroupBase, _ButtonBase, TooltipMixin

The RadioButtonGroup widget allows selecting from a list or dictionary of values using a set of toggle buttons.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioBoxGroup, Select, and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> RadioButtonGroup(
...     name='Plotting library', options=['Matplotlib', 'Bokeh', 'Plotly'],
...     button_type='success'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style options value

orientation = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’horizontal’, label=’Orientation’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064ffbd0>)

Button group orientation, either ‘horizontal’ (default) or ‘vertical’.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.RangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, value, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RangeSliderBase

The RangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles.



>>> RangeSlider(
...     value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306525710>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when a handle is dragged.

value_start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value start’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064fc310>)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value end’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306527a10>)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = param.Range(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064e2390>)

The selected range as a tuple of floating point values. Updated when a handle is released

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306527a10>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064fe610>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306527a10>)

The step size.

format = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter’>), label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3064a4910>)

A format string or bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Select(*, description, disabled_options, groups, size, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SingleSelectBase

The Select widget allows selecting a value from a list or dictionary of options by selecting it from a dropdown menu or selection area.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioBoxGroup, AutocompleteInput and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> Select(name='Study', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options value

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306565ad0>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306567c90>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

disabled_options = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Disabled options’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065660d0>)

Optional list of options that are disabled, i.e. unusable and un-clickable. If options is a dictionary the list items must be dictionary values.

groups = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Groups’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30649e2d0>)

Dictionary whose keys are used to visually group the options and whose values are either a list or a dictionary of options to select from. Mutually exclusive with options and valid only if size is 1.

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306565090>)

Declares how many options are displayed at the same time. If set to 1 displays options as dropdown otherwise displays scrollable area.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.SpeechToText(*, _grammars, abort, audio_started, button_hide, button_not_started, button_started, button_type, continuous, grammars, interim_results, lang, max_alternatives, results, service_uri, sound_started, speech_started, start, started, stop, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The SpeechToText widget controls the speech recognition service of the browser.

It wraps the HTML5 SpeechRecognition API. See



>>> SpeechToText(button_type="light")

This functionality is experimental and only supported by Chrome and a few other browsers. Checkout for a up to date list of browsers supporting the SpeechRecognition Api. Or alternatively

On some browsers, like Chrome, using Speech Recognition on a web page involves a server-based recognition engine. Your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won’t work offline. Whether this is secure and confidential enough for your use case is up to you to evaluate.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

abort = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Abort’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065819d0>)

Stops the speech recognition service from listening to incoming audio, and doesn’t attempt to return a RecognitionResult.

start = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065839d0>)

Starts the speech recognition service listening to incoming audio with intent to recognize grammars associated with the current SpeechRecognition.

stop = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Stop’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306580f10>)

Stops the speech recognition service from listening to incoming audio, and attempts to return a RecognitionResult using the audio captured so far.

lang = param.ObjectSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘’, ‘af-ZA’, ‘ar-AE’, ‘ar-BH’, ‘ar-DZ’, ‘ar-EG’, ‘ar-IL’, ‘ar-IQ’, ‘ar-JO’, ‘ar-KW’, ‘ar-LB’, ‘ar-MA’, ‘ar-OM’, ‘ar-PS’, ‘ar-QA’, ‘ar-SA’, ‘ar-TN’, ‘bg-BG’, ‘ca-ES’, ‘cmn-Hans-CN’, ‘cmn-Hans-HK’, ‘cmn-Hant-TW’, ‘cs-CZ’, ‘da-DK’, ‘de-DE’, ‘el-GR’, ‘en-AU’, ‘en-CA’, ‘en-GB’, ‘en-IE’, ‘en-IN’, ‘en-NZ’, ‘en-PH’, ‘en-US’, ‘en-ZA’, ‘es-AR’, ‘es-BO’, ‘es-CL’, ‘es-CO’, ‘es-CR’, ‘es-DO’, ‘es-EC’, ‘es-ES’, ‘es-GT’, ‘es-HN’, ‘es-MX’, ‘es-NI’, ‘es-PA’, ‘es-PE’, ‘es-PR’, ‘es-PY’, ‘es-SV’, ‘es-US’, ‘es-UY’, ‘es-VE’, ‘eu-ES’, ‘fa-IR’, ‘fi-FI’, ‘fil-PH’, ‘fr-FR’, ‘gl-ES’, ‘he-IL’, ‘hi-IN’, ‘hr_HR’, ‘hu-HU’, ‘id-ID’, ‘is-IS’, ‘it-CH’, ‘it-IT’, ‘ja-JP’, ‘ko-KR’, ‘lt-LT’, ‘ms-MY’, ‘nb-NO’, ‘nl-NL’, ‘pl-PL’, ‘pt-BR’, ‘pt-PT’, ‘ro-RO’, ‘ru-RU’, ‘sk-SK’, ‘sl-SI’, ‘sr-RS’, ‘sv-SE’, ‘th-TH’, ‘tr-TR’, ‘uk-UA’, ‘vi-VN’, ‘yue-Hant-HK’, ‘zu-ZA’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065819d0>)

The language of the current SpeechRecognition in BCP 47 format. For example ‘en-US’. If not specified, this defaults to the HTML lang attribute value, or the user agent’s language setting if that isn’t set either.

continuous = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Continuous’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306581cd0>)

Controls whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result. Defaults to False

interim_results = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Interim results’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583510>)

Controls whether interim results should be returned (True) or not (False.) Interim results are results that are not yet final (e.g. the RecognitionResult.is_final property is False).

max_alternatives = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, 5), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max alternatives’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306580f10>)

Sets the maximum number of RecognitionAlternatives provided per result. A number between 1 and 5. The default value is 1.

service_uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Service uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583910>)

Specifies the location of the speech recognition service used by the current SpeechRecognition to handle the actual recognition. The default is the user agent’s default speech service.

grammars = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.widgets.speech_to_text.GrammarList’>, label=’Grammars’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306581cd0>)

A GrammarList object that represents the grammars that will be understood by the current SpeechRecognition service

button_hide = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583510>)

If True no button is shown. If False a toggle Start/ Stop button is shown.

button_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’light’, label=’Button type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘primary’, ‘success’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘light’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065819d0>)

The button styling.

button_not_started = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583510>)

The text to show on the button when the SpeechRecognition service is NOT started. If ‘’ a muted microphone icon is shown.

button_started = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065839d0>)

The text to show on the button when the SpeechRecognition service is started. If ‘’ a muted microphone icon is shown.

started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583bd0>)

Returns True if the Speech Recognition Service is started and False otherwise.

audio_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Audio started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583b50>)

Returns True if the Audio is started and False otherwise.

sound_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Sound started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065819d0>)

Returns True if the Sound is started and False otherwise.

speech_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Speech started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306580250>)

Returns True if the the User has started speaking and False otherwise.

results = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’Results’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583ed0>)

The results as a list of Dictionaries.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306580250>)

The transcipt of the highest confidence RecognitionAlternative of the last RecognitionResult. Please note we strip the transcript for leading spaces.

_grammars = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’ grammars’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306583e90>)

List used to transfer the serialized grammars from server to browser.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

property results_as_html: str#

Returns the results formatted as html

Convenience method for ease of use

property results_deserialized#

Returns the results as a List of RecognitionResults

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


alias of NumberInput

class panel.widgets.StaticText(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The StaticText widget displays a text value, but does not allow editing it.



>>> StaticText(name='Model', value='animagen2')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30659d410>)

The current value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Switch(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _BooleanWidget

The Switch allows toggling a single condition between True/False states by ticking a checkbox.

This widget is interchangeable with the Toggle widget.



>>> Switch(name='Works with the tools you know and love', value=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.input._BooleanWidget: value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Tabulator(value=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: BaseTable

The Tabulator widget wraps the [Tabulator js]( table to provide a full-featured, very powerful interactive table.



>>> Tabulator(df, theme='site', pagination='remote', page_size=25)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.tables.BaseTable: selection, aggregators, editors, formatters, hierarchical, show_index, sorters, text_align, titles, widths, value

row_height = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=30, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Row height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065dbcd0>)

The height of each table row.

buttons = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Buttons’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065cf790>)

Dictionary mapping from column name to a HTML element to use as the button icon.

expanded = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Expanded’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9250>)

List of expanded rows, only applicable if a row_content function has been defined.

embed_content = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Embed content’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065db390>)

Whether to embed the row_content or render it dynamically when a row is expanded.

filters = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Filters’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d8310>)

List of client-side filters declared as dictionaries containing ‘field’, ‘type’ and ‘value’ keys.

frozen_columns = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘list’>, <class ‘dict’>), default=[], label=’Frozen columns’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065db390>)

One of: - List indicating the columns to freeze. The column(s) may be selected by name or index. - Dict indicating columns to freeze as keys and their freeze location as values, freeze location is either ‘right’ or ‘left’.

frozen_rows = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Frozen rows’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9b50>)

List indicating the rows to freeze. If set, the first N rows will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame; if set to a negative value the last N rows will be frozen.

groups = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Groups’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d8dd0>)

Dictionary mapping defining the groups.

groupby = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Groupby’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d8a50>)

Groups rows in the table by one or more columns.

header_align = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘str’>), default={}, label=’Header align’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d8ad0>)

A mapping from column name to alignment or a fixed column alignment, which should be one of ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’.

header_filters = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘dict’>), label=’Header filters’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065db390>)

Whether to enable filters in the header or dictionary configuring filters for each column.

hidden_columns = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Hidden columns’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065dbb10>)

List of columns to hide.

layout = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’fit_data_table’, label=’Layout’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fit_data’, ‘fit_data_fill’, ‘fit_data_stretch’, ‘fit_data_table’, ‘fit_columns’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065db390>)

pagination = param.ObjectSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Pagination’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘local’, ‘remote’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9250>)

page = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Page’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065cfe90>)

Currently selected page (indexed starting at 1), if pagination is enabled.

page_size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, bounds=(1, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Page size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065cf3d0>)

Number of rows to render per page, if pagination is enabled.

row_content = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Row content’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065da790>)

A function which is given the DataFrame row and should return a Panel object to render as additional detail below the row.

selectable = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘str’>, <class ‘int’>), default=True, label=’Selectable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065dbb10>)

Defines the selection mode of the Tabulator. - True Selects rows on click. To select multiple use Ctrl-select, to select a range use Shift-select - False Disables selection - ‘checkbox’ Adds a column of checkboxes to toggle selections - ‘checkbox-single’ Same as ‘checkbox’ but header does not allow select/deselect all - ‘toggle’ Selection toggles when clicked - int The maximum number of selectable rows.

selectable_rows = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Selectable rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9b50>)

A function which given a DataFrame should return a list of rows by integer index, which are selectable.

sortable = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘dict’>), default=True, label=’Sortable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9050>)

Whether the columns in the table should be sortable. Can either be specified as a simple boolean toggling the behavior on and off or as a dictionary specifying the option per column.

theme = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’simple’, label=’Theme’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘site’, ‘simple’, ‘midnight’, ‘modern’, ‘bootstrap’, ‘bootstrap4’, ‘materialize’, ‘bulma’, ‘semantic-ui’, ‘fast’, ‘bootstrap5’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065da790>)

Tabulator CSS theme to apply to table.

theme_classes = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), class_=<class ‘str’>, default=[], item_type=<class ‘str’>, label=’Theme classes’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9390>)

List of extra CSS classes to apply to the Tabulator element to customize the theme.

title_formatters = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Title formatters’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065d9b50>)

Tabulator formatter specification to use for a particular column header title.

add_filter(filter, column=None)[source]#

Adds a filter to the table which can be a static value or dynamic parameter based object which will automatically update the table when changed..

When a static value, widget or parameter is supplied the filtering will follow a few well defined behaviors:

  • scalar: Filters by checking for equality

  • tuple: A tuple will be interpreted as range.

  • list: A list will be interpreted as a set of discrete

    scalars and the filter will check if the values in the column match any of the items in the list.

  • filter (Widget, param.Parameter or FunctionType) – The value by which to filter the DataFrame along the declared column, or a function accepting the DataFrame to be filtered and returning a filtered copy of the DataFrame.

  • column (str or None) – Column to which the filter will be applied, if the filter is a constant value, widget or parameter.


ValueError – If the filter type is not supported or no column: was declared.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

property current_view: pd.DataFrame#

Returns the current view of the table after filtering and sorting are applied.

download(filename: str = 'table.csv')[source]#

Triggers downloading of the table as a CSV or JSON.


filename (str) – The filename to save the table as.

download_menu(text_kwargs={}, button_kwargs={})[source]#

Returns a menu containing a TextInput and Button widget to set the filename and trigger a client-side download of the data.

  • text_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to the TextInput constructor

  • button_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to the Button constructor


  • filename (TextInput) – The TextInput widget setting a filename.

  • button (Button) – The Button that triggers a download.

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[CellClickEvent], None], column: str | None = None)[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when any cell is clicked. The callback is given a CellClickEvent declaring the column and row of the cell that was clicked.

  • callback ((callable)) – The callback to run on edit events.

  • column ((str)) – Optional argument restricting the callback to a specific column.

on_edit(callback: Callable[[TableEditEvent], None])[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a cell is edited. Whenever a cell is edited on_edit callbacks are called with a TableEditEvent as the first argument containing the column, row and value of the edited cell.


callback ((callable)) – The callback to run on edit events.

patch(patch_value, as_index=True)[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.

  • patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.

  • as_index (boolean) – Whether to treat the patch index as DataFrame indexes (True) or as simple integer index.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}


Removes a filter which was previously added.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


property selected_dataframe#

Returns a DataFrame of the currently selected rows.

servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

stream(stream_value, rollover=None, reset_index=True, follow=True)[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover (int) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • reset_index ((bool, default=True)) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.Terminal(output=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The Terminal widget renders a live terminal in the browser using the xterm.js library making it possible to display logs or even provide an interactive terminal in a Panel application.



>>> Terminal(
...     "Welcome to the Panel Terminal!", options={"cursorBlink": True}
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

clear = param.Action(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Clear’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306617e10>)

Clears the Terminal.

options = param.Dict(allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306607610>)

Initial Options for the Terminal Constructor. cf.

output = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Output’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065e3050>)

System output written to the Terminal

ncols = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Ncols’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306604050>)

The number of columns in the terminal.

nrows = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Nrows’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065b3390>)

The number of rows in the terminal.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306607f50>)

User input received from the Terminal. Sent one character at the time.

write_to_console = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Write to console’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306617290>)

Whether or not to write to the server console.

_clears = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ clears’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306607e50>)

Sends a signal to clear the terminal

_output = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’ output’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306617d90>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

property subprocess#

The subprocess enables running commands like ‘ls’, [‘ls’, ‘-l’], ‘bash’, ‘python’ and ‘ipython’ in the terminal.

class panel.widgets.TextAreaInput(*, auto_grow, cols, max_rows, resizable, rows, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: TextInput

The TextAreaInput allows entering any multiline string using a text input box.

Lines are joined with the newline character `


Reference: :Example:

>>> TextAreaInput(
...     name='Description', placeholder='Enter your description here...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.TextInput: width, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input

auto_grow = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Auto grow’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306649c90>)

Whether the text area should automatically grow vertically to accommodate the current text.

cols = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Cols’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306643650>)

Number of columns in the text input field.

max_rows = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306642250>)

When combined with auto_grow this determines the maximum number of rows the input area can grow.

rows = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306641810>)

Number of rows in the text input field.

resizable = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Resizable’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘both’, ‘width’, ‘height’, False], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306642b10>)

Whether the layout is interactively resizable, and if so in which dimensions: width, height, or both. Can only be set during initialization.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.TextEditor(*, mode, placeholder, toolbar, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TextEditor widget provides a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) rich text editor which outputs HTML.

The editor is built on top of the [Quill.js]( library.



>>> TextEditor(placeholder='Enter some text')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306668190>)

Whether the editor is disabled.

mode = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’toolbar’, label=’Mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘bubble’, ‘toolbar’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30666b190>)

Whether to display a toolbar or a bubble menu on highlight.

toolbar = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘list’>, <class ‘bool’>), default=True, label=’Toolbar’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306669850>)

Toolbar configuration either as a boolean toggle or a configuration specified as a list.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30666ac10>)

Placeholder output when the editor is empty.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306669490>)

State of the current text in the editor

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.TextInput(*, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TextInput widget allows entering any string using a text input box.



>>> TextInput(name='Name', placeholder='Enter your name here ...')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306642d10>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306674090>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

max_length = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=5000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max length’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306642d10>)

Max count of characters in the input field.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306674190>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

value = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3065db090>)

Initial or entered text value updated when <enter> key is pressed.

value_input = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Value input’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306674750>)

Initial or entered text value updated on every key press.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.TextToSpeech(*, _voices, auto_speak, cancel, pause, resume, speak, lang, pitch, rate, value, voice, volume, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Utterance, Widget

The TextToSpeech widget wraps the HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API




>>> TextToSpeech(name="Speech Synthesis", value="Data apps are nice")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.text_to_speech.Utterance: value, lang, pitch, rate, voice, volume

auto_speak = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Auto speak’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306622850>)

Whether or not to automatically speak when the value changes.

cancel = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Cancel’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667be90>)

Removes all utterances from the utterance queue.

pause = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Pause’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667b4d0>)

Puts the TextToSpeak object into a paused state.

resume = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Resume’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667bb10>)

Puts the TextToSpeak object into a non-paused state: resumes it if it was already paused.

paused = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Paused’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066797d0>)

A Boolean that returns true if the TextToSpeak object is in a paused state.

pending = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Pending’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667bd10>)

A Boolean that returns true if the utterance queue contains as-yet-unspoken utterances.

speak = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Speak’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066797d0>)

Speak. I.e. send a new Utterance to the browser

speaking = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Speaking’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667ba90>)

A Boolean that returns true if an utterance is currently in the process of being spoken — even if TextToSpeak is in a paused state.

voices = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’Voices’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066797d0>)

Returns a list of Voice objects representing all the available voices on the current device.

_voices = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ voices’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30667bb10>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:



Updates the lang and voice parameter objects, default and value

show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


Returns the object parameter values in a dictionary



Return type:


class panel.widgets.Toggle(**params)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, IconMixin

The Toggle widget allows toggling a single condition between True/False states.

This widget is interchangeable with the Checkbox widget.



>>> Toggle(name='Toggle', button_type='success')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066daa10>)

Whether the button is currently toggled.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.ToggleGroup(*, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SingleSelectBase

This class is a factory of ToggleGroup widgets.

A ToggleGroup is a group of widgets which can be switched ‘on’ or ‘off’.

Two types of widgets are available through the widget_type argument :
  • ‘button’ (default)

  • ‘box’

Two different behaviors are available through behavior argument:
  • ‘check’ (default)boolean

    Any number of widgets can be selected. In this case value is a ‘list’ of objects.

  • ‘radio’boolean

    One and only one widget is switched on. In this case value is an ‘object’.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.ToggleIcon(*, active_icon, icon, size, value, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ClickableIcon, TooltipMixin

The ToggleIcon widget allows toggling a single condition between True/False states. This widget is interchangeable with the Checkbox and Toggle widget.

This widget incorporates a value attribute, which alternates between False and True.



>>> pn.widgets.ToggleIcon(
...     icon="thumb-up", active_icon="thumb-down", size="4em", description="Like"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.icon._ClickableIcon: active_icon, icon, size, value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.TooltipIcon(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TooltipIcon displays a small ? icon. When you hover over the ? icon, the value will display.

Use the TooltipIcon to provide

  • helpful information to users without taking up a lot of screen space

  • tooltips next to Panel widgets that do not support tooltips yet.



>>> pn.widgets.TooltipIcon(value="This is a simple tooltip by using a string")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

align = param.Align(allow_refs=False, default=’center’, label=’Align’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066a3210>)

Whether the object should be aligned with the start, end or center of its container. If set as a tuple it will declare (vertical, horizontal) alignment.

value = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.ui.tooltips.Tooltip’>), default=’Description’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306820310>)

The description in the tooltip.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Tqdm(*, layout, lock, max, progress, text, text_pane, value, write_to_console, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Indicator

The Tqdm indicator wraps the well known tqdm progress indicator and displays the progress towards some target in your Panel app.



>>> tqdm = Tqdm()
>>> for i in tqdm(range(0,10), desc="My loop", leave=True, colour='#666666'):
...     time.sleep(timeout)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

margin = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=0, label=’Margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306848110>)

Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=400, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066ea6d0>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(-1, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066cc450>)

The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.

layout = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘panel.layout.base.Column’>, <class ‘panel.layout.base.Row’>), constant=True, label=’Layout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306820510>)

The layout for the text and progress indicator.

lock = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘object’>, label=’Lock’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066c36d0>)

The multithreading.Lock or multiprocessing.Lock object to be used by Tqdm.

max = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3066ea6d0>)

The maximum value of the progress bar.

progress = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.widgets.indicators.Progress’>, label=’Progress’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306849310>)

The Progress indicator used to display the progress.

text = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Text’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30684afd0>)

The current tqdm style progress text.

text_pane = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.pane.markup.Str’>, label=’Text pane’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306849310>)

The pane to display the text to.

write_to_console = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Write to console’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30684ae50>)

Whether or not to also write to the console.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.


Resets the parameters

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.Trend(*, data, layout, neg_color, plot_color, plot_type, plot_x, plot_y, pos_color, value, value_change, selection, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SyncableData, Indicator

The Trend indicator enables the user to display a dashboard kpi card.

The card can be layout out as:

  • a column (text and plot on top of each other) or a row (text and

  • plot after each other)



>>> data = {'x': np.arange(50), 'y': np.random.randn(50).cumsum()}
>>> Trend(name='Price', data=data, plot_type='area', width=200, height=200)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.reactive.SyncableData: selection

sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Sizing mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fixed’, ‘stretch_width’, ‘stretch_height’, ‘stretch_both’, ‘scale_width’, ‘scale_height’, ‘scale_both’, None], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306881150>)

How the component should size itself. This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height of the component. To gain more fine grained control over sizing, use width_policy, height_policy and aspect_ratio instead (those take precedence over sizing_mode). "fixed" Component is not responsive. It will retain its original width and height regardless of any subsequent browser window resize events. "stretch_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The height of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_both" Component is completely responsive, independently in width and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio of the component. "scale_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_both" Component will responsively resize to both the available width and height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio.

data = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Data’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306890990>)

The plot data declared as a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame.

layout = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’column’, label=’Layout’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘column’, ‘row’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306880090>)

plot_x = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’x’, label=’Plot x’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306890990>)

The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the x-axis.

plot_y = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’y’, label=’Plot y’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068803d0>)

The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the y-axis.

plot_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#428bca’, label=’Plot color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306890650>)

The color to use in the plot.

plot_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’bar’, label=’Plot type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘line’, ‘step’, ‘area’, ‘bar’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306881310>)

The plot type to render the plot data as.

pos_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#5cb85c’, label=’Pos color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306890b50>)

The color used to indicate a positive change.

neg_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#d9534f’, label=’Neg color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306881250>)

The color used to indicate a negative change.

value = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=’auto’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306890450>)

The primary value to be displayed.

value_change = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=’auto’, label=’Value change’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x306880590>)

A secondary value. For example the change in percent.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

patch(patch_value: 'pd.DataFrame' | 'pd.Series' | dict) None[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.


patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

sizing_mode = None#
stream(stream_value: 'pd.DataFrame' | 'pd.Series' | dict, rollover: int | None = None, reset_index: bool = True) None[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover ((int | None, default=None)) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • (bool (reset_index) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index.

  • default=True) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index.


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.Utterance(*, lang, pitch, rate, value, voice, volume, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

An utterance is the smallest unit of speech in spoken language analysis.

The Utterance Model wraps the HTML5 SpeechSynthesisUtterance API


value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068bc550>)

The text that will be synthesised when the utterance is spoken. The text may be provided as plain text, or a well-formed SSML document.

lang = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Lang’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b2990>)

The language of the utterance.

pitch = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 2.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Pitch’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b0450>)

The pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0 and 2.

rate = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.1, 10.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Rate’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b1210>)

The speed at which the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0.1 and 10.

voice = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Voice’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b0350>)

The voice that will be used to speak the utterance.

volume = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Volume’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b1050>)

The volume that the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0 and 1.


Updates the lang and voice parameter objects, default and value


Returns the object parameter values in a dictionary



Return type:


class panel.widgets.VideoStream(*, format, paused, timeout, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The VideoStream displays a video from a local stream (for example from a webcam) and allows accessing the streamed video data from Python.



>>> VideoStream(name='Video Stream', timeout=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

format = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’png’, label=’Format’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘png’, ‘jpeg’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068bfb10>)

The file format as which the video is returned.

paused = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Paused’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b85d0>)

Whether the video is currently paused

timeout = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Timeout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b8790>)

Interval between snapshots in millisecons

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068b8510>)

A base64 representation of the video stream snapshot.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


Triggers a snapshot of the current VideoStream state to sync the widget value.

class panel.widgets.Voice(*, default, lang, local_service, voice_uri, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

The current device (i.e. OS and Browser) provides a list of Voices. Each with a unique name and speaking a specific language.

Wraps the HTML5 SpeecSynthesisVoice API


default = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Default’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068cb890>)

A Boolean indicating whether the voice is the default voice for the current app language (True), or not (False.)

lang = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, label=’Lang’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068ca610>)

Returns a BCP 47 language tag indicating the language of the voice.

local_service = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Local service’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068cb7d0>)

A Boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (True), or a remote speech synthesizer service (False.)

voice_uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, label=’Voice uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068caa90>)

Returns the type of URI and location of the speech synthesis service for this voice.

static group_by_lang(voices)[source]#

Returns a dictionary where the key is the lang and the value is a list of voices for that language.

static to_voices_list(voices)[source]#

Returns a list of Voice objects from the list of dicts provided

class panel.widgets.Widget(*, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Reactive

Widgets allow syncing changes in bokeh widget models with the parameters on the Widget instance.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

height = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068dd7d0>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

margin = param.Margin(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=(5, 10), label=’Margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068dea10>)

Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068dd8d0>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3068de490>)

Whether the widget is disabled.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

_mixin Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets._mixin
class panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin(*, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

description = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.ui.tooltips.Tooltip’>, <class ‘panel.widgets.indicators.TooltipIcon’>), label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30eb86890>)

The description in the tooltip.

description_delay = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Description delay’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30f49c3d0>)

Delay (in milliseconds) to display the tooltip after the cursor has hovered over the Button, default is 500ms.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

base Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.base

Defines the Widget base class which provides bi-directional communication between the rendered dashboard and the Widget parameters.

class panel.widgets.base.CompositeWidget(*, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

A baseclass for widgets which are made up of two or more other widgets

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.base.Widget(*, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Reactive

Widgets allow syncing changes in bokeh widget models with the parameters on the Widget instance.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

height = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30f496890>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

margin = param.Margin(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=(5, 10), label=’Margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30f77a490>)

Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30f496890>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30edd2550>)

Whether the widget is disabled.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

button Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.button

Defines the Button and button-like widgets which allow triggering events or merely toggling between on-off states.

class panel.widgets.button.Button(*, clicks, value, button_style, button_type, icon, icon_size, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, _ClickButton, IconMixin, TooltipMixin

The Button widget allows triggering events when the button is clicked.

The Button provides a value parameter, which will toggle from False to True while the click event is being processed

It also provides an additional clicks parameter, that can be watched to subscribe to click events.



>>> pn.widgets.Button(name='Click me', icon='caret-right', button_type='primary')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fafe890>)

Number of clicks (can be listened to)

value = param.Event(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fbfca10>)

Toggles from False to True while the event is being processed.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Button to those on the target object in Javascript (JS) code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value(s) to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally. Default is False.

  • **links (dict[str,str]) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


The Link can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the Button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks


>>> button = pn.widgets.Button(name='Click me')
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print("I was clicked!")
>>> button.on_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the button is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.button.IconMixin(**params)[source]#

Bases: Widget

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

icon = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Icon’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fc09550>)

An icon to render to the left of the button label. Either an SVG or an icon name which is loaded from

icon_size = param.String(allow_refs=True, default=’1em’, label=’Icon size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fbec810>)

Size of the icon as a string, e.g. 12px or 1em.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.button.MenuButton(*, clicked, items, split, button_style, button_type, icon, icon_size, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, _ClickButton, IconMixin

The MenuButton widget allows specifying a list of menu items to select from triggering events when the button is clicked.

Unlike other widgets, it does not have a value parameter. Instead it has a clicked parameter that can be watched to trigger events and which reports the last clicked menu item.



>>> menu_items = [('Option A', 'a'), ('Option B', 'b'), None, ('Option C', 'c')]
>>> MenuButton(name='Dropdown', items=menu_items, button_type='primary')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

clicked = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Clicked’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fc3ac10>)

Last menu item that was clicked.

items = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Items’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fc3bb50>)

Menu items in the dropdown. Allows strings, tuples of the form (title, value) or Nones to separate groups of items.

split = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Split’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30faffc10>)

Whether to add separate dropdown area to button.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks


callback ((Callable[[param.parameterized.Event], None])) – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the MenuButton is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.button.Toggle(**params)[source]#

Bases: _ButtonBase, IconMixin

The Toggle widget allows toggling a single condition between True/False states.

This widget is interchangeable with the Checkbox widget.



>>> Toggle(name='Toggle', button_type='success')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fc4ea50>)

Whether the button is currently toggled.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

codeeditor Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.codeeditor

Defines the CodeEditor widget based on Ace.

class panel.widgets.codeeditor.CodeEditor(*, annotations, filename, language, print_margin, readonly, theme, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The CodeEditor widget allows displaying and editing code in the powerful Ace editor.



>>> CodeEditor(value=py_code, language='python', theme='monokai')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

annotations = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Annotations’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310553c50>)

List of annotations to add to the editor.

filename = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310555450>)

Filename from which to deduce language

language = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’text’, label=’Language’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310553850>)

Language of the editor

print_margin = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Print margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3102afbd0>)

Whether to show the a print margin.

readonly = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Readonly’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310553d50>)

Define if editor content can be modified. Alias for disabled.

theme = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’chrome’, label=’Theme’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘ambiance’, ‘chaos’, ‘chrome’, ‘clouds’, ‘clouds_midnight’, ‘cobalt’, ‘crimson_editor’, ‘dawn’, ‘dracula’, ‘dreamweaver’, ‘eclipse’, ‘github’, ‘gob’, ‘gruvbox’, ‘idle_fingers’, ‘iplastic’, ‘katzenmilch’, ‘kr_theme’, ‘kuroir’, ‘merbivore’, ‘merbivore_soft’, ‘mono_industrial’, ‘monokai’, ‘pastel_on_dark’, ‘solarized_dark’, ‘solarized_light’, ‘sqlserver’, ‘terminal’, ‘textmate’, ‘tomorrow’, ‘tomorrow_night’, ‘tomorrow_night_blue’, ‘tomorrow_night_bright’, ‘tomorrow_night_eighties’, ‘twilight’, ‘vibrant_ink’, ‘xcode’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3105548d0>)

Theme of the editor

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310553c50>)

State of the current code in the editor

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

debugger Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.debugger

The Debugger Widget is an uneditable Card that gives you feedback on errors thrown by your Panel callbacks.

class panel.widgets.debugger.CheckFilter(name='')[source]#

Bases: Filter


Add a debugger to this logging filter.


widg (panel.widgets.Debugger) – The widget displaying the logs.

Return type:



Will filter out messages coming from a different bokeh document than the document where the debugger is embedded in server mode. Returns True if no debugger was added.

class panel.widgets.debugger.Debugger(*, _number_of_errors, _number_of_infos, _number_of_warnings, formatter_args, level, logger_names, only_last, active_header_background, button_css_classes, collapsed, collapsible, header, header_background, header_color, header_css_classes, hide_header, title, title_css_classes, auto_scroll_limit, scroll_button_threshold, scroll_position, view_latest, scroll, objects, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Card

A uneditable Card layout holding a terminal printing out logs from your callbacks. By default, it will only print exceptions. If you want to add your own log, use the panel.callbacks logger within your callbacks: logger = logging.getLogger(‘panel.callbacks’)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, margin, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.layout.base.ListLike: objects

panel.layout.base.ListPanel: scroll

panel.layout.base.Column: auto_scroll_limit, scroll_button_threshold, scroll_position, view_latest

panel.layout.card.Card: css_classes, active_header_background, button_css_classes, collapsible, collapsed, header, header_background, header_color, header_css_classes, hide_header, title_css_classes, title

_number_of_errors = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of errors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31075e890>)

Number of logged errors since last acknowledged.

_number_of_warnings = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of warnings’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3107c1890>)

Number of logged warnings since last acknowledged.

_number_of_infos = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ number of infos’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31075e890>)

Number of logged information since last acknowledged.

only_last = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Only last’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3106839d0>)

Whether only the last stack is printed or the full.

level = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=40, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Level’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310675690>)

Logging level to print in the debugger terminal.

formatter_args = param.Dict(allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={‘fmt’: ‘%(asctime)s [%(name)s - %(levelname)s]: %(message)s’}, label=’Formatter args’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3107c0dd0>)

Arguments to pass to the logging formatter. See the standard python logging libraries.

logger_names = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), class_=<class ‘str’>, default=[‘panel’], item_type=<class ‘str’>, label=’Logger names’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3106d3fd0>)

Loggers which will be prompted in the debugger terminal.

append(obj: Any) None[source]#

Appends an object to the layout.


(object) (obj)

clear() list[Viewable][source]#

Clears the objects on this layout.


objects (list[Viewable])

Return type:

List of cleared objects.

clone(*objects: Any, **params: Any) ListLike[source]#

Makes a copy of the layout sharing the same parameters.

  • objects (Objects to add to the cloned layout.)

  • params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned layout object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

extend(objects: Iterable[Any]) None[source]#

Extends the objects on this layout with a list.


(list) (objects)

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

index(object) int[source]#

Returns the integer index of the supplied object in the list of objects.


(object) (obj)


index (int)

Return type:

Integer index of the object in the layout.

insert(index: int, obj: Any) None[source]#

Inserts an object in the layout at the specified index.

  • (int) (index)

  • (object) (object)

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

pop(index: int) Viewable[source]#

Pops an item from the layout by index.


(int) (index)

remove(obj: Viewable) None[source]#

Removes an object from the layout.


(object) (obj)

reverse() None[source]#

Reverses the objects in the layout.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.debugger.DebuggerButtons(*, clears, debug_name, terminal_output, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ReactiveHTML

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, margin, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

terminal_output = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Terminal output’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3107e8050>)

debug_name = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Debug name’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310718f10>)

clears = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Clears’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3107182d0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_event(node: str, event: str, callback: Callable) None[source]#

Registers a callback to be executed when the specified DOM event is triggered on the named node. Note that the named node must be declared in the HTML. To create a named node you must give it an id of the form id=”name”, where name will be the node identifier.

  • node (str) – Named node in the HTML identifiable via id of the form id=”name”.

  • event (str) – Name of the DOM event to add an event listener to.

  • callback (callable) – A callable which will be given the DOMEvent object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.debugger.TermFormatter(*args, only_last=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Formatter

localtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,


Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing local time. When ‘seconds’ is not passed in, convert the current time instead.


Format the specified record as text.

The record’s attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting operation which yields the returned string. Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is called to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message.


Format and return the specified exception information as a string.

This default implementation just uses traceback.print_exception()


This method is provided as an extension point for specialized formatting of stack information.

The input data is a string as returned from a call to traceback.print_stack(), but with the last trailing newline removed.

The base implementation just returns the value passed in.

formatTime(record, datefmt=None)[source]#

Return the creation time of the specified LogRecord as formatted text.

This method should be called from format() by a formatter which wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behaviour is as follows: if datefmt (a string) is specified, it is used with time.strftime() to format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format is used. The resulting string is returned. This function uses a user-configurable function to convert the creation time to a tuple. By default, time.localtime() is used; to change this for a particular formatter instance, set the ‘converter’ attribute to a function with the same signature as time.localtime() or time.gmtime(). To change it for all formatters, for example if you want all logging times to be shown in GMT, set the ‘converter’ attribute in the Formatter class.


Check if the format uses the creation time of the record.

file_selector Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.file_selector

Defines a FileSelector widget which allows selecting files and directories on the server.

class panel.widgets.file_selector.FileSelector(directory: AnyStr | PathLike | None = None, **params)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The FileSelector widget allows browsing the filesystem on the server and selecting one or more files in a directory.



>>> FileSelector(directory='~', file_pattern='*.png')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

directory = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’/Users/runner/work/panel/panel/doc’, label=’Directory’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dd50d0>)

The directory to explore.

file_pattern = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’*’, label=’File pattern’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dd5790>)

A glob-like pattern to filter the files.

only_files = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Only files’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310d57bd0>)

Whether to only allow selecting files.

show_hidden = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Show hidden’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dd5dd0>)

Whether to show hidden files and directories (starting with a period).

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dd4550>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

refresh_period = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Refresh period’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dc1050>)

If set to non-None value indicates how frequently to refresh the directory contents in milliseconds.

root_directory = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Root directory’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30fd035d0>)

If set, overrides directory parameter as the root directory beyond which users cannot navigate.

value = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x310dd5f50>)

List of selected files.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

icon Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.icon
class panel.widgets.icon.ButtonIcon(*, clicks, toggle_duration, active_icon, icon, size, value, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ClickableIcon, _ClickButton, TooltipMixin

The ButtonIcon widget facilitates event triggering upon button clicks.

This widget displays a default icon initially. Upon being clicked, an active_icon appears for a specified toggle_duration.

For instance, the ButtonIcon can be effectively utilized to implement a feature akin to ChatGPT’s copy-to-clipboard button.

The button incorporates a value attribute, which alternates between False and True as the click event is processed.

Furthermore, it includes an clicks attribute, enabling subscription to click events for further actions or monitoring.



>>> button_icon = pn.widgets.ButtonIcon(
...     icon='clipboard',
...     active_icon='check',
...     description='Copy',
...     toggle_duration=2000
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.icon._ClickableIcon: active_icon, icon, size

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311075ad0>)

Toggles from False to True while the event is being processed.

clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311077750>)

The number of times the button has been clicked.

toggle_duration = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=75, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Toggle duration’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311077e10>)

The number of milliseconds the active_icon should be shown for and how long the button should be disabled for.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

js_on_click(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, code: str = '') Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when the button is clicked.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • code (str) – The Javascript code to execute when the button is clicked.


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a Javascript (JS) callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when the button is clicked.

The callback is given an Event argument declaring the number of clicks.


callback ((Callable[[param.parameterized.Event], None])) – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument


watcher – A Watcher that executes the callback when the MenuButton is clicked.

Return type:


save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.icon.ToggleIcon(*, active_icon, icon, size, value, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _ClickableIcon, TooltipMixin

The ToggleIcon widget allows toggling a single condition between True/False states. This widget is interchangeable with the Checkbox and Toggle widget.

This widget incorporates a value attribute, which alternates between False and True.



>>> pn.widgets.ToggleIcon(
...     icon="thumb-up", active_icon="thumb-down", size="4em", description="Like"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.icon._ClickableIcon: active_icon, icon, size, value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

indicators Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.indicators


Indicators can be used to indicate status or progress

Check out the Panel gallery of indicators for inspiration.

How to use indicators#

>>> pn.indicators.Number(
...    name='Rate', value=72, format='{value}%',
...    colors=[(80, 'green'), (100, 'red')]
... )
class panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanIndicator(*, throttle, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Indicator

BooleanIndicator is an abstract baseclass for indicators that visually indicate a boolean value.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

throttle = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Throttle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31154be90>)

” Throttles value change events, ensuring that they only toggle off after a minimum time specified in milliseconds has passed.

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311561590>)

Whether the indicator is active or not.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanStatus(*, color, throttle, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: BooleanIndicator

The BooleanStatus is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of a boolean status as filled or non-filled circle.

If the value is set to True the indicator will be filled while setting it to False will cause it to be non-filled.



>>> BooleanStatus(value=True, color='primary', width=100, height=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanIndicator: throttle

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311585c10>)

height of the circle.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311587210>)

Width of the circle.

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311577f50>)

Whether the indicator is active or not.

color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’dark’, label=’Color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311586b50>)

The color of the circle, one of ‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Dial(*, annulus_width, background, bounds, colors, default_color, end_angle, format, label_color, nan_format, needle_color, needle_width, start_angle, tick_size, title_size, unfilled_color, value_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A Dial represents a value in some range as a position on an annular dial. It is similar to a Gauge but more minimal visually.



>>> Dial(name='Speed', value=79, format="{value} km/h", bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=250, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311565a50>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=250, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a5410>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311567210>)

Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.

annulus_width = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Annulus width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a5350>)

Width of the radial annulus as a fraction of the total.

background = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Background’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311572d50>)

Background color of the component.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311567290>)

The upper and lower bound of the dial.

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311572e90>)

Color thresholds for the Dial, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’lightblue’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3113b7d50>)

Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.

end_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311566d10>)

Angle at which the dial ends.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x30f69e390>)

Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.

label_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Label color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311570a90>)

Color for all extraneous labels.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3112bd3d0>)

How to format nan values.

needle_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Needle color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311570a90>)

Color of the Dial needle.

needle_width = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Needle width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311565490>)

Radial width of the needle.

start_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=-205, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a42d0>)

Angle at which the dial starts.

tick_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Tick size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3112bd3d0>)

Font size of the Dial min/max labels.

title_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311570a90>)

Font size of the Dial title.

unfilled_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’whitesmoke’, label=’Unfilled color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3112bd3d0>)

Color of the unfilled region of the Dial.

value_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311570a90>)

Font size of the Dial value label.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Gauge(*, annulus_width, bounds, colors, custom_opts, end_angle, format, num_splits, show_labels, show_ticks, start_angle, title_size, tooltip_format, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A Gauge represents a value in some range as a position on speedometer or gauge. It is similar to a Dial but visually a lot busier.



>>> Gauge(name='Speed', value=79, bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a2b50>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115b4910>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a3950>)

Value to indicate on the gauge a value within the declared bounds.

annulus_width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Annulus width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115b4950>)

Width of the gauge annulus.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a3b50>)

The upper and lower bound of the dial.

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115b5050>)

Color thresholds for the Gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

custom_opts = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Custom opts’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115ad650>)

Additional options to pass to the ECharts Gauge definition.

end_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=-45, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115b5190>)

Angle at which the gauge ends.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115ad050>)

Formatting string for the value indicator.

num_splits = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Num splits’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a24d0>)

Number of splits along the gauge.

show_ticks = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Show ticks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115ad0d0>)

Whether to show ticks along the dials.

show_labels = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Show labels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a3a10>)

Whether to show tick labels along the dials.

start_angle = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=225, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start angle’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115ad910>)

Angle at which the gauge starts.

tooltip_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{b}{c}%’, label=’Tooltip format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115a3a10>)

Formatting string for the hover tooltip.

title_size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=18, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115ad5d0>)

Size of title font.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.LinearGauge(*, bounds, colors, default_color, format, horizontal, nan_format, needle_color, show_boundaries, tick_size, title_size, unfilled_color, value_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

A LinearGauge represents a value in some range as a position on an linear scale. It is similar to a Dial/Gauge but visually more compact.



>>> LinearGauge(value=30, default_color='red', bounds=(0, 100))

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115cdb50>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=125, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311576790>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=25, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115cf910>)

Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.

bounds = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 100), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Bounds’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311574550>)

The upper and lower bound of the gauge.

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’lightblue’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d6650>)

Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.

colors = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311573d10>)

Color thresholds for the gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value:.2f}%’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d6650>)

Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.

horizontal = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Horizontal’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311573d10>)

Whether to display the linear gauge horizontally.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d6650>)

How to format nan values.

needle_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Needle color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311576790>)

Color of the gauge needle.

show_boundaries = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Show boundaries’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d4c50>)

Whether to show the boundaries between colored regions.

unfilled_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’whitesmoke’, label=’Unfilled color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311576790>)

Color of the unfilled region of the LinearGauge.

title_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d7690>)

Font size of the gauge title.

tick_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Tick size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311576790>)

Font size of the gauge tick labels.

value_size = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d7690>)

Font size of the gauge value label.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.LoadingSpinner(*, bgcolor, color, size, throttle, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: BooleanIndicator

The LoadingSpinner is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of the loading status.

If the value is set to True the spinner will rotate while setting it to False will disable the rotating segment.



>>> LoadingSpinner(value=True, color='primary', bgcolor='light', width=100, height=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.BooleanIndicator: throttle

value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311602e10>)

Whether the indicator is active or not.

bgcolor = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’light’, label=’Bgcolor’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘dark’, ‘light’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311603710>)

color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’dark’, label=’Color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311603ad0>)

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=125, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311603cd0>)

Size of the spinner in pixels.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Number(*, colors, default_color, font_size, format, nan_format, title_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

The Number indicator renders the value as text optionally colored according to the colors thresholds.



>>> Number(name='Rate', value=72, format='{value}%', colors=[(80, 'green'), (100, 'red')]

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

panel.widgets.indicators.ValueIndicator: value

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31161f890>)

The color of the Number indicator if no colors are provided

colors = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), label=’Colors’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311625950>)

Color thresholds for the Number indicator, specified as a tuple of the absolute thresholds and the color to switch to.

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’{value}’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31161e1d0>)

A formatter string which accepts a {value}.

font_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’54pt’, label=’Font size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311624510>)

The size of number itself.

nan_format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’-’, label=’Nan format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31161e0d0>)

How to format nan values.

title_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’18pt’, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311625a50>)

The size of the title given by the name.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Progress(*, active, bar_color, max, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

The Progress widget displays the progress towards some target based on the current value and the max value.

If no value is set, the Progress widget is in indeterminate mode and will animate depending on whether it is active or not. A more beautiful indicator for this use case is the LoadingSpinner.



>>> Progress(value=20, max=100, bar_color="primary")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d8c90>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Sizing mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fixed’, ‘stretch_width’, ‘stretch_height’, ‘stretch_both’, ‘scale_width’, ‘scale_height’, ‘scale_both’, None], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311639110>)

How the component should size itself. This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height of the component. To gain more fine grained control over sizing, use width_policy, height_policy and aspect_ratio instead (those take precedence over sizing_mode). "fixed" Component is not responsive. It will retain its original width and height regardless of any subsequent browser window resize events. "stretch_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The height of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_both" Component is completely responsive, independently in width and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio of the component. "scale_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_both" Component will responsively resize to both the available width and height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio.

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(-1, None), default=-1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115d8c90>)

The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.

active = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Active’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116387d0>)

If no value is set the active property toggles animation of the progress bar on and off.

bar_color = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’success’, label=’Bar color’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘primary’, ‘secondary’, ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘danger’, ‘warning’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3115da910>)

max = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311638950>)

The maximum value of the progress bar.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

sizing_mode = None#
class panel.widgets.indicators.String(*, default_color, font_size, title_size, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ValueIndicator

The String indicator renders a string with a title.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

value = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311623fd0>)

The string to display

default_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’black’, label=’Default color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311636c90>)

The color of the Number indicator if no colors are provided

font_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’54pt’, label=’Font size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116235d0>)

The size of number itself.

title_size = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’18pt’, label=’Title size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311637c10>)

The size of the title given by the name.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.TooltipIcon(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TooltipIcon displays a small ? icon. When you hover over the ? icon, the value will display.

Use the TooltipIcon to provide

  • helpful information to users without taking up a lot of screen space

  • tooltips next to Panel widgets that do not support tooltips yet.



>>> pn.widgets.TooltipIcon(value="This is a simple tooltip by using a string")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

align = param.Align(allow_refs=False, default=’center’, label=’Align’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31167f7d0>)

Whether the object should be aligned with the start, end or center of its container. If set as a tuple it will declare (vertical, horizontal) alignment.

value = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.ui.tooltips.Tooltip’>), default=’Description’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311688490>)

The description in the tooltip.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Tqdm(*, layout, lock, max, progress, text, text_pane, value, write_to_console, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Indicator

The Tqdm indicator wraps the well known tqdm progress indicator and displays the progress towards some target in your Panel app.



>>> tqdm = Tqdm()
>>> for i in tqdm(range(0,10), desc="My loop", leave=True, colour='#666666'):
...     time.sleep(timeout)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

margin = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=0, label=’Margin’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311687c50>)

Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).

width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=400, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116a4990>)

The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(-1, None), default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116a5050>)

The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.

layout = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘panel.layout.base.Column’>, <class ‘panel.layout.base.Row’>), constant=True, label=’Layout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311686f50>)

The layout for the text and progress indicator.

lock = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘object’>, label=’Lock’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311685150>)

The multithreading.Lock or multiprocessing.Lock object to be used by Tqdm.

max = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116a4d90>)

The maximum value of the progress bar.

progress = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.widgets.indicators.Progress’>, label=’Progress’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311685150>)

The Progress indicator used to display the progress.

text = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Text’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311686690>)

The current tqdm style progress text.

text_pane = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.pane.markup.Str’>, label=’Text pane’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311685150>)

The pane to display the text to.

write_to_console = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Write to console’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116850d0>)

Whether or not to also write to the console.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.


Resets the parameters

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.indicators.Trend(*, data, layout, neg_color, plot_color, plot_type, plot_x, plot_y, pos_color, value, value_change, selection, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SyncableData, Indicator

The Trend indicator enables the user to display a dashboard kpi card.

The card can be layout out as:

  • a column (text and plot on top of each other) or a row (text and

  • plot after each other)



>>> data = {'x': np.arange(50), 'y': np.random.randn(50).cumsum()}
>>> Trend(name='Price', data=data, plot_type='area', width=200, height=200)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.reactive.SyncableData: selection

sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Sizing mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fixed’, ‘stretch_width’, ‘stretch_height’, ‘stretch_both’, ‘scale_width’, ‘scale_height’, ‘scale_both’, None], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b7d10>)

How the component should size itself. This is a high-level setting for maintaining width and height of the component. To gain more fine grained control over sizing, use width_policy, height_policy and aspect_ratio instead (those take precedence over sizing_mode). "fixed" Component is not responsive. It will retain its original width and height regardless of any subsequent browser window resize events. "stretch_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The height of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, without maintaining any aspect ratio. The width of the component depends on the type of the component and may be fixed or fit to component’s contents. "stretch_both" Component is completely responsive, independently in width and height, and will occupy all the available horizontal and vertical space, even if this changes the aspect ratio of the component. "scale_width" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available width, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_height" Component will responsively resize to stretch to the available height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio. "scale_both" Component will responsively resize to both the available width and height, while maintaining the original or provided aspect ratio.

data = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Data’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b0990>)

The plot data declared as a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame.

layout = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’column’, label=’Layout’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘column’, ‘row’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b7b90>)

plot_x = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’x’, label=’Plot x’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b0990>)

The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the x-axis.

plot_y = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’y’, label=’Plot y’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x311677a10>)

The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the y-axis.

plot_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#428bca’, label=’Plot color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b0650>)

The color to use in the plot.

plot_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’bar’, label=’Plot type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘line’, ‘step’, ‘area’, ‘bar’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b72d0>)

The plot type to render the plot data as.

pos_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#5cb85c’, label=’Pos color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b0b50>)

The color used to indicate a positive change.

neg_color = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’#d9534f’, label=’Neg color’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b5c10>)

The color used to indicate a negative change.

value = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=’auto’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b0450>)

The primary value to be displayed.

value_change = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=’auto’, label=’Value change’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116b55d0>)

A secondary value. For example the change in percent.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

patch(patch_value: 'pd.DataFrame' | 'pd.Series' | dict) None[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.


patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> obj.patch(patch_value) >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

sizing_mode = None#
stream(stream_value: 'pd.DataFrame' | 'pd.Series' | dict, rollover: int | None = None, reset_index: bool = True) None[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover ((int | None, default=None)) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • (bool (reset_index) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index.

  • default=True) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index.


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> obj = DataComponent(value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> obj.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.indicators.ValueIndicator(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Indicator

A ValueIndicator provides a visual representation for a numeric value.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.indicators.Indicator: sizing_mode

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3116f9cd0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

input Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.input

The input widgets generally allow entering arbitrary information into a text field or similar.

class panel.widgets.input.ArrayInput(*, max_array_size, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: LiteralInput

The ArrayInput allows rendering and editing NumPy arrays in a text input widget.

Arrays larger than the max_array_size will be summarized and editing will be disabled.



>>> To be determined ...

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.LiteralInput: width, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value

max_array_size = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max array size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x312db6890>)

Arrays larger than this limit will be allowed in Python but will not be serialized into JavaScript. Although such large arrays will thus not be editable in the widget, such a restriction helps avoid overwhelming the browser and lets other widgets remain usable.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.Checkbox(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _BooleanWidget

The Checkbox allows toggling a single condition between True/False states by ticking a checkbox.

This widget is interchangeable with the Toggle widget.



>>> Checkbox(name='Works with the tools you know and love', value=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.input._BooleanWidget: value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.ColorPicker(*, description, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The ColorPicker widget allows selecting a hexadecimal RGB color value using the browser’s color-picking widget.



>>> ColorPicker(name='Color', value='#99ef78')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=52, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133c0a10>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133cab90>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

value = param.Color(allow_None=True, allow_named=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133c3750>)

The selected color

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.DatePicker(*, description, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, end, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The DatePicker allows selecting a date value using a text box and a date-picking utility.



>>> DatePicker(
...     value=date(2025,1,1),
...     start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...     name='Date'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133ed810>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

value = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133fc510>)

The current value

start = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133ee450>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133fc450>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

disabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Disabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133eec10>)

enabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Enabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133efd90>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133ee310>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.DateRangePicker(*, description, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, end, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The DateRangePicker allows selecting a date range using a text box and a date-picking utility.



>>> DateRangePicker(
...     value=(date(2025,1,1), date(2025,1,5)),
...     start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...     name='Date range'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340dc10>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340d150>)

The current value

start = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340db50>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.CalendarDate(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340d0d0>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

disabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Disabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133e2f90>)

enabled_dates = param.List(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), item_type=(<class ‘’>, <class ‘str’>), label=’Enabled dates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340d7d0>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31340e410>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.DatetimeInput(*, end, format, start, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: LiteralInput

The DatetimeInput allows specifying Python datetime like values using a text input widget.

An optional type may be declared.



>>> DatetimeInput(name='Datetime', value=datetime(2019, 2, 8))

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.LiteralInput: width, description, placeholder, serializer, type

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133cae90>)

The current value

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133d4d90>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133e3390>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133d4dd0>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the datetime.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


alias of datetime

class panel.widgets.input.DatetimePicker(*, mode, value, as_numpy_datetime64, description, disabled_dates, enable_seconds, enable_time, enabled_dates, end, military_time, start, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _DatetimePickerBase

The DatetimePicker allows selecting selecting a datetime value using a textbox and a datetime-picking utility.



>>> DatetimePicker(
...    value=datetime(2025,1,1,22,0),
...    start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...    military_time=True, name='Date and time'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._DatetimePickerBase: width, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, enable_time, enable_seconds, end, military_time, start, description, as_numpy_datetime64

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313438690>)

mode = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’single’, label=’Mode’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313441cd0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.DatetimeRangeInput(*, end, format, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The DatetimeRangeInput widget allows selecting a datetime range using two DatetimeInput widgets, which return a tuple range.



>>> DatetimeRangeInput(
...     name='Datetime Range',
...     value=(datetime(2017, 1, 1), datetime(2018, 1, 10)),
...     start=datetime(2017, 1, 1), end=datetime(2019, 1, 1),
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

value = param.Tuple(allow_refs=False, default=(None, None), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313462b50>)

The current value

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313475110>)

Inclusive lower bound of the allowed date selection

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313475710>)

Inclusive upper bound of the allowed date selection

format = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x313474450>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the datetime.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.DatetimeRangePicker(*, mode, value, as_numpy_datetime64, description, disabled_dates, enable_seconds, enable_time, enabled_dates, end, military_time, start, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _DatetimePickerBase

The DatetimeRangePicker allows selecting selecting a datetime range using a text box and a datetime-range-picking utility.



>>> DatetimeRangePicker(
...    value=(datetime(2025,1,1,22,0), datetime(2025,1,2,22,0)),
...    start=date(2025,1,1), end=date(2025,12,31),
...    military_time=True, name='Datetime Range'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._DatetimePickerBase: width, disabled_dates, enabled_dates, enable_time, enable_seconds, end, military_time, start, description, as_numpy_datetime64

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31345ded0>)

The current value

mode = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’range’, label=’Mode’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3133e82d0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.FileInput(*, accept, description, filename, mime_type, multiple, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The FileInput allows the user to upload one or more files to the server.

It makes the filename, MIME type and (bytes) content available in Python.

Please note

  • you can in fact drag and drop files onto the FileInput.

  • you easily save the files using the save method.



>>> FileInput(accept='.png,.jpeg', multiple=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

accept = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Accept’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31349a110>)

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134b1390>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

filename = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>), label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31349a110>)

mime_type = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>), label=’Mime type’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134b1310>)

multiple = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Multiple’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x312d17bd0>)

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31349a290>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.


Saves the uploaded FileInput data object(s) to file(s) or BytesIO object(s).


list[str]) (filename (str or)

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.FloatInput(*, step, value_throttled, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, mode, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase, _FloatInputBase

The FloatInput allows selecting a floating point value using a spinbox.

It behaves like a slider except that the lower and upper bounds are optional and a specific value can be entered. The value can be changed using the keyboard (up, down, page up, page down), mouse wheel and arrow buttons.



>>> FloatInput(name='Value', value=5., step=1e-1, start=0, end=10)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, format

panel.widgets.input._FloatInputBase: value, start, end, mode

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31349aa90>)

Placeholder when the value is empty.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134d0f10>)

The step size.

value_throttled = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134d1510>)

The current value. Updates only on <enter> or when the widget looses focus.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.IntInput(*, step, value_throttled, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, mode, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase, _IntInputBase

The IntInput allows selecting an integer value using a spinbox.

It behaves like a slider except that lower and upper bounds are optional and a specific value can be entered. The value can be changed using the keyboard (up, down, page up, page down), mouse wheel and arrow buttons.



>>> IntInput(name='Value', value=100, start=0, end=1000, step=10)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, placeholder, format

panel.widgets.input._IntInputBase: value, start, end, mode

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134e4610>)

The step size.

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134f4910>)

The current value. Updates only on <enter> or when the widget looses focus.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.LiteralInput(*, description, placeholder, serializer, type, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The LiteralInput allows declaring Python literals using a text input widget.

A literal is some specific primitive value of type str , int, float, bool etc or a dict, list, tuple, set etc of primitive values.

Optionally the literal type may be declared.



>>> LiteralInput(name='Dictionary', value={'key': [1, 2, 3]}, type=dict)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134df810>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31348e1d0>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134ddfd0>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

serializer = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’ast’, label=’Serializer’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘ast’, ‘json’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134dec50>)

The serialization (and deserialization) method to use. ‘ast’ uses ast.literal_eval and ‘json’ uses json.loads and json.dumps.

type = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘type’>, <class ‘tuple’>), label=’Type’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134df490>)

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3134df2d0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.NumberInput(*, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait, description, end, format, placeholder, start, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SpinnerBase

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input._NumericInputBase: description, value, placeholder, format, start, end

panel.widgets.input._SpinnerBase: width, page_step_multiplier, wheel_wait

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.PasswordInput(*, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: TextInput

The PasswordInput allows entering any string using an obfuscated text input box.



>>> PasswordInput(
...     name='Password', placeholder='Enter your password here...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.TextInput: width, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


alias of NumberInput

class panel.widgets.input.StaticText(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The StaticText widget displays a text value, but does not allow editing it.



>>> StaticText(name='Model', value='animagen2')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31355e810>)

The current value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.Switch(*, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _BooleanWidget

The Switch allows toggling a single condition between True/False states by ticking a checkbox.

This widget is interchangeable with the Toggle widget.



>>> Switch(name='Works with the tools you know and love', value=True)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.input._BooleanWidget: value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.TextAreaInput(*, auto_grow, cols, max_rows, resizable, rows, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: TextInput

The TextAreaInput allows entering any multiline string using a text input box.

Lines are joined with the newline character `


Reference: :Example:

>>> TextAreaInput(
...     name='Description', placeholder='Enter your description here...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

panel.widgets.input.TextInput: width, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input

auto_grow = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Auto grow’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31357c650>)

Whether the text area should automatically grow vertically to accommodate the current text.

cols = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Cols’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31355ccd0>)

Number of columns in the text input field.

max_rows = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31355dc90>)

When combined with auto_grow this determines the maximum number of rows the input area can grow.

rows = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31355d690>)

Number of rows in the text input field.

resizable = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Resizable’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘both’, ‘width’, ‘height’, False], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31357ce10>)

Whether the layout is interactively resizable, and if so in which dimensions: width, height, or both. Can only be set during initialization.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.input.TextInput(*, description, max_length, placeholder, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TextInput widget allows entering any string using a text input box.



>>> TextInput(name='Name', placeholder='Enter your name here ...')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3135b1950>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3135c9890>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

max_length = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=5000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max length’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3135b1d90>)

Max count of characters in the input field.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3135c9510>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

value = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31357d750>)

Initial or entered text value updated when <enter> key is pressed.

value_input = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, default=’’, label=’Value input’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3135c8190>)

Initial or entered text value updated on every key press.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, onkeyup=False, **params) Viewable[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.

  • parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

  • onkeyup (boolean) – Whether to trigger events on every key press.

  • params (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to the widget constructor

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

misc Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.misc

Miscellaneous widgets which do not fit into the other main categories.

class panel.widgets.misc.FileDownload(file=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: IconMixin

The FileDownload widget allows a user to download a file.

It works either by sending the file data to the browser on initialization (`embed`=True), or when the button is clicked.



>>> FileDownload(file='IntroductionToPanel.ipynb', filename='intro.ipynb')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.button.IconMixin: icon, icon_size

auto = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Auto’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315026890>)

Whether to download on the initial click or allow for right-click save as.

button_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’default’, label=’Button type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘primary’, ‘success’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘light’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e22810>)

A button theme; should be one of ‘default’ (white), ‘primary’ (blue), ‘success’ (green), ‘info’ (yellow), ‘light’ (light), or ‘danger’ (red).

button_style = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’solid’, label=’Button style’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘solid’, ‘outline’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e212d0>)

A button style to switch between ‘solid’, ‘outline’.

callback = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Callback’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e21990>)

A callable that returns the file path or file-like object.

data = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Data’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e22950>)

The data being transferred.

embed = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Embed’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e226d0>)

Whether to embed the file on initialization.

file = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’File’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e23c50>)

The file, Path, file-like object or file contents to transfer. If the file is not pointing to a file on disk a filename must also be provided.

filename = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Filename’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e226d0>)

A filename which will also be the default name when downloading the file.

label = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’Download file’, label=’Label’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e23c50>)

The label of the download button

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e21390>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

_clicks = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ clicks’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e21990>)

_transfers = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ transfers’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31384dd90>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.misc.JSONEditor(*, menu, mode, schema, search, selection, templates, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The JSONEditor provides a visual editor for JSON-serializable datastructures, e.g. Python dictionaries and lists, with functionality for different editing modes, inserting objects and validation using JSON Schema.



>>> JSONEditor(value={
...     'dict'  : {'key': 'value'},
...     'float' : 3.14,
...     'int'   : 1,
...     'list'  : [1, 2, 3],
...     'string': 'A string',
... }, mode='code')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

menu = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Menu’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d3d490>)

Adds main menu bar - Contains format, sort, transform, search etc. functionality. true by default. Applicable in all types of mode.

mode = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’tree’, label=’Mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘tree’, ‘view’, ‘form’, ‘text’, ‘preview’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d96910>)

Sets the editor mode. In ‘view’ mode, the data and datastructure is read-only. In ‘form’ mode, only the value can be changed, the data structure is read-only. Mode ‘code’ requires the Ace editor to be loaded on the page. Mode ‘text’ shows the data as plain text. The ‘preview’ mode can handle large JSON documents up to 500 MiB. It shows a preview of the data, and allows to transform, sort, filter, format, or compact the data.

search = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Search’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d3d490>)

Enables a search box in the upper right corner of the JSONEditor. true by default. Only applicable when mode is ‘tree’, ‘view’, or ‘form’.

selection = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Selection’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d97950>)

Current selection.

schema = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Schema’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d3d150>)

Validate the JSON object against a JSON schema. A JSON schema describes the structure that a JSON object must have, like required properties or the type that a value must have. See for more information.

templates = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Templates’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d96890>)

Array of templates that will appear in the context menu, Each template is a json object precreated that can be added as a object value to any node in your document.

value = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default={}, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315d3dd10>)

JSON data to be edited.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.misc.VideoStream(*, format, paused, timeout, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The VideoStream displays a video from a local stream (for example from a webcam) and allows accessing the streamed video data from Python.



>>> VideoStream(name='Video Stream', timeout=100)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

format = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’png’, label=’Format’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘png’, ‘jpeg’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e21bd0>)

The file format as which the video is returned.

paused = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Paused’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e55690>)

Whether the video is currently paused

timeout = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Timeout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e55890>)

Interval between snapshots in millisecons

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x315e551d0>)

A base64 representation of the video stream snapshot.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


Triggers a snapshot of the current VideoStream state to sync the widget value.

player Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.player

Defines Player widgets which offer media-player like controls.

class panel.widgets.player.DiscretePlayer(*, value, value_throttled, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: PlayerBase, SelectBase

The DiscretePlayer provides controls to iterate through a list of discrete options. The speed at which the widget plays is defined by the interval (in milliseconds), but it is also possible to skip items using the step parameter.



>>> DiscretePlayer(
...     name='Discrete Player',
...     options=[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], value=32,
...     loop_policy='loop'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled options

panel.widgets.player.PlayerBase: height, width, direction, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step

interval = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Interval’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3161ee890>)

Interval between updates

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164a1b50>)

Current player value

value_throttled = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164a57d0>)

Current player value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.player.Player(*, end, start, value, value_throttled, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: PlayerBase

The Player provides controls to play and skip through a number of frames defined by explicit start and end values. The speed at which the widget plays is defined by the interval (in milliseconds), but it is also possible to skip frames using the step parameter.



>>> Player(name='Player', start=0, end=100, value=32, loop_policy='loop')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

panel.widgets.player.PlayerBase: height, width, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164c7310>)

Lower bound on the slider value

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164896d0>)

Upper bound on the slider value

value = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164c4850>)

Current player value

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x316489910>)

Current throttled player value.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.player.PlayerBase(*, direction, interval, loop_policy, show_loop_controls, step, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled

height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=80, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164af790>)

The height of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred height, depending on height sizing policy.

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=510, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164b6650>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

direction = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Direction’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164afa90>)

Current play direction of the Player (-1: playing in reverse, 0: paused, 1: playing)

interval = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=500, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Interval’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164b5d50>)

Interval between updates, in milliseconds. Default is 500, i.e. two updates per second.

loop_policy = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’once’, label=’Loop policy’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘once’, ‘loop’, ‘reflect’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164aefd0>)

Policy used when player hits last frame

show_loop_controls = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Show loop controls’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3163acfd0>)

Whether the loop controls radio buttons are shown

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3164af5d0>)

Number of frames to step forward and back by on each event.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

select Module#

Inheritance diagram of

Defines various Select widgets which allow choosing one or more items from a list of options.

class*, case_sensitive, description, min_characters, options, placeholder, restrict, search_strategy, value, value_input, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The MultiChoice widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.

The MultiChoice widget provides a much more compact UI than MultiSelect.



>>> AutocompleteInput(
...     name='Study', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'],
...     placeholder='Write your study here ...'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f55d50>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

case_sensitive = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Case sensitive’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f617d0>)

Enable or disable case sensitivity.

min_characters = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=2, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Min characters’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f55d50>)

The number of characters a user must type before completions are presented.

options = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f615d0>)

A list of completion strings. This will be used to guide the user upon typing the beginning of a desired value.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f548d0>)

Placeholder for empty input field.

restrict = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Restrict’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f6c3d0>)

Set to False in order to allow users to enter text that is not present in the list of completion strings.

search_strategy = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’starts_with’, label=’Search strategy’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘starts_with’, ‘includes’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f6c210>)

Define how to search the list of completion strings. The default option “starts_with” means that the user’s text must match the start of a completion string. Using “includes” means that the user’s text can match any substring of a completion string.

value = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f6c310>)

Initial or entered text value updated when <enter> key is pressed.

value_input = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value input’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f54410>)

Initial or entered text value updated on every key press.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314f55d50>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, inline, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _CheckGroupBase

The CheckBoxGroup widget allows selecting between a list of options by ticking the corresponding checkboxes.

It falls into the broad category of multi-option selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector and CheckButtonGroup widgets.



>>> CheckBoxGroup(
...     name='Fruits', value=['Apple', 'Pear'], options=['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear', 'Strawberry'],
...     inline=True
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

inline = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Inline’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314ed8710>)

Whether the items be arrange vertically (False) or horizontally in-line (True).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, orientation, value, options, button_style, button_type, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _CheckGroupBase, _ButtonBase, TooltipMixin

The CheckButtonGroup widget allows selecting between a list of options by toggling the corresponding buttons.

It falls into the broad category of multi-option selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector and CheckBoxGroup widgets.



>>> CheckButtonGroup(
...     name='Regression Models', value=['Lasso', 'Ridge'],
...     options=['Lasso', 'Linear', 'Ridge', 'Polynomial']
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style options value

orientation = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’horizontal’, label=’Orientation’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314d79d10>)

Button group orientation, either ‘horizontal’ (default) or ‘vertical’.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, ncols, swatch_height, swatch_width, value_name, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SingleSelectBase

The ColorMap widget allows selecting a value from a dictionary of options each containing a colormap specified as a list of colors or a matplotlib colormap.



>>> ColorMap(name='Reds', options={'Reds': ['white', 'red'], 'Blues': ['#ffffff', '#0000ff']})

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

options = param.Dict(allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314d2e450>)

Dictionary of colormaps

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314bf2990>)

The selected colormap.

ncols = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Ncols’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314bf3890>)

Number of columns of swatches to display.

swatch_height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Swatch height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314c0c650>)

Height of the color swatches.

swatch_width = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Swatch width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314bf2f90>)

Width of the color swatches.

value_name = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value name’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314bf3ed0>)

Name of the selected colormap.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, definition_order, filter_fn, size, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, MultiSelect

A composite widget which allows selecting from a list of items by moving them between two lists. Supports filtering values by name to select them in bulk.



>>> CrossSelector(
...     name='Fruits', value=['Apple', 'Pear'],
...     options=['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear', 'Strawberry']
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: margin, disabled options value, description

height = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=200, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314b43910>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=600, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314551050>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=10, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314b42310>)

The number of options shown at once (note this is the only way to control the height of this widget)

filter_fn = param.Callable(allow_refs=False, label=’Filter fn’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314b905d0>)

The filter function applied when querying using the text fields, defaults to Function is two arguments, the query or pattern and the item label.

definition_order = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Definition order’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314b41290>)

Whether to preserve definition order after filtering. Disable to allow the order of selection to define the order of the selected list.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

filter_fn(string, flags=0)[source]#

Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning a Match object, or None if no match was found.

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_double_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a MultiSelect option is double-clicked.

The callback is given an DoubleClickEvent argument


>>> select = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(options=["A", "B", "C"])
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print(f"Option {event.option} was double clicked.")
>>> select.on_double_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, delete_button, max_items, option_limit, placeholder, search_option_limit, solid, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _MultiSelectBase

The MultiChoice widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the MultiSelect, CrossSelector, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.

The MultiChoice widget provides a much more compact UI than MultiSelect.



>>> MultiChoice(
...     name='Favourites', value=['Panel', 'hvPlot'],
...     options=['Panel', 'hvPlot', 'HoloViews', 'GeoViews', 'Datashader', 'Param', 'Colorcet'],
...     max_items=2
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options value, description

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314e0b9d0>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

delete_button = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Delete button’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314d30910>)

Whether to display a button to delete a selected option.

max_items = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max items’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314ad4cd0>)

Maximum number of options that can be selected.

option_limit = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Option limit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314d30fd0>)

Maximum number of options to display at once.

search_option_limit = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Search option limit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314ad7a90>)

Maximum number of options to display at once if search string is entered.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314e0ac90>)

String displayed when no selection has been made.

solid = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Solid’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314ad7650>)

Whether to display widget with solid or light style.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, size, description, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _MultiSelectBase

The MultiSelect widget allows selecting multiple values from a list of options.

It falls into the broad category of multi-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the`CrossSelector`, CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup widgets.



>>> MultiSelect(
...     name='Frameworks', value=['Bokeh', 'Panel'],
...     options=['Bokeh', 'Dash', 'Panel', 'Streamlit', 'Voila'], size=8
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options width, value, description

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=4, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314a38f50>)

The number of items displayed at once (i.e. determines the widget height).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_double_click(callback: Callable[[Event], None | Awaitable[None]]) Watcher[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a MultiSelect option is double-clicked.

The callback is given an DoubleClickEvent argument


>>> select = pn.widgets.MultiSelect(options=["A", "B", "C"])
>>> def handle_click(event):
...    print(f"Option {event.option} was double clicked.")
>>> select.on_double_click(handle_click)

callback – The function to run on click events. Must accept a positional Event argument. Can be a sync or async function

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, _levels, _max_depth, _widgets, layout, levels, options, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget

The NestedSelect widget is composed of multiple widgets, where subsequent select options depend on the parent’s value.



>>> NestedSelect(
...     options={
...         "gfs": {"tmp": [1000, 500], "pcp": [1000]},
...         "name": {"tmp": [1000, 925, 850, 700, 500], "pcp": [1000]},
...     },
...     levels=["model", "var", "level"],
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31499c750>)

Whether the widget is disabled.

value = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31495d5d0>)

The value from all the Select widgets; the keys are the levels names. If no levels names are specified, the keys are the levels indices.

options = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘function’>), label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31495d1d0>)

The options to select from. The options may be nested dictionaries, lists, or callables that return those types. If callables are used, the callables must accept level and value keyword arguments, where level is the level that updated and value is a dictionary of the current values, containing keys up to the level that was updated.

layout = param.Parameter(allow_refs=False, default=<class ‘panel.layout.base.Column’>, label=’Layout’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3149a2c90>)

The layout type of the widgets. If a dictionary, a “type” key can be provided, to specify the layout type of the widgets, and any additional keyword arguments will be used to instantiate the layout.

levels = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Levels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31499c750>)

Either a list of strings or a list of dictionaries. If a list of strings, the strings are used as the names of the levels. If a list of dictionaries, each dictionary may have a “name” key, which is used as the name of the level, a “type” key, which is used as the type of widget, and any corresponding widget keyword arguments. Must be specified if options is callable.

_widgets = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ widgets’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314358850>)

The nested select widgets.

_max_depth = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ max depth’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31495cbd0>)

The number of levels of the nested select widgets.

_levels = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ levels’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314358850>)

The internal rep of levels to prevent overwriting user provided levels.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:



alias of Column

Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, inline, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RadioGroupBase

The RadioBoxGroup widget allows selecting from a list or dictionary of values using a set of checkboxes.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioButtonGroup, Select and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> RadioBoxGroup(
...     name='Sponsor', options=['Anaconda', 'Blackstone'], inline=True
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

inline = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Inline’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31481d750>)

Whether the items be arrange vertically (False) or horizontally in-line (True).

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, orientation, value, options, button_style, button_type, description, description_delay, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RadioGroupBase, _ButtonBase, TooltipMixin

The RadioButtonGroup widget allows selecting from a list or dictionary of values using a set of toggle buttons.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioBoxGroup, Select, and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> RadioButtonGroup(
...     name='Plotting library', options=['Matplotlib', 'Bokeh', 'Plotly'],
...     button_type='success'
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets._mixin.TooltipMixin: description, description_delay

panel.widgets.button._ButtonBase: button_type, button_style options value

orientation = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’horizontal’, label=’Orientation’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314776590>)

Button group orientation, either ‘horizontal’ (default) or ‘vertical’.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, description, disabled_options, groups, size, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SingleSelectBase

The Select widget allows selecting a value from a list or dictionary of options by selecting it from a dropdown menu or selection area.

It falls into the broad category of single-value, option-selection widgets that provide a compatible API and include the RadioBoxGroup, AutocompleteInput and DiscreteSlider widgets.



>>> Select(name='Study', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'])

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, disabled options value

width = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=300, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Width’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3146b4cd0>)

Width of this component. If sizing_mode is set to stretch or scale mode this will merely be used as a suggestion.

description = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3147779d0>)

An HTML string describing the function of this component.

disabled_options = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Disabled options’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314997d10>)

Optional list of options that are disabled, i.e. unusable and un-clickable. If options is a dictionary the list items must be dictionary values.

groups = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Groups’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3146b5110>)

Dictionary whose keys are used to visually group the options and whose values are either a list or a dictionary of options to select from. Mutually exclusive with options and valid only if size is 1.

size = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, None), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314777d90>)

Declares how many options are displayed at the same time. If set to 1 displays options as dropdown otherwise displays scrollable area.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

options = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘list’>), default=[], label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x314604ed0>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SelectBase

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31437bc50>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class*, value, options, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: SingleSelectBase

This class is a factory of ToggleGroup widgets.

A ToggleGroup is a group of widgets which can be switched ‘on’ or ‘off’.

Two types of widgets are available through the widget_type argument :
  • ‘button’ (default)

  • ‘box’

Two different behaviors are available through behavior argument:
  • ‘check’ (default)boolean

    Any number of widgets can be selected. In this case value is a ‘list’ of objects.

  • ‘radio’boolean

    One and only one widget is switched on. In this case value is an ‘object’.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled options value

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

slider Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.slider

Sliders allow you to select a value from a defined range of values by moving one or more handle(s).

  • The value will update when a handle is dragged.

  • The `value_throttled`will update when a handle is released.

class panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider(*, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

format = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter’>), label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x312dce890>)

A custom format string or Bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.DateRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateRangeSlider widget allows selecting a date range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=2,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175f8ed0>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when one of the handles is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime,, and np.datetime64 ranges.

value_start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value start’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175ea010>)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value end’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175f8990>)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = param.DateRange(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175eafd0>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated one of the handles is released. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175f8990>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175eb090>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175f8990>)

The step size in days. Default is 1 day.

format = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175eb7d0>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.DateSlider(*, as_datetime, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateSlider widget allows selecting a value within a set of bounds using a slider. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 values. The step size is fixed at 1 day.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateSlider(
...     value=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 7),
...     name="A datetime value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317625810>)

The selected date value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime, or np.datetime64 types.

value_throttled = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317626f10>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is released.

start = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176258d0>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Date(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317626e90>)

The upper bound.

as_datetime = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’As datetime’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317582850>)

Whether to store the date as a datetime.

step = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317626390>)

The step parameter in milliseconds.

format = param.String(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317582850>)

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.DatetimeRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: DateRangeSlider

The DatetimeRangeSlider widget allows selecting a datetime range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DatetimeRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=10000,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.DateRangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, start, end, format

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=60000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317601b10>)

The step size in ms. Default is 1 min.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.DiscreteSlider(*, formatter, options, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The DiscreteSlider widget allows selecting a value from a discrete list or dictionary of values using a slider.



>>> DiscreteSlider(
...     value=0,
...     options=list([0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]),
...     name="A discrete value",
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317635290>)

The selected value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged. Must be one of the options.

value_throttled = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175fe250>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

options = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘list’>), default=[], label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175fe090>)

A list or dictionary of valid options.

formatter = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’%.3g’, label=’Formatter’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3175fe250>)

A custom format string. Separate from format parameter since formatting is applied in Python, not via the bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


property labels#

The list of labels to display

Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

property values#

The list of option values

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableFloatSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, FloatSlider

The EditableFloatSlider widget allows selecting selecting a numeric floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable number input box.



>>> EditableFloatSlider(
...     value=1.0, start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A float value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.FloatSlider: start, end, step, value, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317601f90>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176193d0>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableIntSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, IntSlider

The EditableIntSlider widget allows selecting selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable integer input box.



>>> EditableIntSlider(
...     value=2, start=0, end=5, step=1, name="An integer value"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.IntSlider: start, end, step, value, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31769cf90>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176a06d0>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableRangeSlider(*, editable, end, fixed_end, fixed_start, format, start, step, value, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The EditableRangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles and for more precise control also offers a set of number input boxes.



>>> EditableRangeSlider(
...      value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

show_value = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Show value’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31769e590>)

Whether to show the widget value.

value = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b4210>)

Current range value. Updated when a handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Range(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b5810>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b4190>)

Lower bound of the range.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b5890>)

Upper bound of the range.

fixed_start = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b5a90>)

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Fixed end’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b5c90>)

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b5e10>)

Slider and number input step.

editable = param.Tuple(allow_refs=False, default=(True, True), label=’Editable’, length=2, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31769f990>)

Whether the lower and upper values are editable.

format = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter’>), default=’0.0[0000]’, label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176b4910>)

Allows defining a custom format string or bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.FloatSlider(*, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The FloatSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> FloatSlider(value=0.5, start=0.0, end=1.0, step=0.1, name="Float value")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176846d0>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176d56d0>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317685ad0>)

The step size.

value = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176d5610>)

The selected floating-point value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Number(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317687750>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.IntRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, value, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: RangeSlider

The IntRangeSlider widget allows selecting an integer range using a slider with two handles.



>>> IntRangeSlider(
...     value=(2, 4), start=0, end=10, step=2, name="A tuple of integers"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.RangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, format

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176dc9d0>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176840d0>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3176cf090>)

The step size

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.IntSlider(*, end, start, step, value, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The IntSlider widget allows selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> IntSlider(value=5, start=0, end=10, step=1, name="Integer Value")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

start = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317701950>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317702d10>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317701a10>)

The step size.

value = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317702c50>)

The selected integer value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

value_throttled = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317701790>)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

class panel.widgets.slider.RangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, value, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: _RangeSliderBase

The RangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles.



>>> RangeSlider(
...     value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = param.Range(allow_refs=False, default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31771bb10>)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when a handle is dragged.

value_start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value start’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317721e50>)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value end’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31771bb10>)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = param.Range(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Value throttled’, length=2, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317721b10>)

The selected range as a tuple of floating point values. Updated when a handle is released

start = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31771b850>)

The lower bound.

end = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’End’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317721a50>)

The upper bound.

step = param.Number(allow_refs=False, default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Step’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317720d50>)

The step size.

format = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter’>), label=’Format’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x317721690>)

A format string or bokeh TickFormatter.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

speech_to_text Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.speech_to_text

The SpeechToText widget controls the speech recognition service of the browser.

It wraps the HTML5 SpeechRecognition API. See

This functionality is experimental and only supported by Chrome and a few other browsers. Checkout for a up to date list of browsers supporting the SpeechRecognition Api. Or alternatively

On some browsers, like Chrome, using Speech Recognition on a web page involves a server-based recognition engine. Your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won’t work offline. Whether this is secure and confidential enough for your use case is up to you to evaluate.

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.Grammar(*, src, uri, weight, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

A set of words or patterns of words that we want the speech recognition service to recognize

For example

grammar = Grammar(

src=’#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige;’, weight=0.7


Wraps the HTML SpeechGrammar API. See

src = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Src’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3185be890>)

A set of words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize. Defined using JSpeech Grammar Format. See

uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319064650>)

An uri pointing to the definition. If src is available it will be used. Otherwise uri. The uri will be loaded on the client side only.

weight = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Weight’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31906ad90>, step=0.01)

The weight of the grammar. A number in the range 0–1. Default is 1.


Returns the grammar as dict

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.GrammarList(iterable=(), /)[source]#

Bases: list

A list of Grammar objects containing words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize.


grammar = ‘#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige | bisque ;’ grammar_list = GrammarList() grammar_list.add_from_string(grammar, 1)

Wraps the HTML 5 SpeechGrammarList API


add_from_string(src, weight=1.0)[source]#

Takes a src and weight and adds it to the GrammarList as a new Grammar object. The new Grammar object is returned.

add_from_uri(uri, weight=1.0)[source]#

Takes a grammar present at a specific uri, and adds it to the GrammarList as a new Grammar object. The new Grammar object is returned.

append(object, /)#

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)#

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)#

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)#

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)#

Insert object before index.

pop(index=-1, /)#

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)#

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.


Returns a list of serialized grammars

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)#

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.Language(*, country, family, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

country = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Country’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fb1010>)

A country like ‘United States’

family = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Family’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319160850>)

The overall language family. For example ‘English’.

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.RecognitionAlternative(*, confidence, transcript, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

The RecognitionAlternative represents a word or sentence that has been recognised by the speech recognition service.

Wraps the HTML5 SpeechRecognitionAlternative API


confidence = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), constant=True, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Confidence’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319170b90>)

A numeric estimate between 0 and 1 of how confident the speech recognition system is that the recognition is correct.

transcript = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, label=’Transcript’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319171810>)

The transcript of the recognised word or sentence.

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.RecognitionResult(*, alternatives, is_final, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

The Result represents a single recognition match, which may contain multiple RecognitionAlternative objects.

Wraps the HTML5 SpeechRecognitionResult API.


alternatives = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), class_=<class ‘panel.widgets.speech_to_text.RecognitionAlternative’>, constant=True, default=[], item_type=<class ‘panel.widgets.speech_to_text.RecognitionAlternative’>, label=’Alternatives’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319163b10>)

The list of the n-best alternatives

is_final = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Is final’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319163990>)

A Boolean that states whether this result is final (True) or not (False) — if so, then this is the final time this result will be returned; if not, then this result is an interim result, and may be updated later on.

classmethod create_from_dict(result)[source]#

Deserializes a serialized RecognitionResult

classmethod create_from_list(results)[source]#

Deserializes a list of serialized RecognitionResults.

class panel.widgets.speech_to_text.SpeechToText(*, _grammars, abort, audio_started, button_hide, button_not_started, button_started, button_type, continuous, grammars, interim_results, lang, max_alternatives, results, service_uri, sound_started, speech_started, start, started, stop, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The SpeechToText widget controls the speech recognition service of the browser.

It wraps the HTML5 SpeechRecognition API. See



>>> SpeechToText(button_type="light")

This functionality is experimental and only supported by Chrome and a few other browsers. Checkout for a up to date list of browsers supporting the SpeechRecognition Api. Or alternatively

On some browsers, like Chrome, using Speech Recognition on a web page involves a server-based recognition engine. Your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won’t work offline. Whether this is secure and confidential enough for your use case is up to you to evaluate.

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

abort = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Abort’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc13d0>)

Stops the speech recognition service from listening to incoming audio, and doesn’t attempt to return a RecognitionResult.

start = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Start’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc00d0>)

Starts the speech recognition service listening to incoming audio with intent to recognize grammars associated with the current SpeechRecognition.

stop = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Stop’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc2990>)

Stops the speech recognition service from listening to incoming audio, and attempts to return a RecognitionResult using the audio captured so far.

lang = param.ObjectSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, default=’’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘’, ‘af-ZA’, ‘ar-AE’, ‘ar-BH’, ‘ar-DZ’, ‘ar-EG’, ‘ar-IL’, ‘ar-IQ’, ‘ar-JO’, ‘ar-KW’, ‘ar-LB’, ‘ar-MA’, ‘ar-OM’, ‘ar-PS’, ‘ar-QA’, ‘ar-SA’, ‘ar-TN’, ‘bg-BG’, ‘ca-ES’, ‘cmn-Hans-CN’, ‘cmn-Hans-HK’, ‘cmn-Hant-TW’, ‘cs-CZ’, ‘da-DK’, ‘de-DE’, ‘el-GR’, ‘en-AU’, ‘en-CA’, ‘en-GB’, ‘en-IE’, ‘en-IN’, ‘en-NZ’, ‘en-PH’, ‘en-US’, ‘en-ZA’, ‘es-AR’, ‘es-BO’, ‘es-CL’, ‘es-CO’, ‘es-CR’, ‘es-DO’, ‘es-EC’, ‘es-ES’, ‘es-GT’, ‘es-HN’, ‘es-MX’, ‘es-NI’, ‘es-PA’, ‘es-PE’, ‘es-PR’, ‘es-PY’, ‘es-SV’, ‘es-US’, ‘es-UY’, ‘es-VE’, ‘eu-ES’, ‘fa-IR’, ‘fi-FI’, ‘fil-PH’, ‘fr-FR’, ‘gl-ES’, ‘he-IL’, ‘hi-IN’, ‘hr_HR’, ‘hu-HU’, ‘id-ID’, ‘is-IS’, ‘it-CH’, ‘it-IT’, ‘ja-JP’, ‘ko-KR’, ‘lt-LT’, ‘ms-MY’, ‘nb-NO’, ‘nl-NL’, ‘pl-PL’, ‘pt-BR’, ‘pt-PT’, ‘ro-RO’, ‘ru-RU’, ‘sk-SK’, ‘sl-SI’, ‘sr-RS’, ‘sv-SE’, ‘th-TH’, ‘tr-TR’, ‘uk-UA’, ‘vi-VN’, ‘yue-Hant-HK’, ‘zu-ZA’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc00d0>)

The language of the current SpeechRecognition in BCP 47 format. For example ‘en-US’. If not specified, this defaults to the HTML lang attribute value, or the user agent’s language setting if that isn’t set either.

continuous = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Continuous’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0390>)

Controls whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result. Defaults to False

interim_results = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Interim results’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc3250>)

Controls whether interim results should be returned (True) or not (False.) Interim results are results that are not yet final (e.g. the RecognitionResult.is_final property is False).

max_alternatives = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, bounds=(1, 5), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Max alternatives’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc2990>)

Sets the maximum number of RecognitionAlternatives provided per result. A number between 1 and 5. The default value is 1.

service_uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Service uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc2490>)

Specifies the location of the speech recognition service used by the current SpeechRecognition to handle the actual recognition. The default is the user agent’s default speech service.

grammars = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘panel.widgets.speech_to_text.GrammarList’>, label=’Grammars’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc1050>)

A GrammarList object that represents the grammars that will be understood by the current SpeechRecognition service

button_hide = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc3250>)

If True no button is shown. If False a toggle Start/ Stop button is shown.

button_type = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’light’, label=’Button type’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘primary’, ‘success’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘light’, ‘light’, ‘dark’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc06d0>)

The button styling.

button_not_started = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc3250>)

The text to show on the button when the SpeechRecognition service is NOT started. If ‘’ a muted microphone icon is shown.

button_started = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0390>)

The text to show on the button when the SpeechRecognition service is started. If ‘’ a muted microphone icon is shown.

started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0490>)

Returns True if the Speech Recognition Service is started and False otherwise.

audio_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Audio started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0c50>)

Returns True if the Audio is started and False otherwise.

sound_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Sound started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc06d0>)

Returns True if the Sound is started and False otherwise.

speech_started = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Speech started’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc1090>)

Returns True if the the User has started speaking and False otherwise.

results = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’Results’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0e10>)

The results as a list of Dictionaries.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc1090>)

The transcipt of the highest confidence RecognitionAlternative of the last RecognitionResult. Please note we strip the transcript for leading spaces.

_grammars = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’ grammars’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x318fc0f10>)

List used to transfer the serialized grammars from server to browser.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

property results_as_html: str#

Returns the results formatted as html

Convenience method for ease of use

property results_deserialized#

Returns the results as a List of RecognitionResults

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

tables Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.tables
class panel.widgets.tables.BaseTable(value=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: ReactiveData, Widget

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

selection = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], item_type=<class ‘int’>, label=’Selection’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31944eed0>)

The currently selected rows of the table.

aggregators = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Aggregators’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943ec90>)

A dictionary mapping from index name to an aggregator to be used for hierarchical multi-indexes (valid aggregators include ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘mean’ and ‘sum’). If separate aggregators for different columns are required the dictionary may be nested as {index_name: {column_name: aggregator}}

editors = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Editors’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e350>)

Bokeh CellEditor to use for a particular column (overrides the default chosen based on the type).

formatters = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Formatters’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e110>)

Bokeh CellFormatter to use for a particular column (overrides the default chosen based on the type).

hierarchical = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, constant=True, default=False, label=’Hierarchical’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31931b9d0>)

Whether to generate a hierarchical index.

row_height = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=40, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Row height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e3d0>)

The height of each table row.

show_index = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=True, label=’Show index’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e410>)

Whether to show the index column.

sorters = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Sorters’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e010>)

A list of sorters to apply during pagination.

text_align = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘str’>), default={}, label=’Text align’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e410>)

A mapping from column name to alignment or a fixed column alignment, which should be one of ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’.

titles = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Titles’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e0d0>)

A mapping from column name to a title to override the name with.

widths = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘int’>), default={}, label=’Widths’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e3d0>)

A mapping from column name to column width or a fixed column width.

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943e310>)

add_filter(filter, column=None)[source]#

Adds a filter to the table which can be a static value or dynamic parameter based object which will automatically update the table when changed..

When a static value, widget or parameter is supplied the filtering will follow a few well defined behaviors:

  • scalar: Filters by checking for equality

  • tuple: A tuple will be interpreted as range.

  • list: A list will be interpreted as a set of discrete

    scalars and the filter will check if the values in the column match any of the items in the list.

  • filter (Widget, param.Parameter or FunctionType) – The value by which to filter the DataFrame along the declared column, or a function accepting the DataFrame to be filtered and returning a filtered copy of the DataFrame.

  • column (str or None) – Column to which the filter will be applied, if the filter is a constant value, widget or parameter.


ValueError – If the filter type is not supported or no column: was declared.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

property current_view#

Returns the current view of the table after filtering and sorting are applied.

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

patch(patch_value, as_index=True)[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.

  • patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.

  • as_index (boolean) – Whether to treat the patch index as DataFrame indexes (True) or as simple integer index.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}


Removes a filter which was previously added.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


property selected_dataframe#

Returns a DataFrame of the currently selected rows.

servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

stream(stream_value, rollover=None, reset_index=True)[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover (int) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • reset_index ((bool, default=True)) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.tables.DataFrame(value=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: BaseTable

The DataFrame widget allows displaying and editing a pandas DataFrame.

Note that editing is not possible for multi-indexed DataFrames, in which case you will need to reduce the DataFrame to a single index.

Also note that the DataFrame widget will eventually be replaced with the Tabulator widget, and so new code should be written to use Tabulator instead.



>>> DataFrame(df, name='DataFrame')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.tables.BaseTable: selection, aggregators, editors, formatters, hierarchical, row_height, show_index, sorters, text_align, titles, widths, value

auto_edit = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Auto edit’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319389d10>)

Whether clicking on a table cell automatically starts edit mode.

autosize_mode = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’force_fit’, label=’Autosize mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘none’, ‘fit_columns’, ‘fit_viewport’, ‘force_fit’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31923b7d0>)

Determines the column autosizing mode, as one of the following options: "fit_columns" Compute column widths based on cell contents while ensuring the table fits into the available viewport. This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is not enough space available. "fit_viewport" Adjust the viewport size after computing column widths based on cell contents. "force_fit" Fit columns into available space dividing the table width across the columns equally (equivalent to fit_columns=True). This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is not enough space available. "none" Do not automatically compute column widths.

fit_columns = param.Boolean(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Fit columns’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319389d10>)

Whether columns should expand to the available width. This results in no horizontal scrollbar showing up, but data can get unreadable if there is no enough space available.

frozen_columns = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Frozen columns’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31945af10>)

Integer indicating the number of columns to freeze. If set, the first N columns will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame.

frozen_rows = param.Integer(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Frozen rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943a010>)

Integer indicating the number of rows to freeze. If set, the first N rows will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame; if set to a negative value the last N rows will be frozen.

reorderable = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Reorderable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31923b790>)

Allows the reordering of a table’s columns. To reorder a column, click and drag a table’s header to the desired location in the table. The columns on either side will remain in their previous order.

sortable = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Sortable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319389d10>)

Allows to sort table’s contents. By default natural order is preserved. To sort a column, click on its header. Clicking one more time changes sort direction. Use Ctrl + click to return to natural order. Use Shift + click to sort multiple columns simultaneously.

add_filter(filter, column=None)[source]#

Adds a filter to the table which can be a static value or dynamic parameter based object which will automatically update the table when changed..

When a static value, widget or parameter is supplied the filtering will follow a few well defined behaviors:

  • scalar: Filters by checking for equality

  • tuple: A tuple will be interpreted as range.

  • list: A list will be interpreted as a set of discrete

    scalars and the filter will check if the values in the column match any of the items in the list.

  • filter (Widget, param.Parameter or FunctionType) – The value by which to filter the DataFrame along the declared column, or a function accepting the DataFrame to be filtered and returning a filtered copy of the DataFrame.

  • column (str or None) – Column to which the filter will be applied, if the filter is a constant value, widget or parameter.


ValueError – If the filter type is not supported or no column: was declared.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

property current_view#

Returns the current view of the table after filtering and sorting are applied.

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

patch(patch_value, as_index=True)[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.

  • patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.

  • as_index (boolean) – Whether to treat the patch index as DataFrame indexes (True) or as simple integer index.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}


Removes a filter which was previously added.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


property selected_dataframe#

Returns a DataFrame of the currently selected rows.

servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

stream(stream_value, rollover=None, reset_index=True)[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover (int) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • reset_index ((bool, default=True)) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

class panel.widgets.tables.Tabulator(value=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: BaseTable

The Tabulator widget wraps the [Tabulator js]( table to provide a full-featured, very powerful interactive table.



>>> Tabulator(df, theme='site', pagination='remote', page_size=25)

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.tables.BaseTable: selection, aggregators, editors, formatters, hierarchical, show_index, sorters, text_align, titles, widths, value

row_height = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=30, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Row height’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3194708d0>)

The height of each table row.

buttons = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Buttons’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193c1f90>)

Dictionary mapping from column name to a HTML element to use as the button icon.

expanded = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Expanded’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193b3b10>)

List of expanded rows, only applicable if a row_content function has been defined.

embed_content = param.Boolean(allow_refs=True, default=False, label=’Embed content’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472c50>)

Whether to embed the row_content or render it dynamically when a row is expanded.

filters = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Filters’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193b3b10>)

List of client-side filters declared as dictionaries containing ‘field’, ‘type’ and ‘value’ keys.

frozen_columns = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘list’>, <class ‘dict’>), default=[], label=’Frozen columns’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3194708d0>)

One of: - List indicating the columns to freeze. The column(s) may be selected by name or index. - Dict indicating columns to freeze as keys and their freeze location as values, freeze location is either ‘right’ or ‘left’.

frozen_rows = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Frozen rows’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193b3b10>)

List indicating the rows to freeze. If set, the first N rows will be frozen, which prevents them from scrolling out of frame; if set to a negative value the last N rows will be frozen.

groups = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Groups’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472550>)

Dictionary mapping defining the groups.

groupby = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Groupby’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193b3b10>)

Groups rows in the table by one or more columns.

header_align = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘dict’>, <class ‘str’>), default={}, label=’Header align’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3194717d0>)

A mapping from column name to alignment or a fixed column alignment, which should be one of ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’.

header_filters = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘dict’>), label=’Header filters’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193b3b10>)

Whether to enable filters in the header or dictionary configuring filters for each column.

hidden_columns = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’Hidden columns’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472790>)

List of columns to hide.

layout = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’fit_data_table’, label=’Layout’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘fit_data’, ‘fit_data_fill’, ‘fit_data_stretch’, ‘fit_data_table’, ‘fit_columns’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943ab10>)

pagination = param.ObjectSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Pagination’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘local’, ‘remote’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472a10>)

page = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Page’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193c30d0>)

Currently selected page (indexed starting at 1), if pagination is enabled.

page_size = param.Integer(allow_refs=True, bounds=(1, None), default=20, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Page size’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3193c3290>)

Number of rows to render per page, if pagination is enabled.

row_content = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Row content’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319488fd0>)

A function which is given the DataFrame row and should return a Panel object to render as additional detail below the row.

selectable = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘str’>, <class ‘int’>), default=True, label=’Selectable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x3194708d0>)

Defines the selection mode of the Tabulator. - True Selects rows on click. To select multiple use Ctrl-select, to select a range use Shift-select - False Disables selection - ‘checkbox’ Adds a column of checkboxes to toggle selections - ‘checkbox-single’ Same as ‘checkbox’ but header does not allow select/deselect all - ‘toggle’ Selection toggles when clicked - int The maximum number of selectable rows.

selectable_rows = param.Callable(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label=’Selectable rows’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319488fd0>)

A function which given a DataFrame should return a list of rows by integer index, which are selectable.

sortable = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=True, class_=(<class ‘bool’>, <class ‘dict’>), default=True, label=’Sortable’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472c50>)

Whether the columns in the table should be sortable. Can either be specified as a simple boolean toggling the behavior on and off or as a dictionary specifying the option per column.

theme = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=True, default=’simple’, label=’Theme’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘default’, ‘site’, ‘simple’, ‘midnight’, ‘modern’, ‘bootstrap’, ‘bootstrap4’, ‘materialize’, ‘bulma’, ‘semantic-ui’, ‘fast’, ‘bootstrap5’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319471f50>)

Tabulator CSS theme to apply to table.

theme_classes = param.List(allow_refs=True, bounds=(0, None), class_=<class ‘str’>, default=[], item_type=<class ‘str’>, label=’Theme classes’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319472790>)

List of extra CSS classes to apply to the Tabulator element to customize the theme.

title_formatters = param.Dict(allow_refs=True, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Title formatters’, nested_refs=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31943ab10>)

Tabulator formatter specification to use for a particular column header title.

add_filter(filter, column=None)[source]#

Adds a filter to the table which can be a static value or dynamic parameter based object which will automatically update the table when changed..

When a static value, widget or parameter is supplied the filtering will follow a few well defined behaviors:

  • scalar: Filters by checking for equality

  • tuple: A tuple will be interpreted as range.

  • list: A list will be interpreted as a set of discrete

    scalars and the filter will check if the values in the column match any of the items in the list.

  • filter (Widget, param.Parameter or FunctionType) – The value by which to filter the DataFrame along the declared column, or a function accepting the DataFrame to be filtered and returning a filtered copy of the DataFrame.

  • column (str or None) – Column to which the filter will be applied, if the filter is a constant value, widget or parameter.


ValueError – If the filter type is not supported or no column: was declared.

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

property current_view: pd.DataFrame#

Returns the current view of the table after filtering and sorting are applied.

download(filename: str = 'table.csv')[source]#

Triggers downloading of the table as a CSV or JSON.


filename (str) – The filename to save the table as.

download_menu(text_kwargs={}, button_kwargs={})[source]#

Returns a menu containing a TextInput and Button widget to set the filename and trigger a client-side download of the data.

  • text_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to the TextInput constructor

  • button_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to the Button constructor


  • filename (TextInput) – The TextInput widget setting a filename.

  • button (Button) – The Button that triggers a download.

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

on_click(callback: Callable[[CellClickEvent], None], column: str | None = None)[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when any cell is clicked. The callback is given a CellClickEvent declaring the column and row of the cell that was clicked.

  • callback ((callable)) – The callback to run on edit events.

  • column ((str)) – Optional argument restricting the callback to a specific column.

on_edit(callback: Callable[[TableEditEvent], None])[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when a cell is edited. Whenever a cell is edited on_edit callbacks are called with a TableEditEvent as the first argument containing the column, row and value of the edited cell.


callback ((callable)) – The callback to run on edit events.

patch(patch_value, as_index=True)[source]#

Efficiently patches (updates) the existing value with the patch_value.

  • patch_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The value(s) to patch the existing value with.

  • as_index (boolean) – Whether to treat the patch index as DataFrame indexes (True) or as simple integer index.


ValueError – Raised if the patch_value is not a supported type.:


Patch a DataFrame with a Dictionary row. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(0, 3)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 2], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dictionary of Columns. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = {“x”: [(slice(2), (3,4))], “y”: [(1,’d’)]} >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a DataFrame with a Series. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.Series({“index”: 1, “x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘d’]}

Patch a Dataframe with a Dataframe. Please note the index is used in the update. >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> patch_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> tabulator.patch(patch_value) >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [3, 4], ‘y’: [‘c’, ‘d’]}


Removes a filter which was previously added.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


property selected_dataframe#

Returns a DataFrame of the currently selected rows.

servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

stream(stream_value, rollover=None, reset_index=True, follow=True)[source]#

Streams (appends) the stream_value provided to the existing value in an efficient manner.

  • stream_value ((pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | Dict)) – The new value(s) to append to the existing value.

  • rollover (int) – A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded.

  • reset_index ((bool, default=True)) – If True and the stream_value is a DataFrame, then its index is reset. Helps to keep the index unique and named index


ValueError – Raised if the stream_value is not a supported type.:


Stream a Series to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.Series({“x”: 4, “y”: “d”}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dataframe to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]}) >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary row to a DataFrame >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: 4, “y”: “d”} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’]}

Stream a Dictionary of Columns to a Dataframe >>> value = pd.DataFrame({“x”: [1, 2], “y”: [“a”, “b”]}) >>> tabulator = Tabulator(value=value) >>> stream_value = {“x”: [3, 4], “y”: [“c”, “d”]} >>> >>> tabulator.value.to_dict(“list”) {‘x’: [1, 2, 3, 4], ‘y’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]}

terminal Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.terminal

The Terminal Widget makes it easy to create Panel Applications with Terminals.

  • For example apps which streams the output of processes or logs.

  • For example apps which provide interactive bash, python or ipython terminals

class panel.widgets.terminal.Terminal(output=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The Terminal widget renders a live terminal in the browser using the xterm.js library making it possible to display logs or even provide an interactive terminal in a Panel application.



>>> Terminal(
...     "Welcome to the Panel Terminal!", options={"cursorBlink": True}
... )

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

clear = param.Action(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Clear’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bbbbd0>)

Clears the Terminal.

options = param.Dict(allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, default={}, label=’Options’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc0890>)

Initial Options for the Terminal Constructor. cf.

output = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Output’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc0ad0>)

System output written to the Terminal

ncols = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Ncols’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc0f50>)

The number of columns in the terminal.

nrows = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Nrows’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc1b10>)

The number of rows in the terminal.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc13d0>)

User input received from the Terminal. Sent one character at the time.

write_to_console = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Write to console’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc0190>)

Whether or not to write to the server console.

_clears = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ clears’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc0bd0>)

Sends a signal to clear the terminal

_output = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’ output’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bc1e10>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

property subprocess#

The subprocess enables running commands like ‘ls’, [‘ls’, ‘-l’], ‘bash’, ‘python’ and ‘ipython’ in the terminal.

class panel.widgets.terminal.TerminalSubprocess(terminal, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

The TerminalSubProcess is a utility class that makes running subprocesses via the Terminal easy.

args = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>), label=’Args’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319bb8750>)

The arguments used to run the subprocess. This may be a string or a list. The string cannot contain spaces. See docs for more details.

kill = param.Action(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’Kill’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ba86d0>)

Kills the running process

kwargs = param.Dict(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘dict’>, label=’Kwargs’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ba9550>)

Any other arguments to run the subprocess. See docs for more details.

running = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Running’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319baa2d0>)

Whether or not the subprocess is running.

_child_pid = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ child pid’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319b91fd0>)

Child process id

_fd = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ fd’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319afd610>)

Child file descriptor.

_max_read_bytes = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=20480, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ max read bytes’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319b92050>)

_periodic_callback = param.ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, class_=<class ‘’>, label=’ periodic callback’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ba8710>)

Watches the subprocess for output

_period = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=50, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ period’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319afd450>)

Period length of _periodic_callback

_terminal = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, constant=True, label=’ terminal’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319baa650>)

The Terminal to which the subprocess is connected.

_timeout_sec = param.Integer(allow_refs=False, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’ timeout sec’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ba8710>)

_watcher = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’ watcher’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319baa2d0>)

Watches the subprocess for user input

run(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Runs a subprocess command.

text_to_speech Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.text_to_speech

The Panel TextToSpeak Widget provides functionality for text to speech via the the HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API.


The term utterance is used throughout the API. It is the smallest unit of speech in spoken language analysis.

class panel.widgets.text_to_speech.TextToSpeech(*, _voices, auto_speak, cancel, pause, resume, speak, lang, pitch, rate, value, voice, volume, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Utterance, Widget

The TextToSpeech widget wraps the HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API




>>> TextToSpeech(name="Speech Synthesis", value="Data apps are nice")

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.text_to_speech.Utterance: value, lang, pitch, rate, voice, volume

auto_speak = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=True, label=’Auto speak’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319d57c10>)

Whether or not to automatically speak when the value changes.

cancel = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Cancel’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9dd0>)

Removes all utterances from the utterance queue.

pause = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Pause’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea8cd0>)

Puts the TextToSpeak object into a paused state.

resume = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Resume’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9d10>)

Puts the TextToSpeak object into a non-paused state: resumes it if it was already paused.

paused = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Paused’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9010>)

A Boolean that returns true if the TextToSpeak object is in a paused state.

pending = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Pending’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9a50>)

A Boolean that returns true if the utterance queue contains as-yet-unspoken utterances.

speak = param.Event(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Speak’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9010>)

Speak. I.e. send a new Utterance to the browser

speaking = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Speaking’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9ed0>)

A Boolean that returns true if an utterance is currently in the process of being spoken — even if TextToSpeak is in a paused state.

voices = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), constant=True, default=[], label=’Voices’, nested_refs=False, readonly=True, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9010>)

Returns a list of Voice objects representing all the available voices on the current device.

_voices = param.List(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0, None), default=[], label=’ voices’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea9d10>)

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:



Updates the lang and voice parameter objects, default and value

show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or


Returns the object parameter values in a dictionary



Return type:


class panel.widgets.text_to_speech.Utterance(*, lang, pitch, rate, value, voice, volume, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

An utterance is the smallest unit of speech in spoken language analysis.

The Utterance Model wraps the HTML5 SpeechSynthesisUtterance API


value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ebcd50>)

The text that will be synthesised when the utterance is spoken. The text may be provided as plain text, or a well-formed SSML document.

lang = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Lang’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ebd250>)

The language of the utterance.

pitch = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 2.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Pitch’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ebc3d0>)

The pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0 and 2.

rate = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.1, 10.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Rate’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ea2050>)

The speed at which the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0.1 and 10.

voice = param.ObjectSelector(allow_refs=False, label=’Voice’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ebebd0>)

The voice that will be used to speak the utterance.

volume = param.Number(allow_refs=False, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label=’Volume’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319ebc9d0>)

The volume that the utterance will be spoken at expressed as a number between 0 and 1.


Updates the lang and voice parameter objects, default and value


Returns the object parameter values in a dictionary



Return type:


class panel.widgets.text_to_speech.Voice(*, default, lang, local_service, voice_uri, name)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

The current device (i.e. OS and Browser) provides a list of Voices. Each with a unique name and speaking a specific language.

Wraps the HTML5 SpeecSynthesisVoice API


default = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Default’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319eb6390>)

A Boolean indicating whether the voice is the default voice for the current app language (True), or not (False.)

lang = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, label=’Lang’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319eb7750>)

Returns a BCP 47 language tag indicating the language of the voice.

local_service = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=False, label=’Local service’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319eb6390>)

A Boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (True), or a remote speech synthesizer service (False.)

voice_uri = param.String(allow_refs=False, constant=True, default=’’, label=’Voice uri’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319eb7f10>)

Returns the type of URI and location of the speech synthesis service for this voice.

static group_by_lang(voices)[source]#

Returns a dictionary where the key is the lang and the value is a list of voices for that language.

static to_voices_list(voices)[source]#

Returns a list of Voice objects from the list of dicts provided

texteditor Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.texteditor

Defines a WYSIWYG TextEditor widget based on quill.js.

class panel.widgets.texteditor.TextEditor(*, mode, placeholder, toolbar, value, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, name)[source]#

Bases: Widget

The TextEditor widget provides a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) rich text editor which outputs HTML.

The editor is built on top of the [Quill.js]( library.



>>> TextEditor(placeholder='Enter some text')

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width

disabled = param.Boolean(allow_refs=False, default=False, label=’Disabled’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x319f839d0>)

Whether the editor is disabled.

mode = param.Selector(allow_refs=False, default=’toolbar’, label=’Mode’, names={}, nested_refs=False, objects=[‘bubble’, ‘toolbar’], rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a153590>)

Whether to display a toolbar or a bubble menu on highlight.

toolbar = param.ClassSelector(allow_refs=False, class_=(<class ‘list’>, <class ‘bool’>), default=True, label=’Toolbar’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a153750>)

Toolbar configuration either as a boolean toggle or a configuration specified as a list.

placeholder = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Placeholder’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a153110>)

Placeholder output when the editor is empty.

value = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a149d50>)

State of the current text in the editor

clone(**params) Viewable[source]#

Makes a copy of the object sharing the same parameters.


params (Keyword arguments override the parameters on the clone.)

Return type:

Cloned Viewable object

controls(parameters: list[str] = [], jslink: bool = True, **kwargs) Panel[source]#

Creates a set of widgets which allow manipulating the parameters on this instance. By default all parameters which support linking are exposed, but an explicit list of parameters can be provided.

  • parameters (list(str)) – An explicit list of parameters to return controls for.

  • jslink (bool) – Whether to use jslinks instead of Python based links. This does not allow using all types of parameters.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional kwargs to pass to the Param pane(s) used to generate the controls widgets.

Return type:

A layout of the controls

embed(max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = False, states={}) None[source]#

Renders a static version of a panel in a notebook by evaluating the set of states defined by the widgets in the model. Note this will only work well for simple apps with a relatively small state space.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for JSON filename

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=False)) – Whether to report progress

  • states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

classmethod from_param(parameter: param.Parameter, **params) T[source]#

Construct a widget from a Parameter and link the two bi-directionally.


parameter (param.Parameter) – A parameter to create the widget from.

Return type:

Widget instance linked to the supplied parameter

get_root(doc: Document | None = None, comm: Comm | None = None, preprocess: bool = True) Model[source]#

Returns the root model and applies pre-processing hooks

  • doc (bokeh.Document) – Bokeh document the bokeh model will be attached to.

  • comm (pyviz_comms.Comm) – Optional pyviz_comms when working in notebook

  • preprocess (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to run preprocessing hooks

Return type:

Returns the bokeh model corresponding to this panel object

jscallback(args: dict[str, Any] = {}, **callbacks: str) Callback[source]#

Allows defining a JS callback to be triggered when a property changes on the source object. The keyword arguments define the properties that trigger a callback and the JS code that gets executed.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • **callbacks (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the code to execute when that property changes


callback – The Callback which can be used to disable the callback.

Return type:


Links properties on the this Reactive object to those on the target Reactive object in JS code.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target model properties as keywords or provide a dictionary of JS code snippets which maps from the source parameter to a JS code snippet which is executed when the property changes.

  • target (panel.viewable.Viewable | bokeh.model.Model | holoviews.core.dimension.Dimensioned) – The target to link the value to.

  • code (dict) – Custom code which will be executed when the widget value changes.

  • args (dict) – A mapping of objects to make available to the JS callback

  • bidirectional (boolean) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – A mapping between properties on the source model and the target model property to link it to.


link – The GenericLink which can be used unlink the widget and the target model.

Return type:


Links the parameters on this Reactive object to attributes on the target Parameterized object.

Supports two modes, either specify a mapping between the source and target object parameters as keywords or provide a dictionary of callbacks which maps from the source parameter to a callback which is triggered when the parameter changes.

  • target (param.Parameterized) – The target object of the link.

  • callbacks (dict | None) – Maps from a parameter in the source object to a callback.

  • bidirectional (bool) – Whether to link source and target bi-directionally

  • **links (dict) – Maps between parameters on this object to the parameters on the supplied object.

save(filename: str | PathLike | IO, title: str | None = None, resources: Resources | None = None, template: str | Template | None = None, template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {}, embed: bool = False, max_states: int = 1000, max_opts: int = 3, embed_json: bool = False, json_prefix: str = '', save_path: str = './', load_path: str | None = None, progress: bool = True, embed_states: dict[Any, Any] = {}, as_png: bool | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]#

Saves Panel objects to file.

  • filename (str or file-like object) – Filename to save the plot to

  • title (string) – Optional title for the plot

  • resources (bokeh resources) – One of the valid bokeh.resources (e.g. CDN or INLINE)

  • template – passed to underlying

  • template_variables – passed to underlying

  • embed (bool) – Whether the state space should be embedded in the saved file.

  • max_states (int) – The maximum number of states to embed

  • max_opts (int) – The maximum number of states for a single widget

  • embed_json (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to export the data to json files

  • json_prefix (str (default='')) – Prefix for the auto-generated json directory

  • save_path (str (default='./')) – The path to save json files to

  • load_path (str (default=None)) – The path or URL the json files will be loaded from.

  • progress (boolean (default=True)) – Whether to report progress

  • embed_states (dict (default={})) – A dictionary specifying the widget values to embed for each widget

  • as_png (boolean (default=None)) – To save as a .png. If None save_png will be true if filename is string and ends with png.

select(selector: type | Callable[[Viewable], bool] | None = None) list[Viewable][source]#

Iterates over the Viewable and any potential children in the applying the Selector.


selector (type or callable or None) – The selector allows selecting a subset of Viewables by declaring a type or callable function to filter by.



Return type:


servable(title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True, area: str = 'main', target: str | None = None) ServableMixin[source]#

Serves the object or adds it to the configured pn.state.template if in a panel serve context, writes to the DOM if in a pyodide context and returns the Panel object to allow it to display itself in a notebook context.

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.

  • area (str (deprecated)) – The area of a template to add the component too. Only has an effect if pn.config.template has been set.

  • target (str) – Target area to write to. If a template has been configured on pn.config.template this refers to the target area in the template while in pyodide this refers to the ID of the DOM node to write to.

Return type:

The Panel object itself

server_doc(doc: Document | None = None, title: str | None = None, location: bool | 'Location' = True) Document[source]#

Returns a serveable bokeh Document with the panel attached

  • doc (bokeh.Document (optional)) – The bokeh Document to attach the panel to as a root, defaults to

  • title (str) – A string title to give the Document

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


doc – The bokeh document the panel was attached to

Return type:


show(title: str | None = None, port: int = 0, address: str | None = None, websocket_origin: str | None = None, threaded: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, open: bool = True, location: bool | 'Location' = True, **kwargs) StoppableThread' | 'Server[source]#

Starts a Bokeh server and displays the Viewable in a new tab.

  • title (str | None) – A string title to give the Document (if served as an app)

  • port (int (optional, default=0)) – Allows specifying a specific port

  • address (str) – The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests.

  • websocket_origin (str or list(str) (optional)) – A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, “localhost” is used.

  • threaded (boolean (optional, default=False)) – Whether to launch the Server on a separate thread, allowing interactive use.

  • verbose (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to print the address and port

  • open (boolean (optional, default=True)) – Whether to open the server in a new browser tab

  • location (boolean or – Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location.


server – Returns the Bokeh server instance or the thread the server was launched on (if threaded=True)

Return type:

bokeh.server.Server or

widget Module#

Inheritance diagram of panel.widgets.widget
class panel.widgets.widget.fixed(value: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Parameterized

A pseudo-widget whose value is fixed and never synced to the client.

description = param.String(allow_refs=False, default=’’, label=’Description’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a317ed0>)

value = param.Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=False, label=’Value’, nested_refs=False, rx=<param.reactive.reactive_ops object at 0x31a2c7950>)

Any Python object


Return the value for this widget which should be passed to interactive functions. Custom widgets can change this method to process the raw value self.value.

class panel.widgets.widget.widget(*, name)[source]#

Bases: ParameterizedFunction

Attempts to find a widget appropriate for a given value.

  • name (str) – The name of the resulting widget.

  • value (Any) – The value to deduce a widget from.

  • default (Any) – The default value for the resulting widget.

  • **params (Any) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the widget.

Return type:


classmethod instance(**params)[source]#

Return an instance of this class, copying parameters from any existing instance provided.

static widget_from_iterable(o, name)[source]#

Make widgets from an iterable. This should not be done for a string or tuple.

static widget_from_single_value(o, name)[source]#

Make widgets from single values, which can be used as parameter defaults.

static widget_from_tuple(o, name, default)[source]#

Make widgets from a tuple abbreviation.