Launch a server on the command line#

Once the app is ready for deployment it can be served using the Bokeh server. For a detailed breakdown of the design and functionality of Bokeh server, see the Bokeh documentation. The most important thing to know is that Panel (and Bokeh) provide a CLI command to serve a Python script, app directory, or Jupyter notebook containing a Bokeh or Panel app. To launch a server using the CLI, simply run:

panel serve app.ipynb

Alternatively you can also list multiple apps:

panel serve app2.ipynb

or even serve a number of apps at once:

panel serve apps/*.py

For development it can be particularly helpful to use the --dev option to panel serve as that will automatically reload the page whenever the application code or any of its imports change.


We recommend installing watchfiles, which will provide a significantly better user experience when using --dev.

The panel serve command has the following options:

positional arguments:
  DIRECTORY-OR-SCRIPT   The app directories or scripts to serve (serve empty document if not specified)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT           Port to listen on
  --address ADDRESS     Address to listen on
  --unix-socket UNIX-SOCKET
                        Unix socket to bind. Network options such as port, address, ssl options are incompatible with unix socket
  --log-level LOG-LEVEL
                        One of: trace, debug, info, warning, error or critical
  --log-format LOG-FORMAT
                        A standard Python logging format string (default: '%(asctime)s %(message)s')
  --log-file LOG-FILE   A filename to write logs to, or None to write to the standard stream (default: None)
  --use-config CONFIG   Use a YAML config file for settings
  --args ...            Command line arguments remaining to passed on to the application handler. NOTE: if this argument precedes DIRECTORY-OR-SCRIPT then some other argument, e.g. --show, must be placed before the directory or script.
  --dev [FILES-TO-WATCH ...]
                        Enable live reloading during app development. By default it watches all *.py *.html *.css *.yaml files in the app directory tree. Additional files can be passed as arguments. NOTE: if this argument precedes DIRECTORY-OR-SCRIPT then some other argument, e.g
                        --show, must be placed before the directory or script. NOTE: This setting only works with a single app. It also restricts the number of processes to 1. NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS : this option must be invoked using 'python -m bokeh'. If not Tornado will fail to
                        restart the server
  --show                Open server app(s) in a browser
  --allow-websocket-origin HOST[:PORT]
                        Public hostnames which may connect to the Bokeh websocket With unix socket, the websocket origin restrictions should be enforced by the proxy.
  --prefix PREFIX       URL prefix for Bokeh server URLs
  --ico-path ICO_PATH   Path to a .ico file to use as the favicon.ico, or 'none' to disable favicon.ico support. If unset, a default Bokeh .ico file will be used
  --keep-alive MILLISECONDS
                        How often to send a keep-alive ping to clients, 0 to disable.
  --check-unused-sessions MILLISECONDS
                        How often to check for unused sessions
  --unused-session-lifetime MILLISECONDS
                        How long unused sessions last
  --stats-log-frequency MILLISECONDS
                        How often to log stats
  --mem-log-frequency MILLISECONDS
                        How often to log memory usage information
  --use-xheaders        Prefer X-headers for IP/protocol information
  --ssl-certfile CERTFILE
                        Absolute path to a certificate file for SSL termination
  --ssl-keyfile KEYFILE
                        Absolute path to a private key file for SSL termination
  --session-ids MODE    One of: unsigned, signed or external-signed
  --auth-module AUTH_MODULE
                        Absolute path to a Python module that implements auth hooks
                        Whether to enable Tornado support for XSRF cookies. All PUT, POST, or DELETE handlers must be properly instrumented when this setting is enabled.
  --exclude-headers EXCLUDE_HEADERS [EXCLUDE_HEADERS ...]
                        A list of request headers to exclude from the session context (by default all headers are included).
  --exclude-cookies EXCLUDE_COOKIES [EXCLUDE_COOKIES ...]
                        A list of request cookies to exclude from the session context (by default all cookies are included).
  --include-headers INCLUDE_HEADERS [INCLUDE_HEADERS ...]
                        A list of request headers to make available in the session context (by default all headers are included).
  --include-cookies INCLUDE_COOKIES [INCLUDE_COOKIES ...]
                        A list of request cookies to make available in the session context (by default all cookies are included).
  --cookie-secret COOKIE_SECRET
                        Configure to enable getting/setting secure cookies
  --index INDEX         Path to a template to use for the site index
  --disable-index       Do not use the default index on the root path
                        Do not redirect to running app from root path
  --num-procs N         Number of worker processes for an app. Using 0 will autodetect number of cores (defaults to 1)
  --session-token-expiration N
                        Duration in seconds that a new session token is valid for session creation. After the expiry time has elapsed, the token will not be able create a new session (defaults to seconds).
  --websocket-max-message-size BYTES
                        Set the Tornado websocket_max_message_size value (default: 20MB)
  --websocket-compression-level LEVEL
                        Set the Tornado WebSocket compression_level
  --websocket-compression-mem-level LEVEL
                        Set the Tornado WebSocket compression mem_level
  --glob                Process all filename arguments as globs
  --static-dirs KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]
                        Static directories to serve specified as key=value pairs mapping from URL route to static file directory.
  --basic-auth BASIC_AUTH
                        Password or filepath to use with Basic Authentication.
  --oauth-provider OAUTH_PROVIDER
                        The OAuth2 provider to use.
  --oauth-key OAUTH_KEY
                        The OAuth2 key to use
  --oauth-secret OAUTH_SECRET
                        The OAuth2 secret to use
  --oauth-redirect-uri OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI
                        The OAuth2 redirect URI
  --oauth-extra-params OAUTH_EXTRA_PARAMS
                        Additional parameters to use.
  --oauth-jwt-user OAUTH_JWT_USER
                        The key in the ID JWT token to consider the user.
  --oauth-encryption-key OAUTH_ENCRYPTION_KEY
                        A random string used to encode the user information.
  --oauth-error-template OAUTH_ERROR_TEMPLATE
                        A random string used to encode the user information.
  --oauth-expiry-days OAUTH_EXPIRY_DAYS
                        Expiry off the OAuth cookie in number of days.
  --oauth-refresh-tokens OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKENS
                        Whether to automatically refresh OAuth access tokens when they expire.
  --auth-template AUTH_TEMPLATE
                        Template to serve when user is unauthenticated.
  --basic-login-template BASIC_LOGIN_TEMPLATE
                        Template to serve for Basic Authentication login page.
  --rest-provider REST_PROVIDER
                        The interface to use to serve REST API
  --rest-endpoint REST_ENDPOINT
                        Endpoint to store REST API on.
  --rest-session-info   Whether to serve session info on the REST API
  --session-history SESSION_HISTORY
                        The length of the session history to record.
  --warm                Whether to execute scripts on startup to warm up the server.
  --admin               Whether to add an admin panel.
  --admin-log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
                        One of: debug (default), info, warning, error or critical
  --profiler PROFILER   The profiler to use by default, e.g. pyinstrument, snakeviz or memray.
  --autoreload          Whether to autoreload source when script changes.
  --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        Whether to start a thread pool which events are dispatched to.
  --setup SETUP         Path to a setup script to run before server starts.
  --liveness            Whether to add a liveness endpoint.
  --liveness-endpoint LIVENESS_ENDPOINT
                        The endpoint for the liveness API.
  --reuse-sessions      Whether to reuse sessions when serving the initial request.
                        Whether to add a global loading spinner to the application(s).

To turn a notebook into a deployable app simply append .servable() to one or more Panel objects, which will add the app to Bokeh’s curdoc, ensuring it can be discovered by Bokeh server on deployment. In this way it is trivial to build dashboards that can be used interactively in a notebook and then seamlessly deployed on Bokeh server.

When called on a notebook, panel serve first converts it to a python script using nbconvert.PythonExporter(), albeit with IPython magics stripped out. This means that non-code cells, such as raw cells, are entirely handled by nbconvert and may modify the served app.