Create Layouts With ReactiveHTML#

In this guide we will show you how to build custom layouts using HTML and ReactiveHTML.

Layout a single parameter#

You can layout a single object as follows.

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import Child, ReactiveHTML


class LayoutSingleObject(ReactiveHTML):

    object = Child(allow_refs=False)

    _template = """
      <h2>A measurement from the sensor</h2>
      <div id="object">${object}</div>

dial = pn.widgets.Dial(
    colors=[(0.40, "green"), (1, "red")],
    bounds=(0, 100),
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},


  • We define the HTML layout in the _template attribute.

  • We can refer to the parameter object in the _template via the template parameter ${object}.

    • We must give the div element holding the ${object} an id. If we do not, then an exception will be raised. The id can be any value, for example id="my-object".

  • We call our object parameter object to be consistent with our built in layouts. But the parameter can be called anything. For example value, dial or temperature.

  • We add the border in the styles parameter so that we can better see how the _template layes out inside the ReactiveHTML component. This can be very useful for development.

Layout multiple parameters#

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import Child, ReactiveHTML


class LayoutMultipleValues(ReactiveHTML):
    object1 = Child()
    object2 = Child()

    _template = """
        <h1>Object 1</h1>
        <div id="object1">${object1}</div>
        <h1>Object 2</h1>
        <div id="object2">${object2}</div>

layout = LayoutMultipleValues(
    object1="This is the **value** of `object1`", object2="This is the **value** of `object2`",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

You might notice that the values of object1 and object2 looks like they have been rendered as markdown! That is correct.

Before inserting the value of a parameter in the _template, Panel transforms the value using pn.panel. And for a string value pn.panel returns a Markdown pane.

Let’s verify this.

print(type(layout.object1), type(layout.object2))
<class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'> <class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'>

Lets for fun try another example

    object1="Do you like **beat boxing**?",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

Layout as literal str values#

If you want to show the literal str value of your parameter instead of the pn.panel return value you can configure that via the _child_config attribute.

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import ReactiveHTML


class LayoutLiteralValues(ReactiveHTML):
    object1 = param.String()
    object2 = param.String()

    _child_config = {"object1": "literal", "object2": "literal"}

    _template = """
      .pn-container {height: 100%;width: 100%;}
    <div class="pn-container">
      <h1>Object 1</h1>
      <div id="object1">${object1}</div>
      <h1>Object 2</h1>
      <div id="object2">${object2}</div>

layout = LayoutLiteralValues(
    object1="This is the **value** of `object1`", object2="This is the **value** of `object2`",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

Lets check the types

print(type(layout.object1), type(layout.object2))
<class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'> <class 'panel.pane.markup.Markdown'>

Layout a list of objects#

If you want to want to layout a dynamic List of objects you can use a for loop.

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import Children, ReactiveHTML


class LayoutOfList(ReactiveHTML):

    objects = Children()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
        {% for object in objects %}
            <h1>Object {{ loop.index0 }}</h1>
            <div id="object">${object}</div>
        {% endfor %}

    "I **love** beat boxing",
    "Yes I do!"
], styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"}).servable()

The component will trigger a rerendering if you update the List value.


You must

  • wrap the {% for object in objects %} loop in an HTML element with an id. Here it is wrapped with <div id="container">...</div>.

  • close all HTML tags! <hr> is valid HTML, but not valid with ReactiveHTML. You must close it as <hr/>.

You can optionally

  • get the index of the {% for object in objects %} loop via {{ loop.index0 }}.

Create a list like layout#

If you want to create a list like layout similar to Column and Row, you can combine ListLike and ReactiveHTML.

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import ReactiveHTML
from panel.layout.base import ListLike


class ListLikeLayout(ListLike, ReactiveHTML):
    objects = param.List()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
      {% for object in objects %}
        <h1>Object {{ loop.index0 }}</h1>
        <div id="object">${object}</div>
      {% endfor %}

layout = ListLikeLayout(
    "I love beat boxing",
    "Yes I do!",
    styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"},

You can now use [...] indexing and the .append, .insert, pop, … methods that you would expect.


You must list ListLike, ReactiveHTML in exactly that order when you define the class! The other way around ReactiveHTML, NamedListLike will not work.

Layout a dictionary#

If you want to layout a dictionary, you can use a for loop on the .items().

import panel as pn
import param

from panel.custom import ReactiveHTML


class LayoutOfDict(ReactiveHTML):
    object = param.Dict()

    _template = """
    <div id="container" class="pn-container">
    {% for key, value in object.items() %}
      <h1>{{ loop.index0 }}. {{ key }}</h1>
      <div id="value">${value}</div>
    {% endfor %}

    "Intro":  "I **love** beat boxing",
    "Example": "",
    "*Outro*": "Yes I do!"
}, styles={"border": "2px solid lightgray"}).servable()


  • We can insert the key as a literal value only using {{ key }}. Inserting it as a template variable ${key} will not work.

  • We must not give the HTML element containing {{ key }} an id. If we do, an exception will be raised.