_param Module#

_param Module#

class panel._param.Align(default='start', *, doc=None, label=None, precedence=None, instantiate=False, constant=False, readonly=False, pickle_default_value=True, allow_None=False, per_instance=True, allow_refs=False, nested_refs=False)[source]#

Bases: Parameter

A Parameter type to validate alignment options. Supports ‘auto’, ‘start’, ‘center’, ‘end’ or a two-tuple of these values corresponding to the (vertical, horizontal) alignment.

classmethod deserialize(value)[source]#

Given a serializable Python value, return a value that the parameter can be set to

classmethod serialize(value)[source]#

Given the parameter value, return a Python value suitable for serialization

class panel._param.Aspect(default=None, allow_None=True, *, doc=None, label=None, precedence=None, instantiate=False, constant=False, readonly=False, pickle_default_value=True, per_instance=True, allow_refs=False, nested_refs=False)[source]#

Bases: Parameter

A Parameter type to validate aspect ratios. Supports numeric values and auto.

classmethod deserialize(value)[source]#

Given a serializable Python value, return a value that the parameter can be set to

classmethod serialize(value)[source]#

Given the parameter value, return a Python value suitable for serialization

class panel._param.Margin(default=None, allow_None=True, *, doc=None, label=None, precedence=None, instantiate=False, constant=False, readonly=False, pickle_default_value=True, per_instance=True, allow_refs=False, nested_refs=False)[source]#

Bases: Parameter

A Parameter type to validate margins. Following CSS conventions the parameter supports numeric values and tuples of length 2 and 4 corresponding to (vertical, horizontal) margins and (top, right, bottom, left) margins.

classmethod deserialize(value)[source]#

Given a serializable Python value, return a value that the parameter can be set to

classmethod serialize(value)[source]#

Given the parameter value, return a Python value suitable for serialization