The interface module provides an even higher-level API for interacting with a list of ChatMessage objects compared to the ChatFeed through a frontend input UI.
- class*objects, **params)[source]#
High level widget that contains the chat log and the chat input.
- Example:
>>> async def repeat_contents(contents, user, instance): >>> yield contents
>>> chat_interface = ChatInterface( ... callback=repeat_contents, widgets=[TextInput(), FileInput()] ... )
- Attributes:
The currently active input widget tab index; -1 if there is only one widget available which is not in a tab.
The currently active widget.
(value[, user, avatar, respond, ...])Sends a value and creates a new message in the chat log.
(value[, user, avatar, message, ...])Streams a token and updates the provided message, if provided.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters inherited from:
: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visiblepanel.viewable.Viewable
: loadingpanel.layout.base.ListPanel
: margin, objects, auto_scroll_limit, callback, callback_exception, callback_user, callback_avatar, edit_callback, card_params, collapsible, disabled, message_params, header, help_text, load_buffer, placeholder_text, placeholder_params, placeholder_threshold, post_hook, renderers, scroll_button_threshold, show_activity_dot, view_latest, _placeholder, _callback_state, _prompt_trigger, _callback_trigger, _disabled_stackauto_send_types = List(bounds=(0, None), default=[], label='Auto send types')
The widget types to automatically send when the user presses enter or clicks away from the widget. If not provided, defaults to [TextInput].
avatar = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class '_io.BytesIO'>, <class 'bytes'>, <class 'panel.pane.image.ImageBase'>), label='Avatar')
The avatar to use for the user. Can be a single character text, an emoji, or anything supported by pn.pane.Image. If not set, uses the first character of the name.
reset_on_send = Boolean(default=True, label='Reset on send')
Whether to reset the widget’s value after sending a message; has no effect for TextInput.
show_send = Boolean(default=True, label='Show send')
Whether to show the send button.
show_stop = Boolean(default=True, label='Show stop')
Whether to show the stop button temporarily replacing the send button during callback; has no effect if callback is not async.
show_rerun = Boolean(default=True, label='Show rerun')
Whether to show the rerun button.
show_undo = Boolean(default=True, label='Show undo')
Whether to show the undo button.
show_clear = Boolean(default=True, label='Show clear')
Whether to show the clear button.
show_button_name = Boolean(allow_None=True, label='Show button name')
Whether to show the button name.
show_button_tooltips = Boolean(default=False, label='Show button tooltips')
Whether to show the button tooltips.
user = String(default='User', label='User')
Name of the ChatInterface user.
widgets = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'panel.widgets.base.WidgetBase'>, <class 'list'>), label='Widgets')
Widgets to use for the input. If not provided, defaults to [TextInput].
button_properties = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Button properties')
Allows addition of functionality or customization of buttons by supplying a mapping from the button name to a dictionary containing the icon, callback, post_callback, and/or js_on_click keys. If the button names correspond to default buttons (send, rerun, undo, clear), the default icon can be updated and if a callback key value pair is provided, the specified callback functionality runs before the existing one. For button names that don’t match existing ones, new buttons are created and must include a callback, post_callback, and/or js_on_click key. The provided callbacks should have a signature that accepts two positional arguments: instance (the ChatInterface instance) and event (the button click event). The js_on_click key should be a str or dict. If str, provide the JavaScript code; else if dict, it must have a code key, containing the JavaScript code to execute when the button is clicked, and optionally an args key, containing dictionary of arguments to pass to the JavaScript code.
_widgets = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label=' widgets')
The input widgets.
_input_container = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'panel.layout.base.Row'>, label=' input container')
The input message row that wraps the input layout (Tabs / Row) to easily swap between Tabs and Rows, depending on number of widgets.
_input_layout = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'panel.layout.base.Row'>, <class 'panel.layout.tabs.Tabs'>), label=' input layout')
The input layout that contains the input widgets.
_button_data = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label=' button data')
Metadata and data related to the buttons.
_buttons = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label=' buttons')
The rendered buttons.
- property active: int#
The currently active input widget tab index; -1 if there is only one widget available which is not in a tab.
- Returns:
- The active input widget tab index.
- property active_widget: WidgetBase#
The currently active widget.
- Returns:
- The active widget.
- send(value: ChatMessage | dict | Any, user: str | None = None, avatar: str | bytes | BytesIO | None = None, respond: bool = True, trigger_post_hook: bool = True, **message_params) ChatMessage | None [source]#
Sends a value and creates a new message in the chat log.
If respond is True, additionally executes the callback, if provided.
- Parameters:
- valueChatMessage | dict | Any
The message contents to send.
- userstr | None
The user to send as; overrides the message message’s user if provided. Will default to the user parameter.
- avatarstr | bytes | BytesIO | None
The avatar to use; overrides the message message’s avatar if provided. Will default to the avatar parameter.
- respondbool
Whether to execute the callback.
- trigger_post_hook: bool
Whether to trigger the post hook after sending.
- message_paramsdict
Additional parameters to pass to the ChatMessage.
- Returns:
- The message that was created.
- stream(value: str | dict | ChatMessage, user: str | None = None, avatar: str | bytes | BytesIO | None = None, message: ChatMessage | None = None, replace: bool = False, trigger_post_hook: bool = False, **message_params) ChatMessage | None [source]#
Streams a token and updates the provided message, if provided. Otherwise creates a new message in the chat log, so be sure the returned message is passed back into the method, e.g. message =, message=message).
This method is primarily for outputs that are not generators– notably LangChain. For most cases, use the send method instead.
- Parameters:
- valuestr | dict | ChatMessage
The new token value to stream.
- userstr | None
The user to stream as; overrides the message’s user if provided. Will default to the user parameter.
- avatarstr | bytes | BytesIO | None
The avatar to use; overrides the message’s avatar if provided. Will default to the avatar parameter.
- messageChatMessage | None
The message to update.
- replacebool
Whether to replace the existing text when streaming a string or dict.
- trigger_post_hook: bool
Whether to trigger the post hook after streaming.
- message_paramsdict
Additional parameters to pass to the ChatMessage.
- Returns:
- The message that was updated.