panel.pane.textual module#

class panel.pane.textual.Textual(object=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: Pane

The Textual pane provides a wrapper around a Textual App component, rendering it inside a Terminal and running it on the existing Panel event loop, i.e. either on the server or the notebook asyncio.EventLoop.



>>> Textual(app)



Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.pane.base.PaneBase: margin, default_layout, object

classmethod applies(object)[source]#

Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.