
Contains Media panes including renderers for Audio and Video content.

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: _MediaBase

The Audio pane displays an audio player given a local or remote audio file, a NumPy Array or Torch Tensor.

The pane also allows access and control over the player state including toggling of playing/paused and loop state, the current time, and the volume.

The audio player supports ogg, mp3, and wav files

If SciPy is installed, 1-dim Numpy Arrays and 1-dim Torch Tensors are also supported. The dtype must be one of the following

  • numpy: np.int16, np.uint16, np.float32, np.float64

  • torch: torch.short, torch.int16, torch.half, torch.float16, torch.float, torch.float32,

torch.double, torch.float64

The array or Tensor input will be downsampled to 16bit and converted to a wav file by SciPy.



>>> Audio('', name='Audio')



Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.pane.base.PaneBase: margin, default_layout loop, time, throttle, paused, volume, autoplay, muted

object = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class ''>), default='', label='Object')

The audio file either local or remote, a 1-dim NumPy ndarray or a 1-dim Torch Tensor.

sample_rate = Integer(default=44100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Sample rate')

The sample_rate of the audio when given a NumPy array or Torch tensor.

classmethod applies(obj: Any) float | bool | None[source]#

Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.


Bases: object

A class similar to torch.Tensor. We don’t want to make PyTorch a dependency of this project


Bases: type


class, **params)[source]#

Bases: _MediaBase

The Video Pane displays a video player given a local or remote video file.

The widget also allows access and control over the player state including toggling of playing/paused and loop state, the current time, and the volume.

Depending on the browser the video player supports mp4, webm, and ogg containers and a variety of codecs.



>>> Video(
...     '',
...     width=640, height=360, loop=True
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.pane.base.PaneBase: margin, default_layout object, loop, time, throttle, paused, autoplay, muted

volume = Integer(bounds=(0, 100), default=100, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Volume')

The volume of the media player.