panel.pane.perspective module#

class panel.pane.perspective.Perspective(object=None, **params)[source]#

Bases: ModelPane, ReactiveData

The Perspective pane provides an interactive visualization component for large, real-time datasets built on the Perspective project.



>>> Perspective(df, plugin='hypergrid', theme='pro-dark')



Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.


Register a callback to be executed when any row is clicked.

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.reactive.SyncableData: selection

panel.pane.base.PaneBase: margin, default_layout

min_width = Integer(bounds=(0, None), default=420, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Min width')

Minimal width of the component (in pixels) if width is adjustable.

object = Parameter(allow_None=True, allow_refs=True, label='Object')

The plot data declared as a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame.

aggregates = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Aggregates', nested_refs=True)

How to aggregate. For example {“x”: “distinct count”}

columns = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Columns', nested_refs=True)

A list of source columns to show as columns. For example [“x”, “y”]

columns_config = Dict(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'dict'>, label='Columns config', nested_refs=True)

Column configuration allowing specification of formatters, coloring and a variety of other attributes for each column.

editable = Boolean(allow_None=True, default=True, label='Editable')

Whether items are editable.

expressions = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>), label='Expressions', nested_refs=True)

A list of expressions computing new columns from existing columns. For example [“”x”+”index””]

split_by = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Split by', nested_refs=True)

A list of source columns to pivot by. For example [“x”, “y”]

filters = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Filters', nested_refs=True)

How to filter. For example [[“x”, “<”, 3],[“y”, “contains”, “abc”]]

group_by = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Group by')

A list of source columns to group by. For example [“x”, “y”]

selectable = Boolean(allow_None=True, default=True, label='Selectable')

Whether items are selectable.

sort = List(allow_None=True, bounds=(0, None), label='Sort')

How to sort. For example[[“x”,”desc”]]

plugin = Selector(default='datagrid', label='Plugin', names={}, objects=['hypergrid', 'datagrid', 'd3_y_bar', 'd3_x_bar', 'd3_xy_line', 'd3_y_line', 'd3_y_area', 'd3_y_scatter', 'd3_xy_scatter', 'd3_treemap', 'd3_sunburst', 'd3_heatmap', 'd3_candlestick', 'd3_ohlc'])

The name of a plugin to display the data. For example hypergrid or d3_xy_scatter.

plugin_config = Dict(class_=<class 'dict'>, default={}, label='Plugin config', nested_refs=True)

Configuration for the PerspectiveViewerPlugin.

settings = Boolean(default=True, label='Settings')

Whether to show the settings menu.

theme = Selector(default='pro', label='Theme', names={}, objects=['material', 'material-dark', 'monokai', 'solarized', 'solarized-dark', 'vaporwave', 'pro', 'pro-dark'])

The style of the PerspectiveViewer. For example pro-dark

title = String(allow_None=True, label='Title')

Title for the Perspective viewer.

classmethod applies(object)[source]#

Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.

on_click(callback: Callable[[PerspectiveClickEvent], None])[source]#

Register a callback to be executed when any row is clicked. The callback is given a PerspectiveClickEvent declaring the config, column names, and row values of the row that was clicked.

callback: (callable)

The callback to run on edit events.

priority: ClassVar[float | bool | None] = None#
class panel.pane.perspective.Plugin(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

The plugins (grids/charts) available in Perspective. Pass these into the plugin arg in PerspectiveWidget or PerspectiveViewer.

static options()[source]#

Returns the list of options of the PerspectiveViewer, like Hypergrid, Grid etc.

options: list

A list of available options

panel.pane.perspective.deconstruct_pandas(data, kwargs=None)[source]#

Given a dataframe, flatten it by resetting the index and memoizing the pivots that were applied.

This code was copied from the Perspective repository and is reproduced under Apache 2.0 license. See the original at:


data: (pandas.dataframe)

A Pandas DataFrame to parse

data: pandas.DataFrame

A flattened version of the DataFrame

kwargs: dict

A dictionary containing optional members columns, group_by, and split_by.