panel.widgets.slider module#

Sliders allow you to select a value from a defined range of values by moving one or more handle(s).

  • The value will update when a handle is dragged.

  • The `value_throttled`will update when a handle is released.

class panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider(*, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.widgets.base.WidgetBase: value

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

format = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter'>), label='Format')

A custom format string or Bokeh TickFormatter.

class panel.widgets.slider.DateRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateRangeSlider widget allows selecting a date range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=2,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = DateRange(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value', length=2)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when one of the handles is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime,, and np.datetime64 ranges.

value_start = Date(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value start', readonly=True)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = Date(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value end', readonly=True)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = DateRange(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled', length=2, nested_refs=True)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated one of the handles is released. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 ranges

start = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

step = Number(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size in days. Default is 1 day.

format = String(allow_None=True, label='Format')

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

class panel.widgets.slider.DateSlider(*, as_datetime, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _SliderBase

The DateSlider widget allows selecting a value within a set of bounds using a slider. Supports datetime.datetime, and np.datetime64 values. The step size is fixed at 1 day.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DateSlider(
...     value=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 7),
...     name="A datetime value"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value')

The selected date value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is dragged. Supports datetime.datetime, or np.datetime64 types.

value_throttled = Date(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled')

The value of the slider. Updated when the slider handle is released.

start = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Date(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

as_datetime = Boolean(default=False, label='As datetime')

Whether to store the date as a datetime.

step = Integer(bounds=(1, None), default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step parameter in days.

format = String(allow_None=True, label='Format')

Datetime format used for parsing and formatting the date.

class panel.widgets.slider.DatetimeRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: DateRangeSlider

The DatetimeRangeSlider widget allows selecting a datetime range using a slider with two handles. Supports datetime.datetime and np.datetime64 ranges.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DatetimeRangeSlider(
...     value=(dt.datetime(2025, 1, 9), dt.datetime(2025, 1, 16)),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 31),
...     step=10000,
...     name="A tuple of datetimes"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.DateRangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, start, end, format

step = Number(default=60000, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size in ms. Default is 1 min.

class panel.widgets.slider.DatetimeSlider(*, as_datetime, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: DateSlider

The DatetimeSlider widget allows selecting a value within a set of bounds using a slider. Supports, datetime.datetime and np.datetime64 values. The step size is fixed at 1 minute.



>>> import datetime as dt
>>> DatetimeSlider(
...     value=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     start=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 1),
...     end=dt.datetime(2025, 1, 7),
...     name="A datetime value"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.DateSlider: value, value_throttled, start, end, format

as_datetime = Boolean(constant=True, default=True, label='As datetime', readonly=True)

Whether to store the date as a datetime.

step = Number(bounds=(1, None), default=60, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size in seconds. Default is 1 minute, i.e 60 seconds.

class panel.widgets.slider.DiscreteSlider(*, formatter, options, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The DiscreteSlider widget allows selecting a value from a discrete list or dictionary of values using a slider.



>>> DiscreteSlider(
...     value=0,
...     options=list([0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]),
...     name="A discrete value",
... )

The list of labels to display


The list of option values

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = Parameter(allow_None=True, label='Value')

The selected value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged. Must be one of the options.

value_throttled = Parameter(allow_None=True, constant=True, label='Value throttled')

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

options = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'dict'>, <class 'list'>), default=[], label='Options')

A list or dictionary of valid options.

formatter = String(default='%.3g', label='Formatter')

A custom format string. Separate from format parameter since formatting is applied in Python, not via the bokeh TickFormatter.

property labels#

The list of labels to display

property values#

The list of option values

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableFloatSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, FloatSlider

The EditableFloatSlider widget allows selecting selecting a numeric floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable number input box.



>>> EditableFloatSlider(
...     value=1.0, start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A float value"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.FloatSlider: value, start, end, step, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = Number(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed start')

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = Number(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed end')

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableIntSlider(*, fixed_end, fixed_start, editable, end, start, step, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _EditableContinuousSlider, IntSlider

The EditableIntSlider widget allows selecting selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider and for more precise control offers an editable integer input box.



>>> EditableIntSlider(
...     value=2, start=0, end=5, step=1, name="An integer value"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

panel.widgets.slider.IntSlider: value, start, end, step, value_throttled

panel.widgets.slider._EditableContinuousSlider: editable, show_value

fixed_start = Integer(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed start')

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = Integer(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed end')

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

class panel.widgets.slider.EditableRangeSlider(*, editable, end, fixed_end, fixed_start, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: CompositeWidget, _SliderBase

The EditableRangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles and for more precise control also offers a set of number input boxes.



>>> EditableRangeSlider(
...      value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, tooltips

value = Range(default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value', length=2)

Current range value. Updated when a handle is dragged.

show_value = Boolean(constant=True, default=False, label='Show value', readonly=True)

Whether to show the widget value.

value_throttled = Range(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled', length=2)

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

start = Number(default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

Lower bound of the range.

end = Number(default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

Upper bound of the range.

fixed_start = Number(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed start')

A fixed lower bound for the slider and input.

fixed_end = Number(allow_None=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Fixed end')

A fixed upper bound for the slider and input.

step = Number(default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

Slider and number input step.

editable = Tuple(default=(True, True), label='Editable', length=2)

Whether the lower and upper values are editable.

format = ClassSelector(class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter'>), default='0.0[0000]', label='Format')

Allows defining a custom format string or bokeh TickFormatter.

class panel.widgets.slider.FloatSlider(*, end, start, step, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The FloatSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> FloatSlider(value=0.5, start=0.0, end=1.0, step=0.1, name="Float value")

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

value = Number(allow_None=True, default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value')

The selected floating-point value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

start = Number(default=0.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Number(default=1.0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

step = Number(default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size.

value_throttled = Number(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled')

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released.

class panel.widgets.slider.IntRangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: RangeSlider

The IntRangeSlider widget allows selecting an integer range using a slider with two handles.



>>> IntRangeSlider(
...     value=(2, 4), start=0, end=10, step=2, name="A tuple of integers"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.RangeSlider: value, value_start, value_end, value_throttled, format

start = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Integer(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

step = Integer(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size

class panel.widgets.slider.IntSlider(*, end, start, step, value_throttled, format, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: ContinuousSlider

The IntSlider widget allows selecting an integer value within a set of bounds using a slider.



>>> IntSlider(value=5, start=0, end=10, step=1, name="Integer Value")

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

panel.widgets.slider.ContinuousSlider: format

value = Integer(allow_None=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value')

The selected integer value of the slider. Updated when the handle is dragged.

start = Integer(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Integer(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

step = Integer(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size.

value_throttled = Integer(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled')

The value of the slider. Updated when the handle is released

class panel.widgets.slider.RangeSlider(*, end, format, start, step, value_throttled, bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips, disabled, loading, align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, height_policy, margin, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, sizing_mode, styles, stylesheets, tags, visible, width, width_policy, value, name)[source]#

Bases: _RangeSliderBase

The RangeSlider widget allows selecting a floating-point range using a slider with two handles.



>>> RangeSlider(
...     value=(1.0, 1.5), start=0.0, end=2.0, step=0.25, name="A tuple of floats"
... )

Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.widgets.base.Widget: height, margin, width, disabled

panel.widgets.slider._SliderBase: bar_color, direction, orientation, show_value, tooltips

value = Range(default=(0, 1), inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value', length=2, nested_refs=True)

The selected range as a tuple of values. Updated when a handle is dragged.

value_start = Number(constant=True, default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value start', readonly=True)

The lower value of the selected range.

value_end = Number(constant=True, default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value end', readonly=True)

The upper value of the selected range.

value_throttled = Range(allow_None=True, constant=True, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Value throttled', length=2, nested_refs=True)

The selected range as a tuple of floating point values. Updated when a handle is released

start = Number(default=0, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Start')

The lower bound.

end = Number(default=1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='End')

The upper bound.

step = Number(default=0.1, inclusive_bounds=(True, True), label='Step')

The step size.

format = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=(<class 'str'>, <class 'bokeh.models.formatters.TickFormatter'>), label='Format')

A format string or bokeh TickFormatter.