panel.interact module#

Interact with functions using widgets.

The interact Pane implemented in this module mirrors ipywidgets.interact in its API and implementation. Large parts of the code were copied directly from ipywidgets:

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class panel.interact.interactive(object, params={}, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Pane




Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.



Find the abbreviations for the given function and kwargs.


Given a sequence of (name, abbrev, default) tuples, return a sequence of Widgets.


Parameter Definitions

Parameters inherited from:

panel.viewable.Layoutable: align, aspect_ratio, css_classes, design, height, min_width, min_height, max_width, max_height, styles, stylesheets, tags, width, width_policy, height_policy, sizing_mode, visible

panel.viewable.Viewable: loading

panel.pane.base.PaneBase: margin, object

default_layout = ClassSelector(class_=<class 'panel.layout.base.Panel'>, default=<class 'panel.layout.base.Column'>, label='Default layout')

Defines the layout the model(s) returned by the pane will be placed in.

manual_update = Boolean(default=False, label='Manual update')

Whether to update manually by clicking on button.

manual_name = String(default='Run Interact', label='Manual name')

_pane = ClassSelector(allow_None=True, class_=<class 'panel.viewable.Viewable'>, label=' pane')

classmethod applies(object)[source]#

Returns boolean or float indicating whether the Pane can render the object.

If the priority of the pane is set to None, this method may also be used to define a float priority depending on the object being rendered.


alias of Column


Find the abbreviations for the given function and kwargs. Return (name, abbrev, default) tuples.


Given a sequence of (name, abbrev, default) tuples, return a sequence of Widgets.